
Li Cha looked at the Emperor of the Alliance and asked, "Your Majesty, are you sure that it will be fulfilled within five days? But... what if it cannot be fulfilled?"

This is simply a blatant suspicion of the alliance emperor. If it is placed on a grumpy emperor, he will probably be furious the next moment, but Peter Romanov was just stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Haha, it seems that you are really serious. I can't believe me. Well, after all, you have indeed helped the Alliance complete the task beyond specification, and I should really guarantee that you can really get the reward, so how about this, I will sign a contract for you?"

While speaking, Peter Romanov walked to the side and walked to a stone table.

Pull out a piece of parchment from the stone table top, grab a large quill pen with your huge hands, dip it in ink, start writing on the parchment, and show it to Li Cha after writing .

Li Cha glanced at it, and saw that the above content was what the other party promised just now, but what made him raise his eyebrows was the last line, which was the punishment for breach of contract given by Peter Romanov—"If you make a mistake, Soma Everything in the alliance, whoever holds this contract, can take it."

This can be regarded as a heavy punishment, not simply using a person's identity or reputation as collateral, but directly using a country as collateral - if the person holding the contract is an ordinary person, there is no penalty for breaching the contract It's a joke, but the person who holds the contract is Li Cha, so it's different. Li Cha is the number one hero in destroying the Truth Society. With his strong strength, he won this contract, which really poses a strong threat to the alliance.

From this point of view, Peter Romanov really did not intend to break his promise, so he dared to sign this contract.

Stretching out his hand to hand over the contract, Peter Romanov said half-seriously and half-jokingly: "With this thing, if I can't give you what you want within five days, then you can take away everything in the alliance on the sixth day, um, including Those women in my palace—as long as you don't dislike them."

Li Cha: "..." I really can't answer these words. To be honest, he is really worried that the emperor of the alliance will send a few women over as compensation, and then offset the rewards - then he will lose a lot .

"Are you satisfied now?" Emperor Peter Romanov smiled and thrust the contract into Richard's hands.

Li Cha didn't answer, thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, there is actually one more small thing I want to trouble you for."


"There's something missing from this contract."


"your signature.

"Li Cha said seriously.

As we all know, a contract must have a signature to be considered a complete contract, otherwise it is just a paragraph without beginning and end, which is not mandatory, and may even be taken as a forgery when it is taken out.

Whether it was intentional or unintentional, the Alliance Emperor forgot this small detail, so Li Cha reminded him unceremoniously.


For a moment, Peter Romanov's expression was a little stiff, and Oscar couldn't help turning his head away.


But in the next moment, Peter Romanov laughed loudly, patted Li Cha's shoulder with a bear-like hand, and said, "Not bad, not bad, I have to say, I like you more and more, Li Cha!"

After saying that, Peter Romanov raised his right hand, and a ruby ​​ring on the middle finger of his right hand lit up, approaching the parchment.

When the ring surface touched the parchment, there was a "stab" sound, and there was a smell of burnt fur. When the ring surface was lifted up, a miniature flame burning mark appeared on the lower right of the contract. If you distinguish carefully, you can see the center of the imprint, and the handwriting of "Peter Romanov" is impressively written - this is a magic seal, and it is more difficult to forge than an autograph.

After finishing all this, Peter Romanov stuffed the parchment into Richard's hand again, and asked, "Are these all right?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Richard said, took the parchment without hesitation, and put it away.

"That's good, you can leave first, and I will discuss some things in detail with Oscar later."

"Yes, then I won't bother Your Majesty." After Li Cha got what he wanted, he didn't want to stay any longer. After all, the new "Medium and Long-term Research Plan" has not been formulated yet, and he is waiting to go back and continue to complete it. He bid farewell politely, turned around and quickly left the underground hall.

After Li Cha left, Peter Romanov looked at the direction in which Li Cha left. After a while, he turned his head to look at Oscar and said, "Oscar, now I find that I really appreciate you as a young friend more and more. It's just a pity..."

"What a pity, Your Majesty?"

"Unfortunately, I don't have such a son." Peter Romanov said with a regretful expression, shaking his head.

Oscar: "..." He couldn't answer those words either.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about some important things." Peter Romanov waved his hand and changed the subject, "Next, I want you..."

"Yes." Oscar responded, listening carefully, nodding while listening.


Time is passing fast.

Before long, night came.

In a gorgeous mansion, a man dressed in black sat in the study, looking at the door from time to time, as if waiting for something.


After a while, hurried footsteps sounded, and a short man pushed the door and entered, knelt down on one knee and reported: "Your Highness, the investigation has been clear, the previous information is true, we can directly act."

"Really?!" The man in black was overjoyed when he heard that, and couldn't help but ordered, "Okay, immediately..."

As a result, before the words were finished, there was another hurried footsteps of "tat-tat-tat", and the second subordinate ran in, also knelt down on one knee and reported: "Your Highness, the latest news, there is movement in the garrison outside the city. The private soldiers of the two mansions, three mansions to the north, and one mansion to the west are also being mobilized, and the situation is not very good."

"This..." The man in black frowned deeply after hearing this, "What's the situation? Could it be that my brothers also want to fight? Good thing, but..."

In the end, the man in black hesitated.

"Da da da……"

At this time, the sound of steady footsteps approached from a small compartment inside the study, and then an old man with a transcendent aura walked out.

The old man has white beard and hair, and wears a light gray robe with many moon phase patterns printed on the robe—there are full moon and waning moon, which looks extremely mysterious.

The most striking thing is the pair of eyes of the other party, there is nothing special at first glance, but after a long time of looking, you can vaguely see the faint red luster of the other party's pupils, like two blood-red full moons.

After the old man came out, he said slowly: "Actually, now is a good time to do it."

"Huh? Why, teacher?" The man in black heard this, turned his head suspiciously, and looked at the old man.


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