Five thousand chapters, finally finished. I feel that it is especially suitable to add three words at the end-the whole book is finished, but if I really add it, I am afraid that I will be killed immediately, ha.

In fact, the plot is really the end of a paragraph - the end of the first half of the volume "World Peace".

If the volume "World Peace" is subdivided, there are four sub-volumes:

The first small volume is called "Towards the Ultimate" from the very beginning to accepting the invitation of the black-faced old man Oscar.

The second volume is called "Wizard War" from Darcia to the exile of Gray Mist. Of course, I prefer to call it "Pinned into the Sky".

Next is the third small volume, and the fourth small volume. As for the name of the third volume, I will keep it a secret for the time being, because if I say it, it will be a spoiler, just like "nailed into the sky".

Well, I'm going to sort out the following plot, I hope it goes well.

And if it doesn't go well and I have to ask for leave, I hope to understand. After all, I just want to bring you a better story.

In addition, it is rare to ask for support once here. If you don't ask for anything else, just subscribe genuinely.

Recently, subscriptions have been dropping. Although it is not too serious, it always affects my mood. After all, only when the stories I write can get more and more genuine support and readers’ affirmation, I will be more motivated to write (strike out) go down.


Well, good night everyone, I'm going to rest too.


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