Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1334: The Truth Comes Out

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Seeing that Sauron was aware of it, he understood Li Cha's thoughts as if he had a mind-reading skill, and said slowly: "Your Excellency Richard, you don't need to take action. You don't need to feel psychological pressure because you can't help, because this war, The part about you, you have successfully completed it... the rest is all my business."

"your business?"

Li Cha was taken aback for a moment, then blinked and thought. From Sauron's words, he suddenly had a deeper guess about the beginning and end of this war, and vaguely obtained a more reasonable explanation.

Could it be...

Just as he was about to reason step by step, suddenly there was a whistling sound above his head, interrupting his thinking. When Li Cha looked up, he found a wizard from the Society of Truth saw that there were people who were alone here, and rushed over unceremoniously, ready to clean them up.

There are brown lines on the back of the Truth Society wizard's hand, which seems to be preparing for a special magic attack.

Li Cha narrowed his eyes, first he was displeased because his thinking was interrupted, then he glanced at Sauron, pondering: Should he take action to solve this little trouble, or wait and see? Seeing Sauron's calm expression, he should have some ability to protect himself, then...

Just as he was thinking, the approaching wizard of the Society of Truth suddenly stopped in mid-air, and the next moment he suddenly took out a crystal ball from his clothes, and saw blood red on it, and his face changed suddenly.

At about the same time, the rest of the wizards of the Truth Society also took out the crystal balls one after another. Seeing the dangerous blood red on it, their faces became equally ugly.

This is……

The atmosphere in the field suddenly changed subtly, and the fierce battle was eased.

Finally, a wizard of the Society of Truth shouted, and the voice spread throughout the audience: "The headquarters is under attack, everyone retreats! Repeat, don't love to fight, retreat immediately!"


The wizards of the Truth Order quickly broke contact with the alliance army, and flew towards the north in the direction they came.

Naturally, the alliance army did not want the Wizard of Truth to succeed. Sauron looked towards the center of the battlefield, where the wizard in green robe was standing there. After receiving Sauron's gaze, he quickly issued an order, and the voice also spread throughout the audience: "Hold them, you can't Let go of any one."


The morale of the alliance army was greatly boosted and launched a pursuit.

"Ah!" There was a scream, and many wizards fell to the ground with serious injuries.

However, the alliance army is still insufficient in strength in the end. Just now, it was not the opponent of the Truth Society wizards. Now it is naturally impossible to really stop the Truth Society wizards who are determined to retreat. After a few small victories, he was a little helpless when he saw that the wizard of the Society of Truth left the battlefield and disappeared from sight.

However, the alliance army did not give up completely. Amidst the order, they took a short rest, followed the trail, and continued to chase the wizard of the Truth Society.

Chase chase chase……

After a long-distance pursuit, the Union army reached a sunken basin.

Entering the basin, one can see that the retreating wizards of the Truth Society are fighting with many magic knights who don't know where they came from.

At this time, the wizards of the Truth Society changed their original strength in attacking the alliance army. Under the attack of many magic knights, the number of them became smaller and smaller. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before they were completely dead.

Li Cha and Sauron followed the alliance army to chase here. Standing on the edge of the basin, looking at the dominant magic knights in the field, looking at the extremely eye-catching commanders of the four magic knights who kept killing the wizards of the Society of Truth, they suddenly thought what.

At this time, Sauron was also looking at the battlefield in the basin, and breathed out lightly, as if the overall situation had been settled, and said slowly: "Your Excellency Richard, I said that when the time comes, I can tell you about this war." Everything. It's almost here now, and if you want, I can tell you everything you're wondering."

"Really?" Richard blinked his eyes. "Well, it's true. Why don't we start from the very beginning? What is the reason why the Alliance launched this war? To deal with the Truth Society?"

"Yes." Sauron nodded,

Give confirmation.

"However, if it is to deal with the Truth Society, why should I act as a command consultant and give me real command authority? You should be clear about the conflict between me and the Truth Society. Let me become the second in command of the army. It is easy for the Truth Society to The suspicion is against them, so this is considered an early leak of intentions, right?"

"Actually, this is exactly what we want." Sauron said.

"What do you want? How do you say it?"

Sauron pursed his lips, as if organizing his words, and said seriously after a few seconds: "Your Excellency Richard, do you know that the essence of war is similar to street fights. Either side has weaknesses, as long as the weaknesses are overcome Hit, there is a great possibility of failure, and the other side wins.

It is precisely because of this that in actual operation, any party will closely protect its own weaknesses to prevent them from being discovered by the opponent. In order to break this stalemate, we need to deliberately expose a false weakness of our own to lure the opponent to attack, so that the opponent has a high chance of exposing the real weakness when attacking. As long as we resist the opponent's blow, and then attack the opponent's real weakness with all our strength, then the foundation for victory will be laid. "

"So, I'm that false weakness that was deliberately exposed?"

"No, you are just a part of that false weakness." Sauron shook his head and explained, "The real false weakness is composed of you, me, and all the alliance troops. In fact, the whole war is to show this false weakness. ongoing.

From the very beginning, we made you a command advisor to indirectly tell the Truth that we wanted to attack them. As the alliance front continues to advance to the interior of Sika, they are becoming more and more sure of this conjecture, and they will find ways to spy on intelligence, and they will want to use the Sika people to destroy us. If you can't eliminate it, you have no choice but to play in person, at all costs.

And when they actually played, all the results determined that they would definitely lose. "

"I will definitely lose?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows, "Do you think the truth will be so weak?"

"No, on the contrary, we think the truth will be very strong." Sauron shook his head and explained, "But...Your Excellency Richard, have you heard a proverb: The most unsuccessful time to be an assassin is not the failure of the assassination, but also the failure of the assassination. It's not that the assassination fails all the time, but... when the assassin decides to become a warrior.

Truth will be like an assassin, or even a master of assassins, as long as he hides in the dark, he can have a huge deterrent effect, and will launch a fatal blow to your vitals at any time, taking your life away. Truth will be like a devil again, with the ability to change form, he will slowly infiltrate into an organization, affect the decision-making of this organization, and then affect the situation of the entire continent.

The alliance has always suspected that the current situation of the Kingdom of Sika is the result of Truth's attack. They have been working hard for a long time, replacing Sika's orthodox royal family with a side blood. They made Sika weak, let Sika become fatuous, and when they were weak and fatuous, they also led Sika to fight us, and then they tried their best to help Sika, trying to get a balanced situation, let us both The country keeps stalemate, bleeding, and getting weaker. "

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