Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1404 A place outside the law?

Machu stared at Donna with wide eyes.

Donna opened and closed her lips a few times, and explained in a low voice: "Senior, I was afraid that people would run away and I couldn't find you, so I had to hold your hand. it okay, senior?"

Hearing this, Machu's heart seemed to be pinched, and he really wanted to hold this cute elementary school girl in his arms and protect him with all his strength.

But he also understood where the red line was, and repeated a sentence in his heart: He is currently performing school tasks, he must not act according to his temper, he must be calm and composed.

calm down!

"hoo hoo"

Taking a deep breath, after more than a second, Machu looked at Donna with a smile and said, "It's okay."

After finishing speaking, he pulled Donna and walked towards the interior of the material exchange conference venue. With extremely strong concentration, he accompanied Donna to visit dozens of stalls, and bought all the daily necessities needed, a full two bags.

After more than half an hour.

Machu and Donna walked out of the material exchange conference venue with a large bag of things, and as the number of people around them became less and less, they naturally let go of their holding hands.

Machu let out a long breath in his heart, feeling that a stone had finally landed on the ground, but for some reason, he felt a little lost again.

Looking at Donna, Machu said: "Sister, now I can send you back to school."

"Yes." Donna nodded, her face changed for some unknown reason as she spoke, as if she saw something, she stretched out her hand and pointed to the side and asked, "Senior, what is that?"

Machu looked suspiciously, and saw four muscular men in dark gray clothes, quickly passing by, and walked towards a booth on the outer edge of the venue, surrounded by them, and there was nothing good at first sight.

Is this a fight... or picking a quarrel... Machu's mind turned, and he wasn't very interested.

Atlanta is a big city, and it is developing so fast. With a large number of people influx in a short period of time, it is inevitable that there will be various contradictions. The official strict and relatively fair laws have played a certain role in mitigating, but fights still happen from time to time, and it is impossible to completely eliminate them.

But usually this kind of thing will not develop too much. The flames of trouble will burn for a while at most, and they will be pressed to death by the security officer who rushed over quickly.

During the more than two years in Atlanta, Machu has seen similar situations no less than ten times. At first, he would join in the fun, but now he turns around after a glance. After all, the ending has never been unexpected, and he has long been tired of watching up.

In comparison, it was the first time for Donna to come to Atlanta, and it was the first time she had seen this situation. I don't know if it's really simple, or if it's so simple that it's a little silly, so I don't feel too scared, so I grab Machu's hand and run over.

When she got close and stopped, Donna opened her eyes wide and asked, "Senior, let's take a look, okay?""

What else could Ma Qiu say about this, he could only nod helplessly in response: "Yes, yes, let's see."

At this moment, Donna didn't know whether it was excitement or nervousness, she held the hand with no intention of letting go. Machu felt the touch on his hands, and felt that Donna seemed a little stronger than before. Thinking back to the two meters that Donna jumped away at the very beginning, she realized with belatedness that this junior girl's physical fitness is quite good.

No wonder he was admitted to the School of Magical Chemistry. I heard that the study and research work in this school is very heavy, and his health is not good, so it is difficult to support him.

When Machu's thinking diverged, another "drama" had officially begun.

I saw four strong men in dark gray clothes, very cooperatively surrounding a booth selling clothes, with a few simple eye movements, they quickly drove away the surrounding customers, and then looked at the stall owner in unison.

The stall owner was a thin man with dark brown skin and narrow eyes.

He obviously recognized the man who found him, and even knew why he found him, but he was not nervous, just let out a breath, and sighed a little tiredly: "As for what, I have come to Atlanta, Are you still holding on to me? I’m just a small person, I don’t know any big secrets, I haven’t done any big things, I don’t even dare to take revenge, so it’s worth you to follow the trail all the way here from Shaar?”

Um? After hearing what the stall owner said, Machu couldn't help raising his eyebrows. As a temporary assistant in the university, he has quite a lot of experience. Based on the information in the words, he quickly deduced that what happened today seems to be more complicated than a simple fight.

Someone from Char? So it's a native of the Soma Alliance? So this is a fugitive hunt? Or, other similar things?

Today's matter, I'm afraid it can't be solved easily, at least it will end without bleeding, maybe death.

A bolder guess is that among the four gray-clothed men and the five skinny stall owners, there may be a wizard, and a battle of extraordinary power will break out. If so, stay away.

In the blink of an eye, Machu wanted to understand this, pulled Donna and prepared to stay away. But unexpectedly, Donna seemed to be fascinated by it, she stood there and didn't move at all, even if he pulled for a long time, it didn't work.

This strength seems to be stronger than him... Machu suddenly felt a little embarrassed, but he didn't want to make too much movement and force Donna to leave, which might turn him from an ordinary onlooker into a being who attracted everyone's attention. I had no choice but to stay where I was with Donna, and I had already made a decision in my heart that "if something goes wrong, I will drag Donna away if I am ashamed".

At this moment, a bald man, one of the four gray-clothed men surrounding the skinny stall owner, uttered a voice, glanced at the stall owner and sneered, "Eric, do you think it would be useful to go to Atlanta? Here is still The territory of the alliance is not a place outside the law. You know what you have done, and if you cooperate with us and go back, there may be a good result."

"Good result? You mean, after death, buried with my wife?" The stall owner said with a slight sarcasm, "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, Serena agreed to cooperate with you, But the person who followed your 'judgment court' was tortured and killed after leaving, and even the body was not left behind, I'm afraid I can't be buried with her."

"But at least you can fight for it. There are corpses buried." The bald man said grimly, and finally added earnestly, "In the form of a whole corpse."

"Thank you, but I want to live well in Atlanta."

"Oh, that's a good idea. This is the same as your wife Serena. At the beginning, as a person who served the rebellious forces, she thought that after His Majesty succeeded to the throne, she could ignore the things she did. But it turns out that Thinking is one thing, but reality is another." The bald man squinted at the stall owner named Eric and said, "One last time to warn you, Eric, come back with us obediently, you can still suffer less. Sin, or you will definitely regret it."

As he spoke, the bald man clenched his fists in a demonstration.

The stall owner Eric raised his eyebrows: "Why, are you going to do it here?"

"is there a problem?"

"Just to remind you, this is Atlanta, not Char."

"Is there a difference?" The corner of the bald man's mouth curled up. "In my opinion, they are all the same. They are all the territory of the alliance, and they must abide by the laws of the alliance. Your arrest warrant was issued by the 'Adjudicative Court', and' The ruling court 'has His Majesty's will. Therefore, arresting you is His Majesty's order, who dares to stop it!"



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