Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1447: 1 person, 1 army

"Is it your sin..."

The Alliance Emperor sat on the throne, his blue eyes fixed on Li Cha, and his lips opened and closed.

"First, you are running rampant in the sand forest of your territory, and you have become your own country, ignoring the alliance.

"Second, ruling that members of the court were killed in your territory, you cover up the murderer and ignore the law.

"Third, since I took the throne, many rebellious parties have secretly carried out all kinds of sabotage, but you have many connections with them and ignore the imperial power.

"All of the above are enough to regard you as treason!"

This is really targeted... Li Cha blinked his eyes after hearing this and thought... It has to be said that the Emperor of the Alliance did not make random accusations, and the circumstances he pointed out are basically in line with the facts.

However, the accusation is just a rhetoric. If it is pursued, it will be there anyway, if not, it can be completely ignored.

But now the Alliance Emperor has clearly pointed out that it is undoubtedly the former.

So...the other party's next intention is...

"Can you admit your crime?" the alliance emperor asked aloofly.

"If I admit it, what kind of punishment will I have, Your Majesty?" Li Cha asked meaningfully.

"If you admit it and are willing to subdue the law, you will be spared the death penalty." The Alliance Emperor said in a deep voice.

"So..." Li Cha raised his eyebrows lightly, "Conversely, if you don't admit it, you will definitely die? Then who is His Majesty planning to use to kill me? You know, with my current strength, I am not as strong as I imagined. Good to kill."

"Licha Austin, I know you are very strong, but no matter how strong you are, you are only one person. I have prepared enough countermeasures, and they must be enough to deal with you." As he spoke, the Alliance Emperor Glanced at the standing court officials.


A series of powerful auras rose suddenly, and the people around were affected, and quickly hid in the corner, revealing the figure of the master of these powerful auras.

One, two, three, four... fourteen, fifteen, sixteen!

Li Cha took a glance and found that there were sixteen people prepared for him in the palace, and each of them was at least a junior fourth-level wizard.

This is a bit surprising, after all, level four wizards are not Chinese cabbages, and they are not existences that can catch a lot of them at once. When the Soma Alliance wiped out the headquarters of the Truth Society, there were not so many fourth-level wizards in total.

Li Cha glanced again suspiciously, and keenly found that more than half of the sixteen fourth-level wizards had unstable breaths, and the energy fluctuations in their bodies were relatively large, which looked like temporary...

"Using medicine to forcibly improve?" Li Cha suddenly had some understanding in his heart. Now standing behind the Emperor of the Alliance is the Society of Truth. As far as he knows, the Society of Truth has some means to temporarily raise a person's wizard level, but the price is relatively high. Maybe that's how the sixteen fourth-level wizards here came from.

Is this logical... Li Cha thought... But having said that, even if some of the sixteen fourth-level wizards were forcibly upgraded with potions, they are still sixteen fourth-level wizards... It is indeed not easy to deal with.

"How is it? Are there enough of them?" The Alliance Emperor asked Li Cha at this time, his tone changed, "By the way, they have prepared a special gift for you, I hope you like it."

After the Alliance Emperor finished speaking, his expression became solemn, and he ordered in a deep voice: "Do it!"


The sixteen fourth-level wizards immediately took action and approached Li Cha, but instead of attacking, they surrounded and stood still, and took out a black crystal ball the size of an apple from their arms in unison, which looked a bit like a devil's. eyeball.

The moment he saw the black crystal ball, Li Cha couldn't help but think of a picture: it was still on the east coast, when more than a dozen wizard organizations held an exchange conference, and the people controlled by the Truth Society suddenly made trouble in the field and crushed a crystal ball. Similar to a bead, it immediately produced an effect like a magical electromagnetic pulse, causing serious injuries to all the wizards in the field.

And the crystal balls brought out by the sixteen fourth-level wizards now are very similar to those at that time. If they don't know the opponent, they are ready to use the same method to deal with him.

As soon as I thought of this, there was a "click", and the black crystal ball was crushed by sixteen fourth-level wizards, and streams of black air flew out of it, flying towards Li Cha, and wrapping around his body.

Li Cha felt his body sank, his blood cooled down, and the energy in his body stopped functioning as if frozen, his whole body tilted uncontrollably, and he fell to the ground slowly.

Hmm... It's not a magic electromagnetic pulse... It seems that it is a prop specifically aimed at a single target, and it is quite useful... If you count the sixteen fourth-level wizards who hide their aura and deceive him, the truth will indeed There are still some things... If you have the chance, you should study and study...

"Puff puff……"

Streams of black air continuously entangled Li Cha's body, making Li Cha seem to be on several mountains on his back, unable to support his legs, and when he tilted to a certain extent, he fell to the ground with a "boom".

Li Cha tried to stand up with his hands on the ground. At this time, the last few black air entangled him, causing his arms to sway, and his propped up upper body hit the ground heavily, making it almost impossible to move.

So Li Cha simply didn't move, just sighed softly, and asked: "Is that all... Is this the way to deal with me? Adding sixteen fourth-level wizards is all there is to it?"

"Isn't that enough?" The Alliance Emperor asked coldly.

"If you just deal with me three years ago... no, it should be enough for me three and a half years ago." Li Cha said, "But I am not me three years ago after all. From this perspective, you really don't have too much trouble." Great progress, a little disappointing for me."

"Are you sure?" The Alliance Emperor narrowed his eyes. "I only see that you have been controlled. From this point of view, it is redundant to prepare sixteen fourth-level wizards for you."

"No, you only saw that I was controlled by one of them." Li Cha responded, "So, sixteen fourth-level wizards are not redundant, but far from enough, my lord."

"Huh?" The Alliance Emperor was taken aback.

"Bang! Crash!"

The next moment, the closed palace gate suddenly sounded, and it was violently knocked open from the outside, turning into countless fragments.

Fragments shot in all directions, and at this moment, another Richard, the second Richard, stepped over the threshold and entered the palace with steady steps.

Everyone in the field was breathless, and the Alliance Emperor's eyes widened, quite surprised.

And the more surprising thing is yet to come.

As the second Li Cha entered, another figure appeared. It was the third Li Cha who was exactly the same, walking in with the same steady steps.

Then came the fourth Li Cha, the fifth Li Cha, the sixth... the sixteenth... the twenty-sixth... the thirty-sixth...


In the end, a total of sixty-four Richards walked in, lined up in a neat line in the palace, and looked at the Alliance Emperor together.

Sixty-four Li Chas spread their hands at the same time, and sixty-four Li Chas opened their mouths at the same time, and said in unison: "Look, Your Majesty, I am not lying. Sixteen fourth-level wizards are really not enough, far from enough. I just mobilized With a part of my body, I can deal with them with a ratio of four to one—if it’s not that the hall is not big enough, I can even deal with them with a ratio of ten to one.”

"You...what kind of monster are you?" The Alliance Emperor lost his composure, looked at the numerous Li Cha, and cried out slightly tremblingly.

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