Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1402 Welcome, school girl

After closing his eyes and thinking for a while, Ma Qiu suddenly felt the speed of the rickshaw slow down, and his heart suddenly became vigilant.

This big rickshaw driver is not the most cunning kind of person, he will deliberately extend the time, and then earn more fares... But he is not a rookie anymore, he has seen a lot, don't even think about earning an extra copper coin from him After all, it was all the cost of inviting a beautiful lady to dinner... Machu opened his eyes, and he was about to urge the rickshaw driver to hurry up.

But the moment he opened his eyes, he couldn't help being taken aback.

I saw that the rickshaw driver did not deliberately slow down, but the wide street suddenly became crowded. Hundreds of people, who were attracted by something, stood in front of them and became obstacles one by one. The rickshaw driver had to slow down to avoid it.

When the rickshaw driver pulled the cart and walked forward for hundreds of meters, Ma Qiu suddenly realized something, and couldn't help but slapped himself on the forehead.

"Today is...the day when the material exchange conference in Atlanta..." Machu couldn't help but said.

Yes, today is the day when the Material Exchange Conference starts.

Machu knew about the material exchange meeting.

Because the city of Atlanta has been developing commercial trade and producing all kinds of novel goods, similar conferences will be held every once in a while, attracting businessmen and speculators from all over the mainland.

The meeting held in June is the material exchange conference. Last year was the first session, and this year is the second session. Machu knew about this, but because he had been staying in school recently, he didn't pay attention, which led to the current bad situation.

"It's really the right time for this material exchange meeting to be held..." Machu exhaled.

"Actually, it started yesterday." The tall rickshaw driver corrected a sentence without looking back, and complained, "Originally, I think you seem to be in a hurry, and I want to pull you from the first Go along the Seventh Avenue, although there is a section of road construction there, but the delay will not be long.

Or, take a short detour and take the Ninth Avenue, but you are not willing to take the Eighth Avenue, and you have to use the hourglass to collect the fare. Then I have no choice but to drag you over. "

Ma Qiu: "..." After hearing what the rickshaw driver said, in his heart, he already wanted to slap himself.

But that was too embarrassing after all, so he put on a tense face, did nothing, and acted indifferently, as if he didn't care much about the material exchange meeting.

"Material exchange conference, it's nothing... But, aren't material exchange conferences held at designated venues? Why are people flocking to Eighth Avenue?"

"What else can it be? It's because of the large number of people. I heard from some guys pulling the carts that the scale of this year's material exchange conference is much larger than last year. The stipulated venue is not enough, and some booths are lined up on Eighth Avenue. So, it's best to avoid it when pulling the cart..." said the rickshaw driver.

After a pause, he stopped the car in front of a group of people. The rickshaw driver wiped his sweat with the towel around his neck, and said to Ma Qiu, "Look, guest, if you go further, it will definitely become more and more difficult. The time should not be short. If you feel that you can't wait, we can turn around now, follow the alley near the bakery and turn onto Seventh Avenue."

If so, why don't you admit that he was wrong in the first place... Machu pursed his lips hard, waved his hand, and said to the rickshaw driver, "No need, just keep going."

"The fare..."

"It's the same as I said before...according to the hourglass!"

"Okay, please sit down." The rickshaw driver threw down such a sentence, pulled up the cart and rushed forward, struggling to make his way through the crowded crowd.

"Let me go, please let me go..."


than expected time,

Almost halfway through, Machu finally arrived at the Dongcheng carriage station.

Getting off at the entrance of Dongcheng Horse Station, Ma Qiu saw the rickshaw driver with a dark face, and took off the hourglass from the hanging.

Slowly sliding his finger over the scale marked by the hourglass, the rickshaw driver counted seriously: "One, two, three... eleven, twelve, twelve and a half."

After counting, the rickshaw driver lowered his head, looked down at Ma Qiu, and said with a bright smile: "Guest, look, there are twelve and a half squares of sand in total. This is a big deal for you. Thank you for taking care of me. I'll remove half of the squares for you. Then you can give me the money." Twelve copper coins will do."

You don't need to thank me, I can give you thirteen copper coins... Machu's face twisted, but he didn't say such a stylish word in the end, he just said dryly: "Got it."

After speaking, he took out his money bag, carefully counted twelve copper coins, and handed them to the rickshaw driver.

"Thank you, I will wait at the gate of Atlanta University if I have nothing to do, you can call me again next time you have a chance, and I will give you half a grid time." The big rickshaw driver said, collected the money, and pulled the empty The car leaves quickly.

my money! To have spent four extra copper coins... one in twenty-fifth chance to invite a beautiful lady to dinner... Machu couldn't help but lamented in his heart, but he didn't feel sad for too long, remembering what the business was about.

A few seconds later, he took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and walked into the carriage.

Because he had set off early in order to avoid being late unexpectedly, so after delaying the material exchange on the way, he was still in time.

After entering the carriage station, Macu walked towards the pergola standing by the wall very familiarly. After waiting for a few minutes, he saw a four-wheeled carriage driving in. The departure point and arrival point of the carriage were written on the carriage carriage: Anka City → Atlanta City.

Pulling the carriage were two tall horses, their fur was sweaty due to the hot weather, and the bells hanging around their necks were ringing crisply.

"Ding jingle, jingle jingle... ding!"

With the sound of the bell disappearing, the carriage stopped, a long bench was placed, and a dozen people stepped on the benches and filed out from the steamer-like carriage.

Machu watched carefully, his eyes lit up when he saw the last person get off the car.

I saw that the person was a young girl with beautiful long golden hair and green eyes like gems. There was a little sweat on his face, and his bangs were wet, but he looked even more delicate. In addition, the other party was wearing a blue plaid jacket with an Atlanta University badge pinned to his chest.

After Machu looked at it, he immediately knew that the person he was waiting for had arrived.

It looks more beautiful than in the profile photo... Ma Qiu couldn't help sighing, but he was very serious and didn't show any lust, and he was very clear about the boundaries between work and life and entertainment.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward and walked to a place one meter away from the other party. Machu stopped, stretched out his hand, and greeted with a smile: "Sister, hello, welcome to the city of Atlanta."

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