Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1496: The Last Manager in the World

After killing the huge stone statue man, Li Cha didn't react much, he just waved his hand to command the storm airship, and then pointed between the two mountains.

Pandora in the cabin immediately said: "Let the wall breaking team start working."

Bibi nodded.

Soon, the brown broken airship got the signal, left the formation, and approached the position pointed by Richard.

After successfully approaching, open the cabin, stick out the mechanical arm, shoot out the energy beam as before, and try to open the barrier of the demiplane.

This time was obviously much more difficult than before. It took five minutes until the magic pattern on the surface of the mechanical arm began to melt, and finally a black round hole with a diameter of less than one meter was opened at a height close to the ground.

However, this is enough for Li Cha.

Taking a light step, Li Cha twisted his body and quickly disappeared, entering the plane.


within the plane.

This is an extremely dim world, even darker than the outside world of the Dark Era.

One after another black buildings stand in a row, all of similar specifications, tens of meters wide, hundreds of meters high, and several kilometers long. It looks like a thick wall, and it looks like a tombstone that has fallen down.

At this time, the countless strange creatures that had fled from the outside world were resting near the "tombstone". Some scratched the surface of the "tombstone" with their paws, as if they wanted to open an entrance to get in, but after working hard for a long time, they couldn't see any change, so they had to give up.

It is worth mentioning that all the resting weird creatures took the initiative to stay away from the deepest part of the plane. Because there are several huge black shadows standing there, towering like mountains, and constantly exuding a dangerous aura that makes the soul tremble.

However, although the weird creature was far away, there was a person who appeared near the huge black shadow unaffected. He was wearing a scarlet robe, with a pair of purple eyes that seemed to hide endless secrets. He was the last chief executive of the Truth Society - Foehn.

At this time, Foehn looked a little anxious, pacing lightly, as if waiting for some reply.

Finally, a moment later, a golden light appeared in front of Foehn out of thin air.

Foehn stopped pacing, stretched out his hand to grab the golden light, and quickly interpreted the information contained in it.

After reading it, he pursed his lips, showing a relaxed and somewhat excited expression.

"Is it finally possible to use the ultimate weapon... If the use has been authorized long ago, the situation will be much clearer, and there is no need to delay it until now... There are indeed losses, but isn't this the necessary price for victory... Sooner or later you have to bear it... ...It's the same after three years..."

Talking in a very low voice, Foehn waved his hand, and a huge key more than one meter long was captured by him from the darkness.

Then he used his other hand to move towards the ground in front of him, and the ground instantly shattered, and with the sound of "Ka Ka Ka", a circular altar with a diameter of about five meters rose up.

The altar is more than half a meter high, and there is no decoration on the top. There is only a long gap in the center, which seems to be able to accommodate a huge key to be inserted.

Foehn carried the giant key, jumped lightly, and had already reached the altar, took a deep breath, and quickly inserted the key into the keyhole.

"The seal of the true god is opened,

The worms can prepare to tremble, and the enemies of God can also prepare to repent..." Foehn whispered, the red robe he was wearing puffed up, terrifying energy poured out of his body, poured into the key, and then turned the key little by little.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

The sound of gears gnashing and turning was heard, and the entire plane began to vibrate. Several huge black shadows beside them moved slightly, releasing a more intense dangerous aura. Immediately, all the weird creatures lying on their stomachs and resting stared at each other, showing horror. .

Foehn continued to turn the key, the muscles on his face distorted little by little, and his brows furrowed into a pimple, as if opening the so-called "Seal of the True God" was very difficult for him, but he still insisted on not stopping.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

The key kept turning, and it seemed that it was about to turn a full circle. Suddenly, Foehn's eyes narrowed, as if flashed by a strong light. His hands left the key like lightning, his feet stepped on the altar, and the whole person flew out suddenly.

Because some could not bear the strength of Foehn, the surface of the altar was instantly covered with cracks, and one corner collapsed. And Foehn himself couldn't control his body because of his haste, until he was about to hit the huge black shadow next to him, he let out a low cry and forced himself to the ground, smashing a dent.

The dust swirled, Foehn raised his head in the pit, his eyes fixed on a position outside the pit.

There, Li Cha stood, looking at him calmly.

The two looked at each other for a moment, Foehn opened his mouth, and said to Li Cha vigilantly: "You have managed to infiltrate here in such a short period of time, it seems that your wall breaking team is more capable than I imagined. "

"Actually, I've been here for a while." Richard said, "When you took the key, I was there and kept looking at you, because I wanted to see what your so-called ultimate weapon would look like. In the end... tsk, you didn't do what I wanted."

"Hmph." Foehn snorted coldly, glanced at the key still inserted on the altar, not sure if what Li Cha said was true or not, but he couldn't continue to take the risk to forcibly open the seal, so he said coldly: "You It's really early!"

"Actually, I came late enough." Li Cha said, looking seriously at Foehn, "You may not believe it, but I still want to tell you: Your first attack at the catastrophe level did cause damage to the sarin system. It's not a small trouble, but when I activate it for the second time, I'm sure to catch you and get rid of you."

"Then why did you delay until now?" Foehn obviously didn't believe it.

"The reason is very simple." Li Cha explained, "Because getting rid of you won't solve the fundamental problem. After all, there is a heaven above you, and there are your angels, priests, true gods and so on in the heaven. You are just a sent out Elite members, if you don’t get rid of your source—the Kingdom of Heaven, even if you get rid of you, there will be other existences like you that will continue to cause me trouble. For this reason, I have been planning how to get rid of the people behind you a long time ago. Heaven."

Hearing this, Foehn showed a look of disdain on his face: "It's up to you?"

"I know this is difficult. The most difficult part is that the Kingdom of God is an extremely special existence. At first, I thought that the Kingdom of Heaven was a place similar to a space station or a floating city, orbiting at high altitudes around this world. Later, I discovered that there is no So simple.

Theoretically, the Kingdom of Heaven should not exist anywhere in this world. It itself is a huge and independent demiplane, and occasionally connects to this world at high altitudes. At that time, some people and things in the Kingdom of Heaven can descended into the world.

It is precisely because of this that it is very difficult to enter the kingdom of heaven, or even approach the kingdom of heaven. After all, the kingdom of heaven is too hidden, without knowing the exact method, it is impossible to get in touch with it. Even if it comes into contact with it, it will be difficult to open it forcibly—my wall-breaking team is close to the limit to conquer your shelter. If you want to conquer the kingdom of heaven, you are lacking in both energy and technology.

For this, I made a lot of preparations. For example, in order to solve the problem of energy, I let people start the "Sun in a Bottle" project. For example, in order to solve the problem of "Getting access to the heavenly kingdom", I made people start some research on the soul and memory. "

After a pause, Li Cha looked at Foehn and said seriously: "Up until now, the 'Sun in a Bottle' project has been very close to success, and the research on soul and memory has basically met the needs. Most importantly, I am also sure , can guarantee to catch you and prevent you from dying, so we started to act.”

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