Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1359: Thunder Gun

After a pause, Oscar said seriously to Nagarjuna and Zonghu: "Next, you two may have to work harder to help me run the entire spider web and collect valuable information as much as possible. The cause of death, and then find the enemy hiding in the dark, and finally unite with the forces loyal to the alliance, work hard to eliminate each other, and restore peace to the alliance."

Nagarjuna and Zonghu nodded, expressing that they would do their best.

Afterwards, Oscar thought of something again, pursed his lips and said, "If everything goes well with the plan, it would be the best, but considering the current bad situation, the worst result might happen. If... I mean if, If I am killed, then you will..."

Before Oscar could say the following words, Zong Hu frowned and said, "Sir, it's not to such an extent, is it? Nagarjuna and I are by your side, especially on the bright side, who would dare to assassinate You can't do it? If someone really does something, Longshu and I would rather die than save you."

"Hey, it's fine if you don't want your life, but my life is precious." Nagarjun shouted after hearing this.

Zong Hu glanced at Long Jun, and said angrily: "Isn't this when you called me timid in Pompeii? Now you are afraid?"

"Afraid? That's impossible." Nagarjun straightened his neck, "But I just think, can I say it myself, why do you have to sell favors?"

Zong Hu: "..."

"Okay, okay." Oscar waved his hand with a smile, telling the two brothers to stop bickering, and then said seriously, "I know what you guys think, but it's better to be more thoughtful about things. Seriously." , the two of you really tried to protect me, and after losing the protection of the two of you, how long can I live in danger? So, if you really encounter an enemy that you can't solve, don't sacrifice for nothing, it's better to think There is a way to make up for it afterwards. So, I was really killed, you..."

Next, Oscar spoke in incomparable detail, expressing his thoughts and plans.

After hearing this, Zong Hu and Nagarjuna became serious even though they were as frivolous as Nagarjuna.

In the carriage compartment, the atmosphere was a bit dull, and no one spoke for a while.

It lasted for a few seconds, and finally Nagarjuna couldn't help it, he opened his mouth to break the atmosphere, and said, "Hey, my lord, your plan is indeed very good, but I think the chance of using it is still very small, so don't worry too much , I... hiss!"

Long Shu hadn't finished speaking when he heard the horses neighing outside the carriage, and then the carriage shook violently.

Suddenly stopped.

Zong Hu reacted the fastest, and immediately pressed Oscar's shoulder with one hand, and turned his body towards the door of the carriage, making a protective gesture.

Nagarjuna was a little slow, because he froze for a moment, first raised his hand and slapped himself loudly on the face, then opened the door of the carriage and looked outside.

I saw that the two tall horses driving the car were already paralyzed on the ground, bleeding from their seven orifices, and they were absolutely motionless. They were absolutely dead.

The coachman who was driving was also in the same situation, his body was tilted outside the door of the carriage, and he was breathless.

Longshu raised his eyebrows like knives, stepped out of the carriage, looked around, and quickly locked on to the person who did it.

An old man wearing a light gray moon phase robe was standing on the top of the three-story stone building not far away, looking at this side with a calm face. In the night sky, the moonlight was projected through the gaps in the thick clouds, and the discolored scarlet moonlight shone on the old man like a searchlight, mysterious and weird.

Master of the Ring of Truth Gathering Colors—Red Moon!

Longshu stared at Hongyue for a few seconds, his eyes were serious, but his tone continued to be frivolous, and he curled his lips and said, "I said, who are you? You are so old, and you still want to block the road and rob like young people." No?"

"Humph." Hongyue made a nasal sound, and didn't answer the words at all. She stomped on her feet and flew close, waving her hands to attack.

"Hey hey hey! Who are you? Before you do it, can you make it clear, do you want to do it so vaguely?" Longshu shouted, and quickly motioned Zonghu to take Oscar away with small movements.

But Hongyue saw through Nagarjuna's plot to delay time, and didn't give it a chance at all. When she got close, she raised her right hand, and a large amount of moonlight was cast from the sky, covering the carriage.


With a sound, Yuehui hit the roof of the car like a 10,000-jin hammer, and the whole car was torn apart immediately, and a large number of wooden blocks and debris shot out to the surroundings. Some of the wood fragments spun at a high speed under the moonlight, spun and flew back, twisting like blades towards the people exposed after the compartment ruptured—Zong Hu and Oscar.

Zong Hu looked at it, gave a cold shout, and raised his two muscular arms, rich golden energy burst out like a halo, filling the space with a radius of one meter, enveloping himself and Oscar. At this time, Nagarjuna also released a surge of blue energy, which shattered all the attacking wood fragments.

After finishing, Longshu took a deep look at Hongyue, felt the oppressive momentum from Hongyue, and said to Zonghu bluntly: "Withdraw!"

"Okay." Zong Hu didn't hesitate at all, grabbed Oscar's shoulder with his right hand and raised it, stepped on his foot, turned his head and fled towards the distance.

Naturally, Hongyue wouldn't just look at it like that, snorted softly, and chased after Zonghu.

"Hey, aren't you going to have two tricks with me?" Longshu said, and stopped Hongyue.

"You?" Hongyue glanced at her, and said contemptuously, "You're still a little unqualified."

"Are you sure?" Nagarjuna suddenly smiled, very brightly.

With a bright smile on his face, Nagarjuna thrust his hand into the night above his head, as if grabbing something, and pulled it hard at the next moment, and immediately a lightning bolt with a length of 100 meters appeared beside him, lighting up the whole street.

After a short breath, the 100-meter-long lightning shrank towards Nagarjuna's palm, condensing into a nearly two-meter-long golden spear. Inside the spear, violent energy kept surging and might explode at any time. On the surface of the spear, electric arcs pierced through the air, jumping wildly, like a entangled water snake.

Longshu picked up his long spear and pointed the tip at Hongyue, with a sharp aura, but continued to maintain a bright smile and asked, "Are you qualified now?"

Hongyue raised her eyebrows lightly, looked at Longshu seriously, and said nothing. He withdrew his steps, paused for a moment, then rushed out suddenly, raised his right hand high, and slammed towards Nagarjuna. The air in a radius of more than ten meters vibrated violently, producing a scream that pierced the eardrum.

At the same time, the moonlight gushed out like a bloody tide and hit the tip of the spear in Longshu's hand.


With a sound, two high-intensity energies collided fiercely, fighting fiercely, followed by a huge explosion.


:. :

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