Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1434: Ace No. 4728 High Energy Test

Latest URL: A week later.

"Twisting", Su walked into the door of the office on the top floor of the city hall.

In the office, Jasmine was still burying her head in processing the documents. After a while, she looked up at Su and asked, "What's the matter, the person at the reception desk sent someone to urge you again? Didn't you tell him? Continue to wait." I will arrange it for him if I have free time."

"Princess, the other party is a little different this time." Su said.

"Why is it different? I sent someone to say that I was going to leave Atlanta? This is not new. Counting from the beginning, how many times has it been? The last time I said, I met the lord Richard in the morning, and in the afternoon Let's go. This time, I should have met the lord Li Cha in the morning, and left at noon, right?" Jasmine asked, and before Su answered, she lowered her head and picked up a quill pen to write a review on a document.

"No, princess." Su shook his head, and said, "This time the other party didn't send any more people, but came directly, and now they are sitting in the hall of the city hall, saying that they will not see you today, the princess, or one of the lord Li Cha. , never leave."

Jasmine stopped writing the review, put down the quill pen, and made a sound of surprise.

"Huh, if you look at it this way, the other party really can't help it."

"I think so too, so how do you think the princess should deal with it?"

"Is this..." Jasmine thought about it.


While Jasmine was thinking, Atlanta City, 362 Research Institute.

The four-story stone building stood in the small, unremarkable courtyard as usual. No one moved around in the courtyard, and it looked extremely quiet. However, the area on the 27th floor underground of the four-story stone building was busy, in stark contrast to the ground.

It can be seen that the twenty-seventh floor underground is a very wide space with a height of more than ten meters, which is equivalent to five floors above the ground.

The main color of this space is silver, the walls are thick steel plates, and the surface of the steel plates shines with the unique cool luster of metal. In some areas, the steel plates were replaced with special alloys, with magic patterns engraved on the surface, and brilliant energy rays flashed from time to time to prevent possible dangerous situations.

On the top, slices of electrified crystal lamps emit bright but not dazzling white light, illuminating every corner clearly. During the lighting, many people were running in the corridor on the 27th floor, as if they were preparing for something,

In the end, everyone gathered in a control hall in the center, standing in front of densely packed manipulation instruments, waiting in full force.

One wall of the control hall is transparent, made of a special glass-like material, and the surface is engraved with cumbersome and extreme magic patterns, providing a strong defense capability.

Through this wall, one can see that the control hall is next to a tiankeng that sinks more than 40 meters downward. On the edge of the tiankeng, there are hundreds of crimson metal pillars. Ten times the needle.

Along the edge of the tiankeng, looking towards the inside of the tiankeng, the walls of the tiankeng have been specially cured, covered with silver and gray metal plates.

Arriving at the bottom of the tiankeng, it was transformed into a relatively flat open space with a radius of more than 100 meters. In the center of the open space stood a metal platform weighing more than ten tons, surrounded by more than a dozen mechanical arms. In addition, dozens of wires and pipes as thick as a baby's arm dangled from the metal platform, pierced deep into the soil, and led to nowhere.

Twelve wizards wearing robes of different colors are busy around the metal platform, constantly pulling the joystick on it, and fine-tuning the position of the mechanical arm. There is also a wizard who holds a jar of liquid and puts it in a translucent container on the metal table. I don't know what it is for.

After careful observation, almost every one of the twelve wizards is a third-level wizard, and the female wizard in a light blue robe—Nora, who is called the "Queen of Poisonous Heart", is one of them. And the one with the highest strength is a male wizard named Emerson, who is clearly a fourth-level wizard.

Emerson himself looks to be about forty years old, with a serious expression, wearing a wrinkled black robe, oily hair, he hasn't rested for an unknown amount of time, and his eyes are bloodshot. He is the captain of the entire wizard team, and when the rest of the wizards stopped busy, he checked and made sure that all the instruments on the metal table were ready, and turned to look at the position of the command hall.

Slowly raising his hand, he stretched out his index finger and shook it.

This stands for "level 1 readiness".

"Received by the command platform, please check again to be sure." Soon a voice sounded from the command hall, and responded. The voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the entire twenty-seventh floor.

Emerson listened, without hesitation, checked the metal table again.

After checking, he raised his hand and shook his index and middle fingers at the same time.

Secondary is move in ready.

"Received by the podium, please do a final inspection." The previous voice sounded again, precisely controlling the scope of the voice to the 27th floor underground, filling every corner, but neither going up nor down . This is already a display of extremely high strength, which can only be achieved by a very small number of wizards who are proficient in the sound system of ventilation elements. This makes the speaker's strength successfully enter the unpredictable state.

After hearing this, Emerson didn't feel any impatience, and checked the metal platform strictly for the third time, then raised his hand, stretched out his index finger, middle finger and ring finger and shook them.

Three level ready.

"The podium has received the permission to start the 'Ace 4728 High Energy Experiment' and the 'Gao Ling Capture Project'. All systems are requested to cooperate, and the experimenters are requested to proceed carefully in accordance with the established procedures."

After hearing this, Emerson nodded lightly, stretched out his right hand, shook the podium to express his understanding, then turned to look at the eleven wizards standing on the metal platform, and quickly issued a series of instructions.

"Turn on energy transmission." Emerson said in a deep voice.


A gray-robed wizard took a step forward and pulled down a thick, black joystick on the metal platform.


The metal platform vibrated, as if a dead beast had been reinfused with vitality and came alive.

"Preheat the high-energy particle generator." Emerson said without changing his expression.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

A green-robed wizard stepped forward, stretched out his hands in succession, and pulled down six silver joysticks in one go.

The six pairs of fixed mechanical arms on the metal platform made sounds inside, and began to heat up rapidly, with faint heat transferred to the outside world.

"Report core temperature," Emerson asked.

"One thousand and eight hundred." The third wizard said.

"The temperature has passed the limit, open the coolant valve and inject coolant." Emerson followed closely.

The fourth wizard waved his hand, and a turntable beside him turned quickly, and there was a sound of liquid impact, and the entire metal platform slowly cooled down.


At the same time, voices kept ringing in the command hall, ordering the people in the command hall to perform various operations to cooperate with the experimenters in the tiankeng.

"Start the energy center, connect the transmission line..."

"Kaka, the energy center has been successfully started, and the transmission line has been connected. Kaka, the status is normal, and the energy level is currently one."

"Inject high-energy particles..."

"Ka Ka Ka, Ka Ka Ka, the high-energy particles have been injected, the state is normal, and the activity is good."

"Pick out the freezing liquid and fill it into the No. 1 pipeline..."

"Kaka, the refrigerant has been successfully extracted and filled, and the No. 1 pipeline has started to operate."

"Turn on the coolant circulation system..."

"Kaka, the coolant circulation system started successfully."



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