Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1424 You are not

The latest website: Xia Zuo swallowed, and noticed that the people who came were all in black armor, with black masks on their faces, and tea-brown glass inlaid around their eyes - there was no part of the body exposed to the air, wrapped Like a sealed tin can.

After these people surrounded him and his group, they didn't say a word, and it didn't look like they had any good intentions. In addition, Xia Zuo also found that no investigation team sent out had returned a report so far, which made him suspect that all the investigation teams sent out might have been killed by these people.

This is definitely not good news.

At this time, the soldiers under him also thought of this, dragging their wounded bodies, holding their weapons, and watching the black armored cavalry vigilantly.

Xia Zuo forcibly calmed down, and asked the black armored cavalry loudly: "Who... are you? Is it Shalin's army? I am from the rock fortress, and I am going to your city of Atlanta. On the way Encountered a strange attack and suffered heavy losses, you may need your help for the next journey. What do you think?"

The black-armored soldiers didn't feel anything, and didn't make any sound.

The answer to Xia Zuo was weapons.

With a sound of "swipe", the black-armored cavalry drew out their gleaming long swords in unison, and began to approach Xia Zuo and his party, as if they were too lazy to waste any words.

Xia Zuo's remaining magic knights with a certain combat power were about sixty. Seeing this situation, they gathered decisively, and the rest of the soldiers spontaneously guarded the side, guarding Xia Zuo in the center.

The captain of the magic knight shook the heavy sword in his hand, gritted his teeth and gave an order: "It seems that the people who came want to kill all of us. If this is the case, then we have only one way - all the magic knights, one You will charge and open the way with me in front, and the rest will follow, trying to penetrate the opponent's formation and cover your lord to break out. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Xia Zuo's magic knights and soldiers responded in unison.

"Kill!" Seeing that the black armored cavalry had approached a dangerous distance, the captain of the magic knight under Shaar shouted, and was about to step forward.

As a result, just as he took a step, his feet suddenly softened, as if his strength had been taken away from his whole body, and he knelt on the ground with a "plop", and the weapons slipped from his hands.

"Wow... vomit..."

Then the captain of the magic knight put his hands on the ground, and spit out uncontrollably, and a thick yellow-green liquid gushed out of his mouth like a jet. After the liquid hit the ground,

It turned up and down like boiling water, as if there were a lot of living things mixed in, which made people's scalp numb.

This was not a special case. Behind the captain of the magic knights, the rest of the magic knights were only a beat slower, and then vomited, all in one piece.


On the contrary, the ordinary soldiers had nothing to do, they looked at each other with some doubts.

However, the black armored cavalry didn't give the ordinary soldiers too much time to be confused. They controlled the horses to charge forward, and unceremoniously swung their long swords.

"Puff puff……"

The sharp blade slashed, the head flew up, and the blood spurted out.

This is a massacre.

The black armored cavalry already had a numerical advantage, and Xia Zuo's men were not only small in number, but had already suffered heavy losses. The core magic knight lost his combat power for no reason, unable to resist at all, and could only be slaughtered.

"Boom boom boom..."

Heads fell one by one, and Xia Zuo's team was wiped out in a short while, only Xia Zuo survived.

But the surviving Xia Zuo was not in any happy mood. Guessing that the black armored cavalry left him, he was probably just here to ask questions. After the questioning, he might end up being killed.

But then again, no matter what, at least he had a chance to survive.


He reached into his arms in a panic, and shouted to a black armored cavalryman riding towards him: "You can't kill me, you really can't kill me, I'm a special envoy from Shaar, and my team I have the number of the No. 1 Glory Group in Reef Fortress, if you kill me, you are treason, and you will all be hanged!"

At the end, Xia Zuo took out the things hidden in his arms, unfolded them, and saw a flag.

The flag is sky blue with bloody lines, which is the uniform style of the Union flag. In the center of the flag, there is a pattern embroidered, which is a special military flag awarded by the military to meritorious teams, and only teams that have made great military exploits can have it.

The pattern in the center of the flag is a golden wine cup, which represents glory. This flag is exactly what Xia Zuo said was the military flag of "The First Glory Regiment of Fort Reef". The First Glory Group is the first-class trump card under General Sauron's command. It has been fighting with General Sauron since a long time ago. It is one of the strong evidences of the rumors that Sauron has won every battle, and it is almost regarded as the face of Sauron. Because of this, no matter where this military flag appears, it means more than just an army.

"I?" The black-armored cavalryman riding towards Xia Zuo paused slightly after seeing the military flag, as if startled, and asked in a vague voice from under the mask, "You are really Xia Zuo's special envoy, your Can the team really represent the first honor group of the Reef Castle?"

"Yes, I am a special envoy, and my team can represent the first honor group." Xia Zuo said quickly, panting for a while, trying to persuade, "I can think it was a misunderstanding when you did something before, and I can understand it. But now you know me Identity, if you do anything again, it will be treason, you should think about it clearly."

"Ha." The black armored cavalry smiled, and his cold eyes fell on Xia Zuo through the tea-colored glass, then shook his head, and said seriously, "No, you are not a special envoy, and your team can't represent the first A group of honor.

Because you did not enter the country through formal channels at all, and did not submit legal and complete entry documents, then you are an armed gang that entered the country without status. You are numerous, well-equipped, and well-trained. You deliberately bypass populated areas and keep approaching the city of Atlanta. Your intentions are unknown and extremely dangerous. "

After a pause, the black-armored cavalry looked at Xia Zuo and made a decision: "In a word, you say you are a special envoy, but in my eyes, you are a member of a dangerous armed group that entered the country without identity."

"But the military flag... can prove my identity..." Xia Zuo said while holding on to the corner of the military flag, as if grasping at the last straw.

The black armored cavalry smiled coldly: "I'm sorry, I don't recognize this military flag."


"Pfft!" The black-armored cavalryman drew his sword violently, a flash of cold light flashed, Xia Zuo's head flew out, and then stopped after rolling nine times on the ground, his face froze in astonishment, apparently he did not expect the black-armored The Cavalry would really take a shot at him.


The black-armored cavalry glanced at Xia Zuo's fallen headless corpse, showing a little disdain, then straightened his expression and looked towards the northwest. He bent over immediately, and a respectful voice came from the closed armor: "Wizard Nora, the next scene will be handled by you."

After saying this, the black-armored cavalry waved his hand and left with a group of men at a faster speed than when he came, and disappeared without a trace after a while.

Ten seconds later, Nora, a nearly forty-year-old witch wearing a blue robe, appeared with inconspicuous crow's feet in the corners of her eyes. She walked into the arena and walked past corpses everywhere

I didn't see what Nora did. All the corpses were foaming on the surface, as if they had encountered strong acid and were quickly corroded. Even horses and weapons were not spared. But after a while, all the remaining things in the field melted into a pool of light green liquid, seeping into the ground and disappearing.

After finishing all this, Nora glanced towards the east, gave an unknown smile, shook her head lightly, flew away and left.



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