Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1429: Spy Project

The latest website: "After confirming this, I greatly changed the data of all aspects of the extraordinary factor combination test. After testing for a full 1,827 times, a 'spirit' was generated again. For this third 'spirit' ', after about 60 hours of research, it just disappeared out of thin air like the previous two 'spirits'.

After that, I continued to repeat the operation, and after testing 3,267 times, I got the fourth 'spirit'. After another 926 tests, the fifth 'spirit' was obtained, and after another 2,909 tests, the sixth 'spirit' was obtained.

I improved the experiment process and greatly shortened the time to repeat the experiment. In a few months, I tested tens of thousands of times and found thirteen 'spirits' in total. The one with the most 'spirits' was tested more than 9,000 times before it was generated, and the one with the least number was only tested 121 times.

The thirteen 'spirits' have different attributes under my research. The only thing they have in common is that they all have a very high research value of extraordinary power, allowing me to successfully see a world higher than the extraordinary factor.

However, the number of 'spirits' is rare and their existence time is short, which has been bothering me to further research, so I spent a lot of time and energy trying to find the correct way to generate 'spirits'.

For this reason, I established an extremely complicated equation, and imported all the values ​​​​that generate 'spirits' into it, trying to figure out what rules the generation of 'spirits' obeys. After this method failed, I wondered if some subtle external factors had affected the 'spirit'. In order to screen out these subtle factors, I began to conduct experiments thousands of meters underground. "

"Spying project, right?" Jasmine interjected when she heard this, her eyes flickered. As the ruler of Sarin, it is naturally impossible to hide the large-scale civil engineering construction from her. In fact, she supervises and is responsible for most of such large-scale civil engineering projects. As soon as Li Cha said that the experiment was carried out at a place thousands of meters underground, she immediately guessed which one it was. After all, the name of this project is extremely strange, and it is difficult to forget it.

Li Cha did not deny it, nodded and said: "Yes, it is the spy project. I stayed there for a long time, the purpose is to find out how the 'spirit' is generated, and what is related to those conditions. And the reason It’s called the Spy Project because in my memory, it’s somewhat similar to another group of people looking for the mysterious existence of ‘dark matter’.”

"Then in the end, you succeeded in achieving your goal, right?" Jasmine guessed, not feeling that there was any change in this matter.

But never thought about it, Li Cha chuckled and shook his head, "But...not at all."


"Yes, no." Li Cha's expression didn't look like he was joking, "In the spy project base, I tried my best to eliminate all possible influences.

Try to generate a 'spirit'. As a result, the four 'spirits' that were formed successively were still irregular. "

"So, after expending so much effort, the result you got in the end was just failure?" Jasmine gave a strange look.

"Looking at it from that time, it's almost like this." Li Cha spread his hands without making any excuses.

"Then from your point of view, there will be a turning point in the future?"

"It's not a turning point. It's my reflection." Richard said, "I must admit that the failure of the spy project has hit me to a certain extent. Not only because of wasting time, energy and resources, but more importantly, it made me It feels like something like a 'spirit' may really not be able to be produced by a fixed method, and maybe the extraordinary power becomes an unknown and random thing when it reaches a certain height.

But I changed my mind again, maybe I considered ordinary things too complicated. The 'spirit' seems to be produced by me using the supernatural factor combination test, but the conditions are different every time, so is it possible that the appearance of the 'spirit' has nothing to do with the supernatural factor combination test at all? "

"What do you mean by that?" Jasmine thought that she was about to catch up with Li Cha's train of thought, but suddenly realized that she was thrown far away again.

"It's very simple. I thought about some things wrong from the beginning." Li Cha stretched out a finger, "Just like what I said before, the 'spirit' has a certain intelligence in the test, and it belongs to a kind of life. It is life , means that it is alive, so is there such a possibility... The 'spirit' was not created by my experiments at all, it already existed, but I happened to discover it and capture it when I was conducting experiments. "

"Huh?" Jasmine's eyes were confused.

"Let's put it this way." Li Cha thought for a while, and further explained, "'Spirit' is a very special kind of extraordinary life, it has always existed around us, but for some reason, it does not affect us, just like two A parallel world. And I conduct the supernatural factor combination test, because the high-energy reaction will break the boundary between the two 'parallel worlds', allowing the two 'parallel worlds' to temporarily overlap at one node.

If this node does not have a spirit, then naturally it cannot be captured, and it seems that the test has failed. If there is a 'spirit' at this node, I can capture it by chance, and it looks like a 'generated' spirit. But the coincidence of nodes is not permanent. After a period of time, the two "parallel worlds" will separate, and the spirit will be forced to return to another "world", and the performance in our "world" will disappear out of thin air. "

"So, besides our world, there is another world?" Jasmine asked with a deep frown.

"I'm still not sure whether another world really exists. The above is just a metaphor of mine." Richard said, "But things like 'spirit', no accident, exist in a dimension different from ours .If our world successfully connects with the dimension where the 'spirit' is located, then it will expand more broadly, and it is precisely because of this that the 'spirit' has a series of magical and extraordinary attributes-because this most likely involves some changes in the laws of physics."

"Different dimensions?" Jasmine blinked and stopped talking. She found that as the conversation continued, her thoughts were pulled further and further away.

Li Cha didn't care, and continued according to his own thoughts: "Actually, according to my follow-up series of research, I found that the dimension is relatively stable in the area we live in, that is, the land surface, and it is not easy to break the boundary. But in At high altitudes, due to the influence of void energy, it is easier to generate coincident nodes and connect with different dimensions.

In the depths of the void, long-term overlapping nodes are directly generated in many places, and many 'spirits' live near the nodes. These 'spirits' are relatively strong, and their intelligence is not weak. Almost every one of them is no less than the 'spirit' in the Ninth Branch School accident. I call them 'empty spirits'. "


Remember Aishang in 1 second:

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