Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1311 This bread is ready!

Soon, it was dawn.

The alliance resident, this is a small town not far from Kasha City, Richard's temporary residence is located in a mansion in the center of the small town.

There is a small garden in the courtyard, and there is an open space in the small garden. There is a long stone table on the open space, and Li Cha is sitting behind the stone table at this moment.

There was a papyrus scroll on the stone table. Li Cha took a quill and wrote on the papyrus scroll with a "scratch" and recorded some items that he was going to test next.


After writing for about a minute, Li Cha stopped the quill and looked straight ahead. Seeing Bibi standing there, she got very impatient, yawned and looked over and asked, "Hey, I'm about to fall asleep, can you hurry up?"

"It's time to start."

"Well, that's really not easy." Bibi curled her lips, and then asked, "You said you want me to work for you, and you called me here, what exactly are you doing?"

"Help me test a spell idea."

"Specifically?" Bibi asked a little puzzled.

"The specific point is that I will try to restrain you with a spell, so that you cannot leave a certain area, and you have to work hard to escape, so that I can understand how strong the restraint effect of this spell is." Richard explained.

After hearing this, Bibi nodded half-understood, reacted for about three seconds, rolled her eyelids and said with disdain: "It sounds very simple... But then again, I will be paid for doing this work for you, right? I don't like money very much, but I have to give some food and drink, right?"

"This...what do you think about this?" Li Cha thought for a while, then took out a stick-shaped long bread, put it on the edge of the stone table, and asked, "If you pass the test, can you get the bread from where you are standing?" , Break through the shackles and go to the stone table to get this bread, I will give you this bread, how about it?"

"That's all—" Bibi glanced at her, and said in a drawn-out tone with some indifference, she curled her lips and said, "Don't underestimate people, okay!

I do like to eat, but a piece of bread doesn't tempt me, I've seen the world after all - bread is so much better! Besides, your bread is cracked on the outside, it looks like you didn't pay attention when baking it, and the ends are a little dry, the taste is definitely not good, I don't like to eat it. "

"Uh... what about adding this?" Li Cha thought for a while, flipped his hands over again, and took out a glass bottle, which was full of amber liquid.

"What is this?" Bibi looked over, with a bit of interest in her eyes.

Li Cha didn't answer in a hurry, and reached out to open the cork of the glass bottle, releasing the unique rich grape fruit aroma and the sweet and sour taste of the fermented liquid inside.

Bibi sniffed, her eyes lit up, and she blurted out: "It's wine! Well, it seems to be very fresh wine, it should taste very good, Gudong..." At the end, she swallowed lightly.

"Is this okay?" Li Cha asked.

"Okay, deal." Bibi replied bluntly, keeping her eyes on the wine without any deviation in her gaze.

"Okay, get ready, we can start." Li Cha put the uncorked glass bottle on the edge of the stone table, looked at Bibi and said.

Bibi took a deep breath and nodded quickly, indicating that she was ready.

Li Cha was not polite either, and slowly chanted the incantation, a ball of blood-red energy began to grow in his hand, and then flew straight to Bibi with a flick.


With a sound, the blood-red energy hit Bibi's body, like mist dissipating, and disappeared into nothingness. Li Cha said to Bibi: "Okay, you can try to leave the place."

"No problem." Bibi responded quickly after hearing this, and moved her toes forward cautiously, and found that nothing bad happened, and she didn't feel anything unusual.

Bibi's eyes widened and she blinked a few times. She obviously didn't understand, but she didn't think too much about it. The next moment she quickly approached the stone table, reaching out to grab the wine and bread.

One step, two steps, three steps...

When Bibi took the fourth step,

Frowning, he felt some slight resistance in the air around him.

Take the fifth step, and the resistance increases.

Taking the sixth step, the resistance is even greater, which is extremely obvious.

On the seventh step, Bibi felt a little strenuous.

On the eighth step, Bibi felt countless hands grabbing her body, dragging her back forcibly, preventing her from going forward.

Bibi frowned deeply, glanced at the stone table only three meters away from her, glanced at the bread and wine on the stone table, bit her lip hard, and mustered all her strength to take the ninth step.

Lift your leg, step forward, step down... step down hard... step down hard...


Feet touch the ground.

She did it!

Feeling the heavy feeling of the ground from the soles of her feet, Bibi's expression was happy, and she felt a little relaxed when she saw the wine that was almost within reach.

As a result, as soon as she relaxed, the drag force on her body increased by tens of thousands out of thin air, like a spring being pulled to the maximum stroke by her, and before she had time to react, she was pulled back violently.


With a muffled sound, Bibi flew back to the original place and sat down on the ground.

After a few seconds, Bibi stood up in a daze, looked at the position she was a few seconds ago, and then at the current position, feeling a little puzzled.

What brought her back?

Turning her head and looking around, Bibi finally noticed that there were countless thin translucent light red energy threads entwining her. These thin lines of energy are connected to her body at one end and the surrounding air at the other end, thus confining her to a small area around her.

Is that so...

Bibi reached out and tried to cut off the light red energy thread, but found that the energy thread seemed to be in a different dimension from her, and it was difficult to influence it. And even if a thread of energy is cut with a lot of effort, the thread of energy will recover quickly.

After wasting a few minutes to make sure that the thin thread could not be destroyed, Bibi had no choice but to bow to reality.

If it can't be destroyed, it won't be destroyed, and she can still leave this area... She was not prepared just now, and she used all her strength this time, so I don't believe it.


Bibi took a deep breath, and approached the stone table again.

One step, two steps, three's easy.

Then the fourth step... the same resistance as the first time.

The fifth step, the sixth step, the seventh step...the resistance is getting bigger and bigger.

The eighth step... The resistance has made the body a little hard to resist.

Step nine!

Biting her lip, Bibi forcibly took the ninth step, and was dragged back by a huge pulling force.


Falling to the ground again, Bibi was a little annoyed, she patted the dust off her clothes and stood up, staring at the bread and wine on the stone table.

To be honest, she didn't want to eat this bread and drink this wine much at first—that is, to the extent that she usually thinks about it, but after suffering two consecutive asses, she became angry.

Let's put it this way: whether it's for herself or for her ass, she's sure to eat this bread and drink this wine today!

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