Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1436: Despicable Sacrifice

"Don't get me wrong." Emerson finally answered, looked at the energy octopus with the same mental wave, and responded blankly, "I'm just doing a test."

"Test, what test?"

"Please wait patiently, you will know soon. After everything is completed, you can get the high-level soul sacrifice you want for free."


"Really." Emerson nodded, and under the gaze of the energy octopus, he signaled many wizards to distance themselves, surrounded the energy octopus vaguely, and gave orders to the surrounding wizards without any consideration: "The target has successfully arrived, and the condition is basically It is in line with the expectation, then follow the No. 1 plan to implement the plan-the team members cooperate with each other, first use powerful spells to attack the target, and strive to damage the target to the greatest extent in the shortest time, so as to play a weakening role."

"Understood." The rest of the wizards nodded, and began to use their mana without any hesitation. The next moment, twelve small suns rose from their hands in the sinkhole, including Emerson. The momentum was not too big, but the power was extremely concentrated , unceremoniously hit the energy octopus.

"Boom... boom boom boom boom boom!"

Continuous explosions sounded, and the energy octopus seemed to be hit by twelve solid shells. Under the action of huge force, it flew out directly and hit the wall of the sinkhole before stopping.

Multiple tentacles swayed wildly, the energy octopus struggled to stand up, stared at Emerson, and said in a voice: "What are you going to do, are you attacking me?"

"It's a misunderstanding. We didn't attack you, but where you were just now. You just stood there to block us, so the attack fell on you, Mr. Gao Ling." Emerson didn't blink the way.

"Really? Then I apologize to you." The energy octopus accepted Emerson's explanation in a strange way, and even offered to apologize, and then urged, "So, have your tests been completed? When can I Take away the high-level soul you sacrificed, I can't wait to taste his mature taste."

"Please wait a second, because of your obstruction, we failed the test just now, so we have to test again." Emerson responded.

"Then hurry up, and don't make any more mistakes." The energy octopus replied patiently.

"Okay." Emerson responded with mental fluctuations, turned his head to look at the other wizards, his expression became a bit serious, and said, "It seems that the effect of the first attack is not very satisfactory, and it has not effectively weakened the target. At this time, try to make the attack range cover all parts of the opponent's body, and try to find possible vital points."

"Yes." Many wizards responded.

There were also a few wizards who were surprised, glanced at the energy octopus, and asked in a low voice: "This... guy, will he really let us keep attacking like this? Is this so-called high-spirited IQ so low?"

"It's not that he has a low IQ, but he doesn't know about lying." Emerson glared at the puzzled wizard, "This is all in the planning information. If you read enough details, you will know that we choose This target is a relatively weak one among the high spirits.

His lifespan is relatively short, and it is very likely that he has never been in contact with any intelligent life other than us. Even if he has, he has not been deliberately set up to trap him, so his vigilance is very poor, and he will not know that there is such a thing as deception .

So, we can treat him the way we are now. But don't underestimate the other party, the other party really doesn't know about lies, but after a few more experiences, they will eventually react.

what we have to do,

It is to weaken the opponent to the point where it can be controlled as much as possible before the opponent reacts, so as to successfully capture. Well, don't waste time, get ready to attack. "


A group of wizards used their mana for the second time. In the next moment, multiple light beams and multiple light balls flew towards the energy octopus, hit the surface of the body and exploded, giving the energy octopus a more comprehensive blow.


The energy octopus that had just stood up was tilted under the blow, and asked Emerson angrily, "You guys made a mistake again!"

"Indeed, I'm sorry to you this time, which can be regarded as offsetting your last sorry." Emerson said, "Next, I hope you will give us another test chance, whether you succeed or not, you can take it away The soul sacrifice you want."

Energy Octopus: "..." There was a moment of silence, as if thinking.

Without waiting for the energy octopus to respond, Emerson shouted first: "Everyone pay attention, I have already noticed that the target's head is relatively fragile, next time we all focus on attacking the head, understand?"


"Ready to attack!"

A group of wizards used their mana for the third time. At this time, the energy octopus looked at the energy that was shining in the hands of the twelve wizards, as if they had finally realized something. Many tentacles were raised, and there were hundreds of eyes on the tentacles. Looking at it together, the mental fluctuations are roaring: "I can see that you are not testing me at all, you are just trying to attack me... It is not right to say that you sacrificed my group of people whose words and behaviors do not match , is a complete destroyer of the rule world, I am not going to make a deal with you, I will bring your souls and sacrifices, and return directly."

After the words fell, the energy octopus started to move before all the wizards prepared their spells and attacked. Several tentacles stretched out and pulled out like long whips. The long whip streaked across the air, and the space seemed to be cut open. Along the way, black lines appeared in the field of vision and continued to extend, quickly approaching Emerson and others.

Emerson saw it, and decisively stopped the powerful spell that accumulated energy, and shouted calmly: "The target has initially noticed the truth of the plan. Everyone, on the premise of protecting themselves, attack at will and continue to weaken the opponent as much as possible."

After finishing speaking, Emerson stepped on his feet, moved his body to the left, easily avoided the black line, then waved his hand to form a light blue ice spear with billowing white cold air, aiming at the energy octopus as a support Several tentacles are thrown.


The rest of the wizards responded to Emerson's words and stopped half of the spells they prepared. After trying to avoid the attack of the energy octopus, they used many spells to attack.


"Bang bang!"


Fireballs, light beams, ice guns, and acid continuously fell on the energy octopus. Although the energy octopus was not seriously injured, it still caused the energy octopus to suffer and become extremely angry.

"You sacrificers are simply... the most unqualified sacrificers I have ever met... I don't want to see you... I never want to see you... You should all be turned into dust..." The energy octopus speaks sharply with mental fluctuations, and is extremely angry, but because of the lack of language, it always feels less meaningful after speaking.

However, the words were less meaningful, and the energy octopus acted mercilessly. With a "swipe", all the tentacles stretched out, almost filling half of the sinkhole. After that, the tentacles waved wildly, attacking Emerson and his party.

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