Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1443: Entering the City

The wheels ran over the road, and the carriage entered Shaar, passed through the city gates, and headed towards the center of the city.

Along the way, Li Cha saw Shaar's current scene through the car window, and there were some subtle changes from more than three years ago.

Speaking of which, he observed Shaar more than three years ago, not long after the war between the Soma Alliance and the Kingdom of Sika ended. At that time, although the Soma Alliance won the war, the consumption of national power was not small, which caused the living standards of the common people to plummet, and the taxes were too heavy, which led to the closure of many shops in the city.

Compared with more than three years ago, it seems that there is not much relief, on the contrary, it seems to be more serious.

At a glance, at least 30% of the shops on the street are closed, and another 30% are dilapidated with few customers. The street became quite cold, and occasionally pedestrians were in a hurry, not stopping in front of the shop at all.

The owner of a grocery store, leaning on the door frame, seemed to have given up struggling, and did not attract customers at all, but just stared at the dead fish eyes, not knowing what to think.

The owner of the tailor shop next door was not much better, standing in front of the door and sighing constantly.

The blacksmith's shop in the distance was rarely quiet. It took a long time to hear the sound of iron hammering intermittently. The sound was dull, and it sounded a little cold and lifeless. It lasted only a few minutes and then stopped, followed by the fire that seemed to be extinguished.

This situation lasted until the center of Char City, and the streets in the city center still looked prosperous, and the business of the shops was still booming. But looking at the broken bluestone ground due to years of disrepair, and looking at the neglect of cleaning up the horse manure and garbage piled up on the street corners, you know that under the surface, decay has begun.

From the looks of it... the Soma Alliance has had quite a lot of internal friction over the past few years because of their struggle for the throne...

After thinking about it, Li Cha directed the carriage to the reception.

The reception looked almost the same as it did three years ago, almost unchanged.

After getting out of the carriage, Li Cha knocked on the door and entered, showing his identity. He was quickly received respectfully, and soon settled down—the place where he lived was still the courtyard where he was used to living more than three years ago.

After staying, in the afternoon, someone came to visit.

He was not a stranger, he was Cyril Sack, the honorary duke who had gone to Sarin.

This old man in his seventies returned to Shaar early after Sharin got the reply he wanted. It seems that the alliance thought that this man communicated well. After knowing that he had arrived in Shaar, he sent the other party out directly. .

The purpose of the dispatch is actually simple, but to exchange information about meeting with the Alliance Emperor.

According to Cyril Sack's statement, the Alliance Emperor is very eager to meet, but he wants to make the meeting more grand, so the specific time cannot be determined for the time being, only within three days.

Li Cha doesn't care too much about this, the main purpose of his coming to Shaar this time is to give the alliance an explanation. On the surface, it doesn't matter whether you bow your head or give up some peripheral interests, as long as you are sure that the alliance will not make trouble for Shalin, and you can meet with the emperor of the alliance at any time.

Knowing Li Cha's attitude, Cyril Sack was obviously relieved and expressed his appreciation. After that, I didn't stay long, just said a few polite words, excused that I still had to be busy, got up and left.

When he was about to leave the house, Cyril Sack said, whether it was a kind reminder or an ulterior motive, "Well...Lord Richard, since you promised to meet with His Majesty at any time these few days, it's best to tell your Majesty before the meeting." Don't just leave this reception.

Seriously... Although His Majesty has been on the throne for some time,

However, some rebellious parties have not been completely eliminated, and there may be a few who are trying to sabotage on the street. The law and order in Xia is worrying. If you go out casually and some accident happens, it will not be good if it affects your meeting with His Majesty. "

"Is that so?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows, "Really, I really want to see the so-called rebellious party, and I happened to wipe it out for His Majesty—since I was able to help the alliance win the national war, now I can wipe out a few A chaotic party, it must not be difficult."

"Uh..." Cyril Sack was taken aback for a moment, and then he clearly remembered that Li Cha's identity was not as simple as Lord Sharin, but also a powerful wizard. According to the rumors, he is even one of the most powerful wizards in the entire main continent. Such a person does not need to worry about safety in Shaar.

After opening and closing his lips a few times, Cyril Sack smiled awkwardly and said, "Well, I despised you, Lord Richard, and I apologize. But having said that, no matter what, there is nothing wrong with being careful."

"Okay, I'll pay attention, Duke Sark."

"That's good, I take my leave."




In the gradually thickening night, Cyril Sack got into the carriage and left.

Not long after Cyril Sack left, Li Cha left the reception and disappeared into the darkness outside.

When he reappeared after more than ten minutes, he was already in front of a three-story stone building in Char City.

The three-story stone building looked like it hadn't been occupied for a long time. There were many cracks and stains on the outer wall surface. There was no light inside, and even the door at the entrance was a little skewed.

Seeing the appearance of the stone building, Li Cha frowned, and suddenly turned around to look at the alley opposite the stone building.

At the entrance of the alley, a person who was completely hidden under the gray robe appeared, stretched out his right hand from the robe, and pressed lightly on his left shoulder.

After doing this, turn around and leave.

Li Cha's eyes narrowed, and he followed the opponent with steps, turning and turning, and finally entered an ordinary small courtyard.

In the small courtyard, there was another person who was completely hidden under the green robe waiting, and the gray robed person consciously stood guard at the gate of the courtyard, as if guarding against other people breaking in.

Li Cha looked at the green-robed man, and asked aloud, "Are you Nagarjuna's subordinate? Do you have any news for me?"

"I am indeed Lord Nagarjuna's subordinate, and Lord Nagarjuna asked me to give this thing to you." The green-robed man said respectfully, stepped closer, and handed out a small box the size of a palm.

Li Cha reached out to pick it up, stopped halfway through the stretch, looked at the face of the green-robed man inquiringly, and asked with some playfulness: "Are you really Nagarjuna's subordinate?"

The green-robed man's body trembled slightly, but he didn't respond, and shook the box in his hand the next moment.


The box shattered, and a blood-red light flew out of it, hitting Li Cha's body with almost no time to react.

Like a sharp knife cutting through butter, the light pierced Li Cha's body without any hindrance, pierced through his heart, and flew out from behind.


Li Cha fell to the ground without a sound.

The green-robed man was stunned for a moment, as if he hadn't thought that things would be so easy, and after a while he looked at the gray-robed man and asked, "Is this dead?"

"Should." The gray-robed man was not too sure.

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