In about an hour, the carriage carrying the coffin of the Alliance Emperor arrived at a hill outside the city.

It is not accurate to say that it is a hill. The entire interior of the hill has been hollowed out, and a huge imperial tomb has been built.

There are four such imperial tombs in total. Except for the reef fortress, there is one near each of the other four capitals of the Soma Alliance—Northern Capital, Central Capital, Eastern Capital, and Southern Capital. burial.

However, because almost everyone believed that the emperor of the alliance would not die suddenly in his prime, the four imperial tombs were under construction except for the earliest tomb of Emperor Shaar.

Also because of this reason, many people in the funeral procession were talking about it. This must be because the Alliance Emperor had a premonition: he knew that he would pass away soon, so he stayed in Shaar for more than half a year to avoid death. After that, I have to run around.

The members of the royal family were as serious as before, standing at the front of the funeral procession, keeping silent, with extremely sad expressions on their faces, watching the coffin enter the imperial tomb, and the wizard sealed the imperial tomb with magic.

The eldest prince in his thirties, after watching all this, reached out and wiped the corners of his eyes, wiping away the tears that didn't exist. Then he turned around and scanned the many brothers standing with him with a scrutiny. After scanning, he walked towards the court ministers who were slightly behind.

Walking up to one of the ministers, the eldest prince called out his name, and asked in a low voice, "Your Excellency Astor, did my father discuss the successor with you before his death?"

The minister whose name was called was stunned, opened his mouth and replied: "Your Highness, you know, although His Majesty's health is not very good, most people think that at least the alliance can be maintained for decades, and I am the same. So, and The matter has not been discussed with His Majesty."

"So, my father didn't say which of my younger brothers should replace me as the new first heir, right?"


"That's good, Lord Laoast." The eldest prince patted the minister on the shoulder, turned and walked in front of another minister.

"Your Excellency Rose, did my father discuss the successor with you before his death?" The eldest prince asked the same question.

The second minister shook his head decisively: "No, Your Highness."

"In that case, you support the law of the Soma Alliance, right? Without a special will, without the influence of vicious assassination interference,

Then it should be inherited in order. "

"This..." The second minister hesitated for a moment, but under the gaze of the eldest prince, he finally nodded and replied, "Yes, Your Highness."

"That's good, there is Lord Lauros." The eldest prince pursed his lips and said that he wanted to smile, but considering the need to be reserved at the funeral, he only patted the minister on the shoulder and walked towards the third minister.

In this way, one by one, the eldest prince soon walked up to the black-faced old man Oscar.

"Your Excellency Oscar." The eldest prince showed a little more respect than before, looking at Oscar and asked, "You are an old man by my father's side. He has always attached great importance to you, and will discuss most things with you. I Think, if he has a plan to adjust the order of heirs, he must tell you? So, has he told you?"

"Your Highness... His Majesty really hasn't told me about this matter." Oscar shook his head and said.

"In this way, I am still the first heir, and I have the right to inherit directly according to the law, right?"

"If there are no other problems, this is indeed the case in law." Oscar thought for a while and said cautiously.

"Very well, thank you, Your Excellency Oscar." The eldest prince nodded and walked towards the back.

When the eldest prince walked away, Li Cha, who was standing next to Oscar, blinked his eyes - as a command consultant, he attended the funeral as one of the representatives of the military. In fact, he could refuse, but considering that at the funeral, he might be able to see the alliance emperor come back to life, regain power, and punish crimes.

It turned out that the funeral was unremarkable, almost catching up with the one he participated in in the Blue Lion Kingdom, and he was a little disappointed.

Tilting his head slightly, facing Oscar, he controlled his voice and asked, "Is that person so calm? The double has been buried, and he still hasn't come out? If it comes out later, no one will recognize him, right?"

After Li Cha finished speaking, he found that Oscar hadn't answered for a long time. When he looked carefully, he saw that Oscar looked preoccupied, lost in thought for some reason.


Li Cha raised his eyebrows slightly.

After more than ten seconds, Oscar finally came back to his senses. Noticing Li Cha's gaze, he froze for a moment, and asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'm just a little curious." Richard said, and then repeated the question just now.

After listening to Oscar, he was silent for half a second. Any serious voice said: "Don't think too much, it's all in the plan, and everything goes well."

Mr. Oscar, even if you don't count your mind-wandering just now, just the half-second of your silence is enough to explain a lot of things... According to your behavior, I'm afraid something big will happen... Li Cha said in his heart, but He didn't expose it, but just nodded his head, which was regarded as approval.

Afterwards, I gently reminded: "The one who promised at the beginning was five days, but after today, there is only one day left."

In fact, he didn't care too much about what happened to the alliance emperor. He only cared about whether he would get his reward smoothly.

After hearing this, Oscar froze for a moment, then quickly returned to normal, and replied, "Don't worry, your things will definitely be obtained normally."

"That's good." Li Cha nodded and said no more.

Afterwards, the funeral proceeded according to the procedure, and after the completion, the accompanying team gradually dispersed.

Li Cha returned to the reception desk and continued to improve the "Medium and Long-Term Research Plan", finalizing the last few details.

Oscar, on the other hand, hurried back to his mansion in a carriage, then entered the study room, and began to pace back and forth.

He is not Richard, but the minister of intelligence—Li Cha only cares about his own research and does not know the changes in the outside world, but as the minister of intelligence, he is very aware that the city of Char has been very turbulent in recent days, and it can even be said to be extremely chaotic.

The private armies of several princes are fighting secretly to eradicate dissidents. Some actions have greatly touched the red line set by the alliance emperor Peter Romanov. According to his prediction, the emperor should have summoned him long ago to cooperate with the army to clean up the situation, but he didn't wait until the funeral was over.

He wanted to go to the emperor's hiding place back then, but the emperor told him that there was no call and no disturbance was allowed, so as to reduce the possibility of exposure before the action.

So what is he going to do now?

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