Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1373 Insulting my wisdom

"Maier." Li Cha smiled.

"My lord." Maier bowed and saluted.

"You know, I'm suddenly a little disappointed in you."

"My lord...can you tell me why?"

"Yes, it's actually very simple, because I thought you had several important qualities as my subordinate, but it turns out that you don't."

"My lord!" Maier called out, full of sincerity, "I am absolutely loyal to you, and I can swear in the name of my ancestors."

Do you want to be the second Whitestone Tower profiteer Alex... I have dug his ancestor's tomb not once... Do you want to do the same... But there should be no black spirit hidden in your ancestor's tomb Wang Treasure...then it's not worth my digging.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows, met Maier's sincere eyes, and said, "I don't really doubt your loyalty... In fact, it doesn't matter if you are not loyal, because I have enough means to make you loyal, trust me .”

Li Cha nodded convincingly at Maier, paused, and continued: "Compared with loyalty, I value wisdom more, and you score very low in wisdom. First of all, you Privately support the thieves to plunder the body area, so as to obtain bloody money, it shows your stupidity.

After all, supporting the thieves' plunder can accumulate a lot of wealth in a short period of time, but over a long period of time, business development will stagnate or even regress, which is completely unsustainable. On the contrary, if you look long enough, you can see that maintaining law and order and making business flourish, the amount of tax collected for long-term trade alone is an astronomical figure. Not to mention that you can rely on your own strength to snatch a monopoly position in one or several business fields and make huge profits.

To put it simply, it is the difference between dividing a small cake, or making the cake bigger and then dividing it, and you choose the latter. That's really short-sighted and doesn't live up to my expectations of your intelligence. "

"But my lord..." Maier didn't fully understand Li Cha's words, but it didn't affect his understanding. Li Cha still suspected that he had colluded with the thieves, and tried to defend himself, "But my lord... I really don't know The members of the Bandit Group have nothing to do with the Bandit Group."

"Sigh." Li Cha shook his head, exhaled, looked at Maier and said softly, "Look, this is what disappoints me the most, and it is also the real reason why I decided to give up on you. In fact, you can be stupid, You can also make mistakes - as the saying goes, people are not gods, at least one mistake is allowed in a lifetime.

After all, you can't be sure what the economic complex area will look like when it develops, and it's okay to make a little money. After all, this method is not your invention, you just follow the rules of the game you already have and make it bigger.

The problem is, you can't make the same mistake over and over again. I have already told you and the rest of the people, when I asked you to gather in Blackwater City, I will investigate in your jurisdiction. Well, what I said was naturally not something I heard casually, but I saw it with my own eyes and verified it with my actions. In this way, I will ask you in front of so many people at this meeting.

If you can figure this out, admit your mistake decisively, and then go back and kill your brother-in-law, or make other arrangements, in short, clean up the thieves group and let the economic union area embark on a healthy development path, everything will be fine.

But you...well, how can I put it, you have to deny and reject over and over again.

You make me feel... not only your own intelligence is not very good, but mine is also not very good.

In this case, I really can't bear it. "

At the end, Li Cha stared at Maier with a heavy gaze.

Maier's body shook, as if being pierced by two spears, his lips opened and closed, and he wanted to struggle, and said with a bit of aggrieved voice: "My lord, I really didn't..."

"Enough!" Li Cha said, interrupting Maier's words, then looked at Maier's face for a few seconds, and said slowly, "Please...shut...your mouth."

As soon as the last three words came out, the air in front of Li Cha fluctuated, and ripples appeared like water, quickly rushed to Maier and slapped his upper body.

Maier sat back on his seat with a "bang", and wanted to open his mouth, but found that an invisible force sealed his mouth, blocked his nose, and strangled his throat.

"Woo woo woo~"

A fuzzy sound came from the depths of Maier's throat, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets, his feet kicked wildly on the ground, and his hands grabbed his neck tightly, trying to tear off the mysterious power. But he couldn't do this at all, his cheeks turned red a little bit, then turned purple and black, and his eyeballs were bloodshot and almost burst.

In the end, the whole person twitched, and limply slumped on the seat, motionless.

The people around and the whole audience watched the change completely, most of them trembled slightly, and some even clamped their legs tightly to restrain their sudden urge to urinate. They didn't dare to breathe, and the arena was deadly quiet.

If we say that Bibi showed up a week ago, the means she showed were gorgeous and shocking.

So the method Li Cha is showing now is plain and creepy.

After all, Bibi's method can be seen at a glance. If she hits her body, she will either die or suffer pain... But in most cases, it should be death and the pain can't be felt-it's a matter of a moment.

Li Cha was different, when the means were used, he died a little bit of suffocation, pain, and despair.

This is a bit scary.

At this moment, the people in the field, looking at Li Cha, already felt that it was not a powerful wizard, but a dark demon king.

The Dark Demon King didn't seem to have this self-consciousness, as if he didn't know how much his shot frightened the people in the field. After dealing with Maier, he paused for a few seconds before speaking again: "Okay, it seems that Mr. Maier is not suitable to be the deputy head of the Sarin Efficiency Department, so the rest of you, who else is willing to give it a try? "


Everyone in the arena looked at each other left and right, sat down like elementary school students, and didn't say a word. The whole audience was silent, and no one dared to stand out.

Several powerful managers who wanted to compete with Maier before also behaved in the same way, with complicated hearts.

Speaking of which, they were happy when Li Cha killed Maier. It can be predicted that once Maier dies, there will be many benefits that will become ownerless, and they can be divided up at that time - even if they can't divide all of them, but things that come for nothing are always good.

In addition, Maier's death can be regarded as clearing their obstacles, allowing any of them to become the deputy director of the efficiency department.

But they were happy only for a few seconds. After they had carefully looked at Maier's staring eyes, slumped on the seat, and the body that had not yet cooled down, they calmed down and had to think more comprehensively.

Maier was the first to stand up. The situation was good, but after Li Cha asked two questions, he died.

What about them, will they follow in their footsteps?

Maybe he can't catch up with Maier, and he may stand up and be asked a question before being killed by Li Cha. Because to be honest, compared with Maier, their jurisdiction and influence may be much smaller, but they do almost the same bad things. After all, they are all for making money, and they have to participate in murder and arson.

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