Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1389: Night Whispers

As Bibi was talking, her eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, and she saw a blank papyrus and a quill pen dipped in ink on one side. She took them quickly, and wrote down a series of numbers, letters and arithmetic symbols with a "scratch".

"Yes, yes, right, here we should switch left and right, and then eliminate the yuan at the same time, and then..." Bibi was writing while talking, and when she was getting excited, her expression froze suddenly, and she looked at what she had written in surprise, Scratching his hair, "Hey, I obviously feel that I can already do this question, but...why suddenly I can't?"

Li Cha: "..."


Li Cha took a scroll, quickly wrote a few lines, and wrote down Bibi's status. Then he looked at Bibi, thought for a while and explained: "The knowledge you are instilling now should still be in an unstable period, and it cannot be fully and flexibly applied. It needs a digestion process. Only after digestion can you really apply it proficiently, not when it is time to apply it. It doesn't work when it works."

"How long will it take to digest?" Bibi asked quickly.

"Well... this one... there is not enough data to give you an accurate time, but you yourself can be used as data to provide to the people behind." Richard said, paused and said, "I can give you a time Approximate time, according to my guess, you may need three days to two weeks to consume this knowledge. If you practice the corresponding knowledge during this period, such as doing more math problems, it may speed up."

"Is that so?" Bibi nodded thoughtfully, and the next moment she ran out like a rabbit, her voice came from outside the door, and said, "Then I'm going to find Pandora, I have to do a lot of math problems , and prove that I am no longer a fool, no longer..."

Looking at the direction Bibi left, Li Cha couldn't help shaking his head, and with a slightly funny expression, he wrote down a new line of text on the scroll: After the target was instilled with knowledge, he showed a certain degree of excitement, and it is not sure whether it is because the target It is caused by its own personality, or it is due to memory modification that affects the brain to a certain extent, and it remains to be observed...

After recording, Li Cha pursed his lips and began to seriously think about the study of knowledge instillation.

Seriously speaking, this research is not his current research focus. His research focus is still on the supernatural factor and Baltawen. Knowledge instillation is only a secondary research project, which is used as an adjustment for fatigue.

But although it is not the focus of the research, he can see the value of this research, that is, it can quickly and mass-produce high-quality subordinates at a small cost.

Without the ability to instill knowledge, it is undoubtedly difficult to train subordinates. Knowledge can only be taught through sound, and its information transmission rate is only a few bits per second. Even if combined with other means, this rate can be increased by an order of magnitude at most.

Because of this, he spent several years in the Blue Lion Kingdom, but he only trained a few talented students. After all died because of a political disaster, he almost completely gave up on training new students.

Later, when he left the Blue Lion Kingdom, it was only Pandora who really invested his energy and time in cultivating it.

The reason for this is because training a student requires too much investment, too low efficiency, and too long a return time.

Considering this, he didn't plan to set up any forces at the beginning, because it was too difficult to train subordinates and students who fully conformed to his own ideas.

Now, with the ability to instill knowledge, everything will be different. As long as he wants to, he can quickly train a group of men with quite high scientific literacy to work for him.

Of course, he can guess that knowledge indoctrination may have certain requirements for the indoctrinate, requiring a certain amount of understanding and mental strength. After all, this thing is similar to spiritual attack. If the indoctrinate is too bad, he may not be able to handle it Live the trauma and die straight away.

Therefore, it is still necessary to screen the abilities of the indoctrinate in all aspects, and knowledge indoctrination is not completely unlimited.

However, in any case, knowledge instillation is indeed of high value. Except for Bibi, he can appropriately expand the scope of test subjects in the future, and strive to make this research play its due role as soon as possible.

After thinking about it, Li Cha breathed out, lightly pressed his temple, the strengthened brain automatically gave the current time, raised his eyebrows, and said in a low voice: "It's already this late, then if there is no accident, we have an appointment tonight Man, it's almost here."

Sure enough, not long after Li Cha finished speaking, there was a knock on the door of the room.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk..."

"Come in." Li Cha said.

The door creaked, and a figure walked in. It was Blood Princess Jasmine.

The other party was wearing a red robe as always, as if soaked in blood, and as if surrounded by flames, gorgeous and mysterious. In this deep night, people can't help being somewhat fascinated.

Speaking of which, Jasmine is the blood of the Sika royal family after all. As a royal family, they gathered a large group of extremely beautiful women to breed offspring, so Jasmine has inherited high-quality genes from the very beginning. Whether it is face or figure, they are far from mediocre, but Li Cha never pays attention to this. It's more about efficiency.

Jasmine also knew this about Li Cha, so she always communicated directly with Li Cha. After entering the room, without saying a word, she walked quickly to Li Cha's side, took a look at Li Cha, reached into her clothes, grabbed a hard object and took it out. It was a scroll she was carrying with her.


Spread the scroll on the table next to it, and Jasmine pointed to the content on it, and said to Li Cha: "Look at it, this is the current progress of the new city, almost everything is proceeding according to the plan. The earliest and fastest construction is now close to completion. The construction of Districts 3 and 4 is more than halfway done. Districts 5 to 10 have different progress because of the different numbers of personnel assigned. I am trying to unify them.”

Li Cha nodded lightly.

Jasmine straightened her bangs, and continued: "There is nothing wrong with the big aspects now. As long as there are no major accidents, the construction of the new city will only be a matter of speed. However, if you want to complete the construction of the new city as soon as possible , then some small problems still need to be solved.

For example, in terms of personnel, there are some shortages. In addition to continuing to accept your miners from the south, I plan to recruit a batch of new workers from the local area. Local workers, without training, should not be as efficient as your southern miners, but their salaries can be lowered appropriately.

In addition, I plan to transfer some of your miners to act as team leaders or team leaders to guide and train the newly recruited local workers, so as to ensure that the newly recruited workers will not make mistakes when doing basic work . As for more complicated work, learn slowly and make progress slowly. "

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