Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1490 Bloody Battle

Behind the army of weird creatures, more and more new forces poured out, and the giant weird worms and weird crustaceans that had been eliminated before also reappeared.

Under the cover of the weird crustacean, the giant weird worm advanced not far from the defense line, and kept throwing weird brown mice and weird squirrels towards the defense line. The purpose is not to defeat the troops on the defense line in this way, but to distract the troops from dealing with these small troubles, thereby reducing the strength of the defense and making it easier for the rest of the weird creatures to break through.

The attack on the defense line really can't solve this problem. Every time it fired an armor-piercing bullet, the giant weird worm would quickly lower its body, allowing the weird carapace in front to withstand the damage, and then continue to throw all kinds of weird creatures to the defense line unscathed.

The pressure on the defense line has increased sharply, more than half of what it was before. Various problems have begun to appear in the execution of military orders. After a certain section of the defense line is breached, it is no longer so easy to push back. Sometimes it takes a lot of lives to fill it.

The entire defense line was gradually stained red with blood, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of blood.

The veterans were beginning to feel a little uncomfortable with this, and the new recruits had already vomited, their mouths were full of bitterness, and they numbly held their weapons to attack, attack, and attack again.

The number of casualties rose sharply, and when the two lines of defense on the left wing were forced to give up one after another, Goering roared.

"Communication soldier!"

The young communications soldier rushed over with his communications equipment in his arms. He was so anxious that he fell down on the road, and his pants were covered with dark red clay.

"Head, are you looking for me?" the communications soldier asked.

"Contact me again and ask them for support." Goring said in a deep voice.

"Support? What support, commander?" the signal soldier asked.

"What support?" Göring glared at the communications soldier, and said loudly angrily, "You want 100,000 No. 3 rations, so that you can feed the army of weird creatures and stop attacking us!"

After finishing speaking, Goering snorted coldly, ignored the communicator, picked up the broken magic-weave sword, shouted "Follow me with the magic costume wizard", jumped out of the defense line, and went straight to the newly-appeared weird beetle.

The communications soldier looked at Goering's back and was a little stunned: "One hundred... ten thousand copies of No. 3 rations?"

After a few seconds, he hesitated to operate the box in his arms.


Outside the line of defense, Göring led ten wizards in magical costumes to contact the army of strange creatures again. They frantically swung their energy-condensing blades, approached the strange crustaceans, and then chopped them down with all their strength.


A strange carapace fell down.


Another strange carapace fell down.

Under the cover of many attacks on the defense line, all the newly-appeared strange crustaceans were wiped out by Goering and his team, and the magic pattern cannon was finally fully functional again, but the magic costume wizard sacrificed several more for this.

When Goering, who was covered in blood, returned to the line of defense with the remaining wizards in magic costumes, he immediately called the communication soldier.

"Communication soldier, how is the contact with the higher authorities?" Goering asked in a hoarse voice.

"Regimental Commander, I explained to them that our situation is very dangerous, and then requested... fire coverage assistance." The signal soldier replied nervously.

"Oh, I know you're asking for fire coverage." Göring glanced at the communications soldier and nodded lightly, "It seems that you are not really stupid, maybe better than the fire support dispatchers above.


"But the regiment leader... I asked for support, but they didn't give it. Just like last time, they said that there is no space. Let us continue to hold on and wait." The signal soldier said again.

"Hmph, it's not normal if you give it—I didn't think it was so easy to get it." Goering pouted, "However, it's their business whether to give it or not, or it's our business. Continue to contact me, Keep asking me for fire support, just say we're going to die soon, until it's given."

After leaving such a sentence, what Goering saw in the next moment, without saying anything more, he suddenly picked up the magic pattern sword, jumped towards the position where the front line of defense was suddenly breached, and jumped into the battle.

The communication soldier opened his mouth, then lowered his head, and silently operated the communication box.


"Puff puff……"

More and more blood flowed on the ground, first converging into a stream, and then into a small pool. At first, the soles of the shoes were stained red, then the uppers of the shoes were stained red, and then the bottoms of the trousers were stained red.

Strange creatures that were almost impossible to kill rushed to the line of defense one after another, killing one batch and another batch.

"Boom boom boom!"

The magic-weave cannon continuously fired shells and bombarded it, even if the barrel smoked, it didn't stop until the barrel shattered with a "bang".

The gunner and nearby soldiers suffered heavy casualties immediately. Some were directly blown away by the blast and fell to the ground motionless, while some were hit by the fragments of the barrel, screaming in pain.

The weird creature didn't have any mercy on this, seized the opportunity to pounce on it, and quickly killed all living people in sight.

A line of defense has thus fallen...

After a while, a nearby line of defense also fell...

The third paragraph, the fourth paragraph...

More and more positions fell, and the entire defense line was on the verge of complete collapse. Goering had to order a full-scale contraction and lead the soldiers to retreat to the second line in order to reduce the defense range and increase the defense strength.

During this process, the crew members such as Bob, Philip, Frank, who were originally engaged in auxiliary work, were also forced to take up arms and participate in the battle. After all, it has reached the most critical time. die.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Boom boom boom!"

On the newly constructed defense line, everyone desperately killed the weird creatures, roaring and shouting.

Slowly, as time passed, the roaring and shouting almost disappeared, because there was no more energy to shout, and they just fought and fought silently.

The only one who insisted on speaking out was Frank.

In a hoarse voice out of tune: "Everyone will die, everyone will die!"

While shouting, holding a weapon in his hand, he stabbed at the strange creature with all his strength with the wind blade at the end, with a ferocious expression and a crazy demeanor, making it impossible to tell whether it was real madness or fake madness.

"Everyone will die!"


Frank pierced through a strange fox-like creature, then frowned, pulled out his weapon, and rushed to the side.

Next to him, Philip was being thrown at him by a weird brown mouse. The weapon had been blown away, and the weird brown mouse opened its mouth and bit down on his neck.


Frank pierced the weird brown mouse with the wind blade of his weapon, kicked it flying, and stretched out his hand to pull Philip up.

Philip gasped heavily, still in shock, and after a second, he said to Frank, "Thank you... thank you, thank you for saving me."

Facing Philip's thanks, Frank didn't appreciate it, but whispered: "Everyone will die!"

After saying that, holding the weapon, he rushed to another strange creature in the distance.

Philip had a strange expression. From his point of view, Frank's eyes clearly showed a strong desire to survive. What he said was "everyone will die", but it was more like saying "everyone must live".

However, the situation on the field did not allow him to think about it, he took a few breaths, grabbed the weapon that was shot flying, and joined the battle again.

:. :

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