Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1495 He said he will be there soon

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In the endless rolling mountains.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The huge group of storm airships continuously released magic pattern gliding bombs, chasing the army of hundreds of thousands of strange creatures, and then slowed down slowly, watching the army of strange creatures flee into the transparent area between the two mountains, and quickly disappeared.

"Report data." In the command cabin, Pandora asked.

Bibi quickly replied: "Energy response."

Pandora's eyes widened a bit after hearing this: "So far, the largest shelter has been cleared, and the energy response does not exceed 5, right?"

"Yes." Bibi replied, "The weakest energy response is 0.0022, and the strongest is 4.89, which is more than 6.62 times the previous highest data." Bi's calculation ability is already extremely amazing, and he uttered a series of data without thinking.

It is her ability, coupled with continuous memory instillation, which is already equivalent to a humanoid database, database plus computing center, that made Li Cha appointed as Pandora's assistant.

After hearing Bibi's answer, Pandora frowned slightly, thought for a second and said, "Six times more, it seems that we have met a big guy, and it is very likely that it is the other party's general shelter."

"Then we..." Bibi slightly looked at Pandora suspiciously and asked, "What should we do next?"

"Be alert, let the formation spread out!" Pandora said quickly.

"Why?" Bibi didn't understand, but she asked with her mouth, but her hands didn't slow down, and she used her fingers to quickly swipe a series of lights around her body.

The next moment, before Pandora could answer, reality had already given Bibi the answer.


With a sound, the ground below split open suddenly, and a gap tens of meters wide and nearly a thousand meters long appeared. The depth was even more immeasurable, as if it could lead into an endless abyss.

Followed by a roar, a huge shadow climbed up along the crack, and reached the ground within a few seconds.

Looking at it, a huge human-shaped stone statue with a height of more than 80 meters seems to be carved out of a stone mound, and the carving technique is extremely superb, it can be said to be lifelike... In fact, this is indeed a living thing.

The opponent's whole body was gray like stone, and the stone eyeballs were slowly turning in the eye sockets, as if he was looking at the densely packed storm airships around him.


After sizing up, the other party opened his mouth and made a similar angry sound before, then bent over and grabbed a huge boulder with a radius of several meters nearby, and threw it vigorously.

The boulder flew up like a cannonball and hit the airbag of a storm airship heavily.

The airbag of the storm airship exploded with a "bang", a large amount of gas leaked out, and it began to shake violently.

However, the airbag of the storm airship is not completely hollow, and there are many partitions inside to reduce the consequences in case of rupture, so the airship stabilized after shaking for a while, but the height has dropped a lot.

This aroused the vigilance of the rest of the storm airships. They had received the order to disperse from the command airship, and immediately dispersed to the surroundings at a faster speed, followed by an unceremonious counterattack against the giant stone man.

"Boom boom boom!"

The dense magic-weave gliding bombs hit the huge stone man after gliding, and exploded continuously.

"Boom boom boom!"

Some storm airships in the rear released special black magic missiles, leading them to attack the head, neck, heart and other parts of the huge stone statue man, trying to find a vital point and kill them with a single blow.

As a result, after a burst of bombing, they saw that the gargoyle was almost uninjured except for some stone chips peeling off from the outside. The magic pattern gliding bombs and spell missiles, which could easily destroy powerful and weird creatures, encountered a problem at this moment.

Moreover, the attack seemed to make the giant stone man go into a state of rampage. The eyes of the two stones with a diameter of more than half a meter suddenly turned red, and then they seemed to be affected by high temperature and quickly melted into magma.

Dark red viscous magma is constantly flowing in the eye sockets of the giant gargoyle,

There seems to be something more dangerous hidden in the depths. Many wizards guarding around the storm airship felt a terrifying energy, which was born in the giant stone statue.

Pandora in the command cabin also felt it, and could feel the strength of this energy, which actually threatened her to a certain extent, causing her to subconsciously arouse her racial fighting instinct.

The eyeballs suddenly turned from light purple to deep purple, and even the whites of the eyes were stained with purple. Under the clothes, the skin surface of both arms quickly bulged, producing dense purple crystals.


Pandora turned around, took a step towards the hatch, and gradually transformed into a dragon form.

But after taking a few steps, Pandora suddenly reacted and stopped abruptly, knowing that her job now was to direct, not to jump down and fight with that big guy.

Really, what's the difference between her and Bibi?


Taking a deep breath, Pandora forcibly suppressed her racial fighting instincts, the crystals on the skin of her arms disappeared, and her eyes also faded a bit.

Gently pushed the glasses frame with his hand, looked at Bibi, who seemed a little frightened, and said, "What are you doing in a daze, according to what Richard said at the beginning, after discovering the Suspicious Truth Society General Shelter, didn't you immediately notify me?" He, still not in touch?"

"Already contacted." Bibi responded in a low voice.

"Then what did Richard say?" Pandora asked.

"Li Cha said, I'll be there soon."

"I'll be there soon, how long will it be?" Pandora was obviously dissatisfied with this vague answer, and frowned slightly, "The big guy who appears now is not low in strength, and it may be the special defensive weapon of the Truth Society. Li Cha waited for a while , might lose a lot of storm airships..."

Just as she said this, Pandora's voice suddenly stopped.

I saw the giant stone man standing on the ground looking at the storm airship with red magma eyes, and his body shook violently.

The powerful energy reaction generated in the body quickly dissipated, and the huge stone statue man showed pain on his face, and looked down at his chest in doubt.

Numerous magic pattern gliding bombs and spell bombs could not cause effective damage. At this moment, dense cracks unexpectedly appeared, and then the cracks became bigger and bigger, and finally shattered with a "crash".

A young figure in a gray robe, like opening a window, easily opened the stone chest of the huge stone statue man, stepped on the air with both feet, and walked out in the air.

Behind him, the huge stone statue with a shattered chest seemed to have suddenly turned into a real dead stone statue, and it was a severely damaged one.

The young figure had no expression on his face, as if an insignificant incident had happened, it was Li Cha!

Pandora, who directed the experiment, blinked her eyes, stopped what she said just now: "Okay... as expected... immediately..."

Immediately means immediately, that is, arrives at the next second of speaking, and then kills the extremely powerful giant stone man to solve the problem.

Normally speaking, this is almost impossible.

But this is Li Cha, so it's different.


:. :

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