Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1417 The Poisonous Queen

Latest URL: "Teacher, you..."

"Why, do you want to explain something?" Nora glanced at Donna and said, "You want to tell me that what I said is all false, and you are really just an ordinary student?"

"I..." Donna hesitated for a moment, then dropped her shoulders, shook her head with a wry smile, and said, "No, I didn't intend to explain it that way. Teacher, you have indeed figured out all the details about me, and they are all correct. I just I want to ask the teacher, what is the school going to do with me? Is it going to drive me away? So is it going to be driven out of Atlanta, or is Sharin not even allowed to stay?"

"Why did the school drive you away?" Nora asked strangely, "The school didn't want to deal with you."

"But teacher, what you said to me just now..."

"What I told you is just to let you know, don't be smart in Atlanta. Because your smartness may be good in other places, but here, it is nothing at all-there are many people who are better than you, Geniuses who are more than ten times better than you are emerging in endlessly, I hope your intelligence can be used in the right place." Nora said.

After a pause, Nora continued: "Sarin is a place known for its efficiency, so the highest administrative agency here is called the Department of Efficiency, and Atlanta University is even more so. It is relatively loose. Therefore, as long as you really have the ability to stay here, as long as the other aspects are not excessive, you can accept it."

"But teacher, after all, my identity is..."

"What is your identity..." Nora raised her eyebrows, "I can see that you are very worried that your identity will be exposed, which will cause Char to send someone to arrest you. For this reason, you have disguised yourself with so many identities. A toy called 'matryoshka' is popular in Tran City.

But you have also seen the results of the trial in the Magistrate's Court today, and the person Shaar wanted to arrest was not taken away in the end. Although the man named Eric was attacked and fell into a coma, he has been sent to the School of Biology of Atlanta University for treatment, and there is a high probability that he will be fine.

He is just a resident, and he can receive such protection. As a student of Atlanta University, your status is dozens of times more important than him, so it goes without saying how much protection you receive. As long as you can truly become a member of Sharin, then you will never be troubled by Shaar. "

After hearing this, Donna breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked: "Then teacher, what about my mistakes, will there be punishment?"

"Is it your mistake..." Nora raised her chin, "The mistake you made was indeed a violation of the rules, so the school asked me to warn you. But you don't have to worry about it. your ability.

I tested you before, and I can confirm that you have good talent. I considered that you were out of distrust and didn't try your best at that time. Maybe you were better than what I tested.

Therefore, as long as you can play your due role, realize the corresponding value, stay in the university, and really enter one of dozens of research groups, then no one will pursue the mistakes you made.

At that time, even if you make mistakes again, as long as you don't challenge the red line, someone will settle it for you. In fact, there are many people who have made bigger mistakes than you, and they are here to stay and do a good job. You really don't have to have any pressure. "

After hearing this, Donna relaxed and asked in confirmation, "So, teacher, as long as I am willing to stay, I can stay and be protected?"

"Ability." Nora emphasized, "You can have these things only if you have the ability. If you don't have the ability, you can't meet the standards required by the university, and everything is in vain. Here, ability is very important, otherwise you think that some things can't be found in other places. Why can an unaccepted character find a place here? It's not because of his outstanding ability."

"Uh, teacher, I understand." Donna said, "To put it simply, this is actually an exchange, right? If I meet the requirements of the university and make corresponding contributions to the university, then the university will protect me and let me Free from harm, and give a certain reward, so that I can continue to contribute to the university. During this period, even if I make some mistakes, as long as the loss of the mistake does not exceed a certain percentage of the contribution, I can forgive it.”

"Not entirely true, but you have grasped the key point." Nora said, "This is indeed an exchange, or a deal. You have to contribute as much as you want to receive preferential treatment. You are not a child anymore, It should be clear that this world is cruel and realistic, and Atlanta University extracts this cruelty and reality and presents it to you in a purer way. Therefore, if you want what you want, go for it.”

"Then I understand everything." Donna pursed her lips slightly, opened her eyes wide, and said with a bit of fighting spirit, "Teacher, I want to know what I'm going to do next. By the way, can I do things now? I think Prove your ability early, if possible, I hope to surpass all capable people and become the most useful existence here."

"Heh, that's a good idea. I hope you won't be hit in the future. I'll take you to the lab to familiarize yourself with the environment and help you settle down. After that, you can study and help with research, if you If it is really capable, someone will see it." Nora said.

"Okay, teacher, believe me, I will never be hit." Donna smiled confidently, and then asked, "By the way, teacher, I heard that there was a very terrifying evil witch in the Soma Alliance, Known as the Queen of Hearts.

For some unknown reason, she planned to poison and kill twenty-three official wizards of the alliance at one time, including six second-level wizards and seventeen first-level wizards. This person has been arrested by the Soma Alliance officials for many years, but without success. Instead, he killed many official wizards of the Alliance. He is a very troublesome fugitive for the Alliance. In recent years, there has been no trace of this person. Some people say that she was caught and killed by the alliance, and some people say that she came to Atlanta University and was secretly hired. I don't know if it is true or not. "

"Why are you so interested in this person?" Nora asked with a frown. "If this person really came to Atlanta University, what do you think?"

"I want to surpass her." Donna said seriously with a sullen face. "According to the rumors, the other party is very good at mind control spells and structural plague spells. I have already learned the mind control spells, and the structural plague spells are similar. These two Although spell-like spells are only mastered at the elementary level, I think that as long as I work hard and study hard, I will surpass her one day. At that time, I will be like her, and I will no longer be afraid of being captured by alliance members."

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