Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 145 Holding the whole world

"Number 2, 105 gold coins!" Seeing Richard holding up the number plate, the auctioneer shouted as if he had seen a savior.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and looked a little strangely at the box where Li Cha was holding the placard. If they didn't see that Li Cha was in the box of Prince Grou, they really thought that Li Cha was a "trustee" invited by the auction house. . But even so, he felt that Li Cha was a fool, so no one was very interested in this silver-white ring.

So with the auctioneer's three bids, Li Cha easily got the silver-white ring.

After paying the money and taking the ring from the auction house clerk, Li Cha took a closer look. Similar to what the auctioneer said, there is no decoration on the ring, and both the outer ring and the inner ring are extremely smooth. The material is indeed neither iron nor silver.

Originally, Richard guessed that it might be something like an osmium-iridium alloy.

Metal osmium and metal iridium are the top two elements with the highest density in nature in modern earth. Both metals are extremely durable and hard to resist all acids and bases at standard temperature and pressure, even aqua regia (a 3:1 mixture of concentrated hydrochloric acid and concentrated nitric acid by volume). highly corrosive liquids).

In general, osmium-iridium alloys are extremely strong and sturdy materials, and are often used to make scalpels, pen nibs, nibs for high-end gold pens, clocks, and bearings for important instruments. More in line with the auctioneer's description.

But now it seems that it is not the guessed osmium-iridium alloy, and the color is slightly different. The metallic osmium is gray-blue, and the metallic iridium is white with a little yellow in it. Although it is easy to be overlooked, the ring in front of it is pure silver-white without any variegation. Also, it is lighter in weight.

Richard studied it carefully, and it didn't feel like any known metal and alloy, but a special material produced in the current world.

As for Mithril, Richard didn't really believe it, but he doubted that this might indeed be a metal that was partly related to Mithril's description. It may be because it is doped with a certain element unique to the current world, and it shows a special effect.

According to the legends of the current world, mithril is a silver-white metal that is much stronger than steel but lighter, malleable like bronze, and polished like glass. Add a little bit to any metal and it will turn it into enchanted metal.

According to Richard's interpretation, this mithril should be a metal similar to a superconducting material.

Yes, metals like superconducting materials.

A superconducting material refers to a material that exhibits resistance equal to zero under certain conditions and repels magnetic lines of force. This material is very useful. Such as superconducting transmission lines, superconducting generators, superconducting maglev trains, etc.

On modern Earth, dozens of elements and thousands of compounds have been found to be superconductors. However, these superconducting materials generally require extremely low temperatures to function, such as minus 260 degrees below zero and minus 270 degrees Celsius close to absolute zero. Materials that can achieve superconductivity above the temperature of liquid nitrogen (77 K, -196.15°C) have been referred to as high-temperature superconducting materials.

So, do superconducting materials exist at room temperature?

Maybe it exists, and it will play an unimaginable role, but it has not been found on modern Earth.

The mithril in the current world, and the material of the ring in the hand, may be similar to the metal of room temperature superconducting material. The reason why they are similar is that what they superconduct is probably not electricity and magnetism, but mana, or energy elements.

Only then can the term enchanted metal be explained.

If this conjecture holds true, then it can help solve a big problem.

Li Cha's eyes flashed.

All along, the magical props he made with the white jade pieces were all one-offs. After the white jade has carved the magic pattern for a while, once the mana or energy element is injected and the spell is successfully released,

The white jade piece must burst.

Analyzing the reason, he thinks there is a big possibility that the material of white jade is not enough, and there is some "resistance" inside, so it cannot withstand excessive energy, and can only be used as a one-time consumable, which cannot cure the magic pattern. Spell effect.

And if you find the right material, it is possible to make the magic pattern take effect permanently and successfully cure the spell effect. For example, the material of the space iron ring is like this. The material of the space iron ring seems to be black iron, but it is not. Because it is mixed with some unknown substance, it can activate the magic pattern without being damaged. This can be called superconducting magic.

Then the silver-white ring obtained at the current auction may have superconducting magic.


Suddenly Li Cha thought of something, put the silver-white ring on the index finger of his left hand, and compared it with the space iron ring on the index finger of his right hand.

Richard's eyebrows were raised.

It can be seen that the shape, size, outer diameter and inner diameter of the two rings are exactly the same.

"'s possible that the silver-white ring and the space ring come from the same source?" Li Cha said to himself, "It's just that the silver-white ring obviously doesn't have a magic pattern, and it can only be regarded as a semi-finished product. The space ring has a magic pattern. Patterns, which have the function of storing objects, belong to the finished product.

So... Is it really possible to transform this silver-white ring, and engrave magic patterns on it as required to achieve a certain function?

It should be somewhat difficult to make a new space ring by completely replicating the space ring. Because it is still unclear, some problems in space production, it is difficult to guarantee success. Moreover, the precision required by the magic pattern is too high, the magic pattern is too complicated, and it is easy to fail.

But to be simple, fix the magic pattern of an attack and auxiliary spell on it, and use it to permanently release the spell instantly, which should be possible. But in the end to describe what spell, need to think about. To transfer the magic pattern from the white jade piece to the ring, the area is very small, and the magic pattern must be re-planned.

At the moment, this is all speculation so far and some testing needs to be done..."

Richard thought about the problem seriously. The auctioneer on the wooden platform outside the box had announced the official end of the auction, and everyone started to leave the venue, except for Richard, Gro, and Pandora.

Richard is continuing to think about some small details, Gro is waiting until the guards he sent out take the money to redeem him, Pandora... continue to sleep.


One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

In the blink of an eye, after half a sound, Li Cha raised his head and had already sorted out some ideas, while Gero shifted his butt in his seat, waiting very uncomfortable.

At this moment, the door of the box was opened with a "squeak", and the escort Gero had sent out to ask for money returned.

Grow turned his head to look at the guard, and quickly asked, "How is it? Did you bring the money?"

"Uh, His Royal Highness, I have already brought it to the person who just handed it over to the auction house."


"Squeaky", the door of the box was opened again, and the steward who just stood up at the auction house walked in, holding a small wooden box in his hand, handed it to Gero respectfully, and said, "His Royal Highness Prince Gero, now this is exempt from the test. The certificate is yours."

"Huh..." Groo's breathing became a little hurried immediately. He took the small wooden box and opened it, and he saw that it was stuffed with satin, and wrapped in the satin was the test-free certificate.

Crystal material, round, with complex patterns on the surface, and purple light shining inside...

The steward of the auction house saw Gero's appearance and exited rationally, while Gero picked up the test-free voucher in the box and grabbed it forcefully in his hand, as if he was grabbing the whole world.

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