Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1438: January Term

The mental fluctuations spread, and the voice of Gao Ling sounded, as if to vent his emotions.

"Stupid bug, feel the taste of supreme terror. I want you to understand that if words and actions are inconsistent, you will have to pay a heavy price. The price is to lose your soul and lose your life!"

The energy octopus yelled at the stiff Li Cha, then shrank its whole body, and its size became less than 1% of its original size. It slammed into Li Cha's open mouth like a water snake into the hole, and quickly disappeared in Li Cha's mouth. Inspect the depths of the throat.

The next moment, Li Cha's body began to swell at a speed visible to the naked eye, like an inflated balloon, his expression was full of pain, as if the flesh, internal organs and even the soul inside were being swallowed by the high spirit.

However, just when his body swelled to almost twice its volume and seemed about to explode, the trend slowed down, and a black shadow flashed in Li Cha's opened mouth. come out.

At this moment, with a sound of "Bo", Li Cha closed his mouth, as if closing the door of the prison cell, sealing the energy octopus in his body.

The painful expression on his face disappeared in a flash, and Li Cha showed a somewhat funny look.

Sure enough...something like Gao Ling may be powerful, but when it comes to fighting wisdom, it is not an opponent of "despicable human beings" at a simple flaw in the battle can make the opponent easily fooled...isn't that You can learn it by simply being deceived once or twice... The other party still has a long way to go...

Li Cha used his extraordinary power to control his body to return to its original state little by little, then pressed his lower abdomen and said, "Mr. Gao Ling, just now you didn't want to talk to me about fair trade because of emotional reasons, but now I might be in my body Calm down, can we talk?"

"Talk? After I go out, I will have a good talk with you!" Gao Ling made a sharp voice like an awl in the wave of consciousness.

"But you can't come out, you can only talk in my body." Li Cha said without changing his expression.


Gao Ling roared, Li Cha's lower abdomen suddenly bulged, and then his chest bulged, followed by fist-sized bumps on his side ribs and back—Gao Ling slammed into Li Cha's body frantically, trying to find an exit.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows lightly, and didn't say anything about it. When he held one hand, he saw that the exposed skin of his whole body lit up, and dense golden magic lines appeared on it——Li Cha had already transformed his body into a A container dedicated to capturing high spirits.

As the thought turned, the magic pattern was activated, and Li Cha's skin produced energy fluctuations like water patterns, and his whole body was dyed a layer of light gold. The pimples that bulged up after that were forcibly calmed down one by one under the action of the magic pattern. No matter how hard the high spirit in the body tried, the body remained unchanged.

His back was straight, like a statue Li Cha stood firmly on the ground, and said slowly: "Mr. Gao Ling, if I say you can't get out, you really can't get out. Other things... I may have deceived you." , but this matter really didn’t deceive you. So, for your freedom, you’d better think again about fair cooperation between us.”

"Cheating... so you call the inconsistency of words and actions deception..." Gao Ling whispered, as if he was absorbing some new knowledge, but then he did not compromise, and said coldly, "Even so, I will not agree your.

You have indeed temporarily trapped me and made me lose my freedom, but you also paid the price for your own freedom. My life is extremely long, and I can afford to spend it with you. At worst, I will get out of trouble after you die decades or hundreds of years later.

But you, if you want to trap me, you must make sure to use all your strength at all times,

Would you like to do this all the time for the rest of your life? "

Li Cha smiled lightly after hearing this, and responded indifferently: "Why not?"

"you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. If you really insist on not cooperating, Mr. Gao Ling, although I don't want to, I can only continue to trap you in my body as it is. To be honest... In this state, I have been affected, and I am not Not as big as you think..."

"Because, what traps you is only one of my many bodies..." A voice rang out, and after taking over the conversation, I saw another Li Cha—the same Li Cha suddenly appeared in the midair of the Tiankeng, talking Slowly descending to the vicinity of the first Li Cha.

The second Li Cha smiled and said: "It takes up one of my bodies. Although there are some losses, it is acceptable. I still have enough other bodies to do other things. In addition, my body is dead and cannot trap you. When the time comes, I can also replace it with a new body in time to ensure that Mr. Gao Ling will keep you trapped. How about this, are you satisfied, Mr. Gao Ling?"

Gao Ling: "..." After hearing the words, there was a long silence.

After a long time, Gao Ling admitted defeat and said: "Okay, liar, I admit that you have prepared very comprehensively, then let's talk about the transaction, what exactly do you want to do? First of all, I want to tell you that I can't Let you study for ten years! Because the soul you sacrificed is not enough for me to pay such a high price. In fact, although the soul you sacrificed is rare, it will only allow me to stay in this world for a month at most .”

"One month? Well, just one month." Li Cha suddenly became easy to talk, and after thinking about it, he decided, "You stay in this world for a month, and cooperate with me and my subordinates to conduct simple research. After the research is over, I will let you return and give you a soul that is not weaker than before as a sacrifice. How about it?"

"Really? Are you deceiving me again this time?" Li Cha's attitude changed so quickly that Gao Ling couldn't help being suspicious.

Li Cha said seriously: "I'm sure."

Gao Ling was still suspicious: "You mean the same as I mean when you say one month - it refers to the one month in your current world, right? That is, the sky rotates thirty times day and night, and there is no external influence during the process. And I When you say yes, start counting immediately, with no pauses, delays, or slowdowns, right?"

This is really being deceived out of experience... After hearing Gao Ling's words, Li Cha couldn't help admiring the other party's caution... However, he did not intend to deceive the other party again, because his original purpose was to study Gao Ling's ten days or so.

After all, something like Gao Ling is not tin wood. As an extremely high-level, extremely mysterious and extraordinary life, it is not easy to cooperate with it for ten days. The reason why he said the "ten years" deadline was just to leave room for bargaining, and it was a complete surprise that the other party agreed to a month.

It seems that, as expected, weak high-level high spirits like this who have never been deceived are easy to talk to, while those powerful ancient high spirits are not.

Thinking of this, Li Cha responded: "Yes, Mr. Gao Ling, it's the month you were thinking of. If you have no objection, we have reached a consensus."

Gao Ling: "This..." I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell what's wrong.

"Okay, we have reached a consensus, and the transaction is happy." Li Cha said directly without waiting for Gao Ling's reply.

After speaking, he left the first body that sealed Gao Ling in place, and the second body flew away from the tiankeng and entered a passage outside the tiankeng.

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