Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1473 Steel Monster: Mark 3

Walking through stone buildings one after another, passing through one area after another, and walking to the end of the city, one can see that this place is actually a vertical stone wall.

Philip was a little surprised, not sure if the city where he was located was built close to the rock wall, or if a mountain was half-enclosed before the construction, and then cut like this.

What surprised him even more was that there was a huge arched round hole on the stone wall, which was so dark that he didn't know where it led. Dense "concave" metal pipes protrude from the round hole and lay on the ground, with no known use.

Later, he heard an explanation from others that these "concave" shaped metal tubes are called tracks, and the round holes are called tunnels.

Philip, his son, and the others were overtaken by the officer named Norton Wanwa to a dam-like high platform next to the tunnel and asked to wait quietly.

After waiting for about ten minutes, suddenly everyone looked into the tunnel at the same time, because they heard a strange sound.

"Crack, click..."

The surrounding ground shook slightly, as if some terrifying beast was about to rush out of the tunnel, and the crowd couldn't help but feel a little commotion.

"Crack, click, click..."

The sound from the tunnel became louder and louder, torturing everyone's eardrums intensely, and white steam spread out.

The crowd's harassment intensifies and begins to panic.

"Kacha Kacha Kacha! Woohoo!"

In the end, the sound suddenly turned into a sharp long cry, piercing everyone's ears like an awl, and everyone couldn't help but stretch out their hands to cover their ears. Then, in the widened eyes, I saw a steel monster bursting through the thick white steam and roaring out of the tunnel.

The steel monster's body was extremely long, with a length of several hundred meters, and it was section by section. The front section is a nearly cylindrical structure, with many iron wheels rolling into the rails at the bottom, and the black iron rod moves up and down repeatedly, pushing it forward. Billowing white steam emerges from several short and thick "horns" on the top, raising the temperature of the surrounding air and exuding a shocking atmosphere.

Philip watched the steel monster approaching, his body stiffened, and he felt strange and shocked.

"Woohoo! Kacha... Kacha... Kacha... Kacha!"

During the continuous long sound, the steel monster began to slow down, and finally stopped a little bit. The gray body in the middle stopped in front of the high platform of Philip and his group.

With a "crash", this part of the body slid away from the middle, as if opening a door. A tall and thin man appeared in the door, wearing an officer's uniform similar to Norton's. He waved at them and said, "Don't be dazed, come up."

A group of people in Philip: "..." They looked at each other, and no one dared to move.

What is this for? Feed them straight to this wacky steel monster?

Then they won't be fooled!

Officer Norton roared at this moment: "Don't waste my time, go in quickly, what are you afraid of, I will go in with you, hurry up! Hurry up!"

Under the stern urging, someone hesitated for a while, and finally took action.

It's little Jimmy.

Little Jimmy took two steps to run up, jumped lightly, and jumped directly into the door on the body of the steel monster, and looked around curiously.

Philip couldn't help being anxious, without thinking too much, he rushed forward, preparing for any danger, and desperately wanted to protect his son.

Driven by this, the rest of the people jumped into the "belly" of the steel monster one after another under Norton's continued urging.

Officer Norton was last in line, but he didn't lie, and followed into the steel monster's body. After entering, there was no fear on his face, but he chatted easily with the tall and thin officer who waved before him.

"Sam, I didn't expect that it was you who picked up the car this time."

"Norton, I didn't expect you to deliver the car. Didn't I hear that you were transferred to City 11?"

"Yes, but it will be reported next month. Go to City 11 to be the supervisor of some small department."

"Yes! Congratulations!"

"Congratulations." Norton shook his head, "It's said to be a promotion, but it's actually similar to a demotion. In City 11,

It's not that you don't know, the location is not good, and the higher-ups have never paid attention to it, and the conditions may be the worst in all the cities. Not to mention anything else, let’s just talk about this magic steam locomotive. There is still the most primitive Mark I, with three cooling and four heating designs. It is slow to death, and the shock absorption is not good. Blow up on top. "

"In fact, the difference is not that big. The Mark III we are sitting on now is actually an old model. The six-cooler and eight-heater design has no essential changes compared to the three-cooler and four-heater design. The speed is faster and the shock absorption is better. , The spell engine should be safer. But it’s okay if there are no accidents, and if an accident happens, it will be a major event, and it is completely inferior to the newly released Mark IV.” The officer named Sam said.

After a pause, Sam said again: "By the way, I heard someone mention that there is a new Crewe-type magic locomotive, which is under development and has been greatly improved. It is fast, powerful, and safe, but I don't know if there is any No chance to see it."

"Anyway, your chances of meeting him are definitely greater than mine." Norton responded.

"It's hard to say." Sam disagreed, "You work hard in City 11, make a contribution, get a 'Richard Gold Leaf Third Class Medal', and be transferred to Sarin, what will you not see then? Maybe even Both 'Storm Bird' and 'Iron Wing Bird' can be seen."

"You really dare to think, don't say 'Richard's Gold Leaf Medal of the Third Class', even the 'Richard's Silver Leaf Medal of the First Class' I don't think it is possible to get it."

"Have a little confidence, it's up to people."



Then officers Norton and Sam talked continuously, and talked a lot, but most of the content Philip did not understand.

He understood, and he was not in the mood to think carefully, because he was still in fear, shock, surprise and puzzlement of the steel monster.

He is not a person with too much courage, because he wants to protect his son, he bites the bullet and rushes in. Originally, he thought it would be very scary and bloody inside, and there might be many wreckage digested by the steel monster, but it didn't.

The body of the steel monster couldn't be said to be clean, but it definitely couldn't be said to be dirty.

Inside, it seems to be a simple iron-clad house with strip lights projecting light on the top-this is the same as the accommodation room in the previous stone building.

In addition, there are many staggered iron rods with handrails on them, which do not know what to do.

There is a string of transparent windows on the steel wall, the edges of the windows may be caused by water leakage, there are many brown rust spots, and there are clusters of black stains on the ground.

Other than that, there was nothing else, and frankly speaking, this place was much better than his house in Guangming Town.

Is this really the belly of the steel monster?

If the iron monster's stomach is like this, how does the iron monster run?

As soon as he thought of this, Philip felt that the whole steel monster was shocked when it became quiet, and roared again.

"Crack, click, click... woohoo!"

The steel monster started to move from stillness, but instead of forward, it started backward.

Slowly at first, gradually speed up, speed up again. Driven by some unknown force, the steel monster galloped back to the tunnel as if it had come, and roared towards the other end of the tunnel.


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