Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1440: Star Gazer Tycho

More than twenty days later.

Late at night, sunny, full of stars.

Outside the city of Atlanta, on a raised ground in the wilderness, there is an ordinary-looking courtyard.

There are three stone buildings standing in the yard, the middle one is the tallest with six floors, and there is a huge long cylindrical structure on the top that is slowly turning, as if someone is using this prop to observe something in the sky.

This is the 361 station.

On the ninth floor underground, in a huge and empty room.

In the center of the room is a set of mechanical equipment that looks somewhat complicated, and it is connected to the top, except for the fact that there is nothing else, not even the most basic tables and chairs.

A tall, thin old man in an indigo robe who looked to be in his seventies was standing in front of the mechanical equipment in the middle of the room, fiddling with it.

His name is Nicola Tycho, and he is a powerful but extremely low-key wizard. He has reached the realm of a fourth-level wizard decades ago, but there are almost no rumors about him on the mainland. This is mainly because he has a weird hobby - stargazing, studying the mysterious and infinite starry sky. For this reason, he spends most of his life away from the crowd, eliminating meaningless interference, and hiding in a remote place with few people to observe and record The orbits of many stars.

It was precisely because of this hobby that he was invited to Shalin two years ago and became the director of the 361 Institute.

Tycho, with a wrinkled face, squinted his eyes at a glass hole of the instrument, and pressed the two crystal hemispheres on the surface of the instrument with both hands.

The delicately controlled stream of mana flowed into the crystal hemisphere, and the crystal hemisphere shone brightly. The sound of dense gears could be heard inside the instrument, and there were also waves of high-intensity energy activating the magic pattern. Under the control of the instrument, fine adjustments were made, many internal structures were operating, and the angle and direction of the stargazing tube on the outside ground changed accordingly.

Tycho kept observing the stars formed in the glass hole, and occasionally reached out to press other buttons on the instrument, looking focused and smiling.

The process lasted for tens of minutes. Tycho ended his stargazing, pulled down a white joystick heavily on the mechanical instrument, left the instrument, and turned to look at the door.

In less than half a minute, the sound of small steps running quickly sounded outside the door, and then the door was pushed half open, and a young male wizard apprentice entered, holding a shining crystal ball in his hand, and respectfully said: "Master Tycho, The star chart you observed today, I have recorded it for you next door, it has changed slightly from last time, do you want to check it?"

"Well, give it to me." Tycho said, and with a wave of his hand, the crystal ball flew up under the influence of the extraordinary power, and it broke away from the palm of the wizard apprentice, drawing an arc in the air, and was grabbed by Tycho. catch.

Tycho clenched the crystal ball tightly and poured mana into it. The shining crystal ball suddenly lit up, and the light cast from the top of the room quickly dimmed. Countless light spots flew out from the inside of the crystal ball, scattered in the air in the room, occupying a fixed position, forming a three-dimensional star map.

Tycho raised his hand and gently pushed the star map, causing the star map to rotate slowly, occasionally stopping to observe one of the light spots for a long time.

In this way, Tycho watched for another tens of minutes, stretched out his hand and squeezed all the light spots into a ball and stuffed them back into the crystal ball, and waved his hand to restore the light to the room.

Holding the crystal ball, Tycho looked at the wizard apprentice who was still standing at the door, and asked a little strangely: "Why are you still here? Do you have something else to tell me?"

"Yes, Master Tycho." The wizard apprentice looked over anxiously, "One more thing—Master Emerson from 362 came just now,

Said that there is something for 'Research Project No. 9' to give to you. "

"So that Emerson has been waiting for me for almost an hour?"

"Yes." The wizard apprentice was a little nervous, "I wanted to tell you, Master, but you reminded me that no one should disturb you when you are stargazing and observing the star map, so..."

"Not bad, you did a good job in this matter." Tycho raised his chin, "We should let that arrogant gambler wait a little longer. I heard that this time he and Lord Richard proposed to use seven Cheng Duo’s capital budget for the next quarter is a bet, and as long as our No. 361 cannot complete the delivery, we will transfer the funds to their No. 362.”

"Hmph, sure enough, that old guy has never given up on the idea of ​​annexing us. However, he also thinks it's too beautiful. Our 361 school is no worse than their 362 school. The things Lord Li Cha entrusted to us, Not only has it been completed, but it has also been completed ahead of schedule, so if he wants to win, he should do so in his next life." Tycho held the crystal ball tightly and said.

After listening to the words, the wizard apprentice asked tentatively: "Then Master Tycho, do you need to ask Master Emerson to wait a little longer?"

"Forget it." Tycho waved his hand, "It's enough to keep him waiting for so long. If it takes longer, that guy will go to Lord Li Cha and speak ill of me again. Call him in."

"Yes." The wizard apprentice nodded, turned and walked out.

After a while, hurried and dull footsteps sounded in the corridor outside.

Then there was a "bang", as if the opposite door was hit by a siege cone, it bounced inward with a whistling sound, hitting the walls on both sides, and Emerson, whose face was darkened, stepped in.

Tycho raised his eyebrows and looked at Emerson who seemed very angry. The wrinkles on his face were flattened by the iron in an instant, and he asked with a smile: "Mr. Three or six and one came."

"Hmph, I'm just going to inspect it. It's just a branch of my 362 Institute in the future. Let's see how it can be improved." Emerson said blankly.

Tycho was stunned, and chuckled: "Your branch of the 362 Institute? Think too much, you didn't win the bet this time, you completed your work, and we also completed our work, so it counts." draw."

"I know." Emerson said lightly, "But I will always win in the future. Your No. 361 School has little value in existence. Sooner or later, it will belong to our No. 362 School."

"No one can say what will happen in the future, so don't draw conclusions so early."

"No, I said yes." Emerson said with emphasis, he took out a gray crystal ball from his pocket and threw it at Tycho, "By the way, take this, this is our No. 9 Research The content of the project' records the inquiries from the captured high spirits, the remaining dozens of ancient high spirits, their positions in the void, their scope of influence, and testing methods.

I really don't see any practical value in this, but since Lord Li Cha asked me to give it to you, you can take it, and I hope I don't waste my time. "

Tycho caught the thrown gray crystal ball, opened his mouth to say something to anger Emerson, but Emerson didn't give him this chance, turned around first, and walked out the door without looking back.

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