Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1465: Time Limit Surrender

"Twelve hours?!"

In Shalin's territory, in an army tent, Sauron and many staff members saw another envoy wizard sent by Shalin.

After hearing the envoy wizard's words, before Sauron had time to express his opinion, many staff officers could not help but shout out, because it was too unbelievable.

"Mr. Messenger." A staff officer walked up to the Messenger Wizard and said, "I didn't mean to offend you, but can you repeat what you said just now? Because my companion and I really didn't understand you. mean."

"What don't you understand?" The messenger wizard asked seriously.

"You just said that you came here to discuss surrender with us, right?" the staff officer asked for confirmation.

"Yes." The messenger wizard nodded, "But to be more precise, it's about your surrender."

"It's here." The staff officer stretched out a finger, "Don't you think there is something wrong with this? It should be you Sarin who are at a comprehensive disadvantage now. Your troops are too late to be transferred back, and we are It has entered your hinterland, and Sarin will be completely conquered in a few days, you want us to surrender now? And there is a time limit?"

"Yes, I ask you to surrender, and there is a time limit of twelve hours—please give an accurate answer after twelve hours, that is, before staying overnight today." The messenger wizard said without changing his face, "This is our letter of persuasion. There are things you need to do after surrendering. You can take a look at it in detail. By the way, some of us sent the letter of persuasion to the rock fort. If you don’t want to reply at the front line, you can reply at the rock fort. have the same effect."

In the military tent, there was a long period of silence, and many staff officers looked at the messenger wizard with the eyes of fools.

After a full minute, Sauron broke the dead silence and asked the messenger wizard for confirmation: "Mr. Messenger, I want to know, where is your Lord Richard now?"

"It's in the city of Atlanta, not too far from where you are, General."

"Then does he know the current situation of Sarin? Does he know that Sarin is besieged by our three-way army and many territories and special garrison troops?"

"Of course I know." The messenger wizard replied, "But Lord Richard also said that he doesn't care about it, because it's just a trivial matter."

"Insignificant trifles? Then to you Lord Li Cha, what is the big deal?"

The messenger wizard smiled: "I can't know this. However, Lord Richard, let me remind you, maybe you think you have seen the whole situation clearly, but you don't understand some of your own conditions. It's fatal."


"For example... food." The messenger wizard replied, "If you guess correctly, although the general's army has conquered many large and small cities in our Shalin, they haven't prepared much military food yet, right?"

"You did it on purpose?" Sauron narrowed his eyes.

"Don't dare, it's just that our Shalin has always focused on developing the surrounding areas of Atlanta. The marginal areas are sparsely populated and low-level of development, so food reserves are almost non-existent. Lord Richard said that if the general really wants food, he can go to Asia Tran, of course, the premise is that it can be reached." The messenger wizard said.

"Okay." Having said that, the messenger wizard saluted and walked out of the military tent, "Tell me what I have done, I have already done it,

If there is nothing else, I will take my leave, General Sauron. In the end, I would like to say one more thing. From my personal point of view, if possible, I still hope that the general can give a definite surrender reply within twelve hours. Believe me, it's better for everyone. "

After finishing speaking, under the eyes of many staff officers who wanted to kill, the messenger wizard did not stop any longer and left quickly.


at the same time.

In the south of Shalin, in a military tent outside a small city.

Another emissary wizard met the leader of the garrison in the Gray Rock Territory, handed in the same letter of persuasion, and said the same thing.

"Twelve hours?" The leader of the garrison in the Gray Rock Territory, who was not restrained by Sauron, tore up the letter of persuasion after hearing the words, his eyes widened, and he cursed angrily, "Is your lord, Richard, whose head is squeezed by the door?" , Can’t figure out who persuaded whom to surrender? Go back and tell him that the Kingslayer did not end well, let him accept his fate earlier, and stop doing so many strange tricks.

If he leads all of Sarin to surrender to me, I might spare his life. As for me surrendering to him, huh, delusion! You go and tell him that he may be very powerful as a wizard, but it is impossible to kill and surrender the entire continent. Surrendering early is the only choice for him. "

The messenger wizard said without changing his face: "General Dak, please calm down, I am just a messenger, this time I am only here to discuss your surrender, so let's get back to the topic.

You tore up the letter of persuasion, it doesn't matter, I know you came from Boer City, the gray rock territory, and that's where you got the rations and other supplies. So our people also sent a letter of persuasion to Boer City. Within twelve hours, if you feel regretful and want to know the content of the persuasion letter, you can contact Ball City. "

"You!" The leader of the garrison in the Gray Rock Territory stood up from his seat, his eyes widened, and he almost swallowed the messenger wizard alive.

Stretching out his hand and pointing out of the military tent, showing his white teeth, he said in an extremely clear voice: "Get out of here at the fastest speed, otherwise I can't guarantee that you can get out of Shalin alive."

"Alright then." The envoy wizard sighed, turned and walked out, saying as he walked, "Anyway, I still hope that the general can give a sensible answer within twelve hours."



another place.

In the hinterland of the Kingdom of Sika, Baisha City, the residence of the city lord.

The city lord received the messenger wizard sent by Shalin, read the persuasion letter in detail, and then looked at the messenger wizard with a puzzled face, with a big question mark written on his face.

"Is there some misunderstanding here?" the Lord of Baisha City asked.

"There is no misunderstanding." The messenger wizard said seriously, "This is a decision made a long time ago. I have been waiting in the city for a long time for this. I have not received the confirmation notice until just now. I will come to see you immediately, the city lord. Absolutely Can't go wrong."

"However, you Sarin and the Alliance are at war, why do you want our Kingdom of Sika to surrender? And, within twelve hours? And it is unconditional? And it is still handed over to me, not to His Majesty the King of Sika? Please, I It's Baisha City, not the capital of the kingdom. There are no members of the royal family or any army here, at most there are some old grains in the warehouse. How do you look at it, you shouldn't hand over the letter of persuasion to surrender to me, right?"

The messenger wizard smiled: "No, I will hand it over to you. As for the capital of Xika, there will be other people who will send the letter of surrender."

The Lord of Baisha City: "..."


almost time.

In many places on the main mainland, many people have received Shalin's letter of persuasion.

The content is the same, requiring unconditional surrender within twelve hours.

Among these people, there are not only the army leaders who are attacking Sarin, but also completely irrelevant existences, such as the lord of Sika White Sand City.

They were either angry, confused, or dull, but the letter of surrender was indeed delivered.


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