Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1394: Learning to eat

"What are you doing?" As soon as the saliva was wiped off, Narid woke up with a start, and looked at Heidi sleepily.

"Get up!" Heidi said to Narid, "Sister, the nap is over, you should get up quickly! Otherwise, the teacher will definitely train you again later."

"Okay." Narid responded, expressing that she knew, and then turned over, determined to continue sleeping.

Heidi sighed, but didn't give up.

Stretching out her hand, she tried to pull Narid up, and dragged her outside to wash her face to get rid of the drowsiness.

Then he made his bed and went to see Circe, the teacher and witch, with Narid.

Walking into the study in the small courtyard, the two saw that the teacher Circe seemed to be waiting for them. Before they could ask any questions, the witch Circe pointed to an open letter on the table and said, "Let's have a look."

"What is this?" Curious, Heidi gently picked up the letter and read it with Narid.

After reading the letter for a while, Heidi looked at her teacher, blinked her eyes and asked, "Mr. Richard, you want to invite us to that 'Sarin', teacher, is this true?"

"It's true." The witch Circe nodded in affirmation.

"Then shall we go?" Narid asked from the side.

"I haven't figured it out yet," Sercy responded, "so I want to hear your thoughts."

"Oh, so..."


Faro City, another location.


A secret room.

An old man in a black dress, a bowler hat, and a gold monocle is sitting on a table, playing with a black bead.

It can be seen that the bead is the size of a walnut, with complex patterns engraved on the surface. This is an ancient cultural relic unearthed from the remains of the ancient wizard civilization. From limited research, it can be determined that this ancient artifact is not in much danger. And its special feature is that it can store a small amount of energy at one time, and then release it very slowly, allowing the surface of the beads to reach a temperature slightly higher than that of the human body.

What's the use?

It's useless.

However, it is still a little fun to play with it in your hand.

At least, that's the case for old people.

The old man is one of the initiators of the loosely organized antiquities exchange meeting in Faro City. His name is Abel. He has the strength of a third-level peak wizard. Through some means, he can even compete against a fourth-level wizard for a short time. When Li Cha lived in Faro, he had some exchanges with Li Cha about ancient cultural relics. After Li Cha left, he also had occasional contact.

At this moment, he played with the black bead in his hand for a moment, thought of something, opened a small drawer beside the table, and took out a letter from it.

I believe he has already read it, so he doesn't need to open it again to know what's inside.

While continuing to play with the black beads, Abel looked at the envelope, narrowed his eyes, and said to himself: "There is no money, no food, no sex, no enjoyment, but you have the most profound magic knowledge in the world ? Even, even the lost knowledge of the ancient wizard civilization? If so, then there must be a lot of creations of the ancient wizard civilization? Then..."


When the wizard Abel was talking to himself because of a letter, the rest of the continent, and many, many people, had received similar letters and had different reactions.

All this seems to have caused no big disturbance.

But there are indeed influences that affect the not-too-distant future.


After many days.

July is the hottest month of the year.

The hottest time of the day is around noon.

Shalin, Atlanta City, Lord's Mansion.

In a room, after checking Bibi carefully, Li Cha let Bibi lie flat on the experimental table beside him, and said slowly: "Now I can confirm that the last time I imparted knowledge to you was very successful, and the knowledge acquired is relatively complete. , and did not produce too obvious side effects.

On the contrary, the rest of the experimental subjects except you, after instilling knowledge, all have different degrees of nausea, vomiting, dizziness and other unsuitable symptoms.

Severe cases even go into a coma, and they regain consciousness after being treated with drugs, at the cost of acquiring only sporadic fragments of knowledge.

The difference between these should be caused by your unique body structure. Since you are essentially a magic puppet, you can more flexibly accept the instilled knowledge, while normal humans need to use special spells and medicines to achieve similar effects.

In this way, if you want, you can easily turn it into a knowledge base to absorb and store a lot of knowledge. As long as you practice a lot and apply it flexibly, you can become an extremely knowledgeable and wise being. "

Glancing at Bibi's sullen expression, Li Cha continued: "Of course, just to be on the safe side, it's better not to instill too much knowledge at once. There were a few test subjects before, because a single instillation of knowledge is too much. Too much, causing mental trauma. We still only instill knowledge in one subject this time, but we can instill both entry-level knowledge and intermediate-level knowledge, so... which subject do you want to learn? Physics? Chemistry? Mechanics? Or a creature?"

"This time..." Bibi listened, as if she had already made up her mind, and said quickly, "This time I want to learn about food."

"Huh?" Li Cha frowned and tilted his head, as if he didn't hear clearly, he asked again, "What?"

"Knowledge about food." Bibi said seriously, and after thinking for a while, she said, "According to what you call it, it should be food science, or knowledge about eating, and that's what I want to learn."

Learn to eat? ? ?

Li Cha: "..."

After a long silence, Li Cha looked at Bibi and asked, "Why, after learning the basics of mathematics, you suddenly want to learn this?"

"It wasn't all of a sudden. I actually wanted to learn it all the time." Bibi replied, "If Pandora hadn't told me I was too stupid and I couldn't refute it, I definitely wouldn't have chosen to study mathematics, but learned to eat and learn. After all, The joy of eating is what I pursue. If I learn it, I will make and taste more and better food myself.”

At the end, Bibi's face was full of anticipation.

Li Cha had a very strange expression on his face.

If possible, he would like to take back what he just said about being able to "become an extremely knowledgeable and wise being"... Li Cha took a deep look at Bibi and sighed helplessly... It must be admitted that science and higher knowledge , not everyone's pursuit, well, at least not all puppets' pursuit...

Oh well……


Li Cha let out a breath, took out the crystal skull, approached Bibi, and said, "Since you want to learn... the knowledge of 'food science', then I will teach you. Are you ready? Do When we're ready, we'll start."

"Well, it's done."

"That begins."


Li Cha stretched out his hand and pressed the crystal skull on Bibi's forehead, the energy was injected, the crystal skull shook, a blue-green luster appeared inside, and then rushed towards the inside of Bibi's head.

Bibi's eyes were wide open, and as she received a little bit of food-related knowledge, a happy smile appeared on her face, and she swallowed her saliva involuntarily, as if she had already had many ideas for cooking interesting food.

Whether real study would make her happy, Bibi wasn't sure, but at the moment she was.

Li Cha sighed softly while instilling knowledge.

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