After Li Cha saw it, he didn't intend to give Sariel a chance to use it. When he grabbed it with his right hand, a mass of blood-red energy quickly condensed into a spear in his hand, and he began to aim.

At this time, many angels around Sariel flapped their wings to stop them. There are hundreds of them, holding long swords condensed with golden light, from top to bottom, densely blocking all the routes to attack Sariel.

"The blasphemer, die!"

The angels shouted and attacked with all their might.

Li Cha couldn't help frowning, he didn't want Sariel to have the opportunity to complete the skill, but the angel couldn't ignore it either. Pursing his lips, holding the bloody spear, he stabbed hard at the position with the most angels.


The front end of the blood spear exploded, creating a storm of energy that blasted a hole in the angels' defense.

Li Cha passed through, grasped his right hand, condensed into a blood spear again, and tried to attack Sariel. It turned out that more angels tried their best to stop him, surrounded him and blocked his sight.

The lower angel, the middle angel, the upper angel, and the archangel directly wrapped him who was suspended in midair into a ball from his feet to the top of his head.

And this ball is not one layer, it has several layers, as if it is going to trap it completely.

Outside the encirclement circle...or the encirclement ball, the holy energy from Sariel reacted more and more intensely, and Li Cha felt a hint of threat. Looking at the angel who was staring at him and ready to pounce on him at any time, he was sure that he couldn't solve it easily, and raised his eyebrows.

In this case……

Oh well……


Li Cha took a deep breath, as if he wanted to inhale the air of the whole world, his eyelids drooped slightly, and then suddenly turned up again, the pupils of his eyes suddenly changed color, turning into amber.

Stretch out your hands, flick your little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger, and thumb in sequence, and a flame of the same amber color is born on the fingertips.

The flames grew bigger and bigger, gathering little by little toward the palms of the hands, and eventually an amber fireball was born in each of the left and right hands.

Afterwards, the color of the fireball in the left hand became lighter and became pure white, while the color of the fireball in the right hand became darker and became dark black, as if it could absorb all light.

As the color of the fireball changes,

A sense of unreality gradually emerged around, as if a large area had been stripped from the original world.

The angels sensed that something was wrong, and the archangel gave an order to attack Li Cha.

But when the nearest blade was more than a dozen centimeters away from Li Cha's body, Li Cha slammed his hands together, and the pure white fireball collided heavily with the dark black fireball.




The space shook violently, and time seemed to freeze suddenly. All the angels' movements stopped, and they were firmly nailed in midair.

Immediately afterwards, a large area around it seemed to be suddenly immersed in a bucket of gray dye, and all the colors quickly dissipated and were dyed a uniform gray.

Gray, gray, nothing but gray is gray.

The angel turned gray, the weapon in the angel's hand turned gray, and the air also turned gray.

It looks like it has become a black and white photo, giving people a wonderful sense of time passing.

In this state, time has lost its meaning, and one does not know whether a second has passed or ten thousand years have passed.

When it changes again, everything starts to recover, the gray recedes and the colors cover. The angel changed from a portrait in a black and white photo to a real angel. The air also became clear and transparent again. Time resumed its flow, exactly as it seemed at first.

But in the end, there is still a difference.

I saw that the nearest angel didn't continue to stab Richard with his weapon, but his eyes widened suddenly, revealing a look of extreme fear. There was a hoarse scream from the back of his throat, and then he fell straight down, hitting the ground like a bird with a broken wing.


The angel's body was shattered and turned into dust.

Following the death of the first angel, there seemed to be a chain reaction, and the many angels surrounding Li Cha fell one by one and shattered.

In no time the angels were all dust—the dust of time.

What caused all this is the power of eternity - a taboo power called "Artush Tamkrosk" in the records of ancient wizard civilization - almost no existence can resist, after all, in the face of eternity , everything is fragile.

This is a higher level of research than "spirituality". Li Cha has only barely mastered it until now, but it is enough for it to be used here.

Of course, Li Cha also consumed a lot because of this. After using the "eternal power", he took a few deep breaths before returning to his normal expression, and then looked at the position where the silver priest Sariel was before.

Then I saw that the place was already empty.

Looking towards the horizon with awareness, a blurry figure flickered on the horizon, and then escaped out of sight.

Li Cha froze for a moment, then smiled wryly.

During the process of casting "Eternal Power", he felt that the energy fluctuations in Sariel's body had weakened. In the past, the other party was watching cautiously, looking for the best time to make a move.

No idea, the other party ran away decisively.

This is the fourth time, right?

It's a bit unreasonable...

Looking at the horizon, Li Cha blinked, then turned to look at Gao Ling.

Since most of the angels died from the eternal power, and Sariel escaped, the high-end forces of the heavenly army suffered heavy losses. The remaining low-level and middle-level forces could not resist the high spirits at all, so they are almost being slaughtered now.

I saw the high spirits raging crazily in the army of the kingdom of heaven, their tentacles kept waving, rolling up batch after batch of true god's people and devouring them.

Almost without thinking too much, you know the direction of the next war, and there will be no surprises.


Li Cha made a sound and said to Gao Ling: "Suma, you guys, continue to fight here. I'm going to chase a special guy. If anything happens, contact me immediately. Understand?"


A few strands of spiritual power fluctuated and transmitted the information.

After receiving the message, Li Cha fixed his gaze, and looked in the direction where Sariel was escaping again.

Afterwards, he stepped on his foot, jumped up and started chasing him. He decided that he would not let the opponent go this time.


"Swipe, swipe..."

Li Cha quickly swept across the entire battlefield, moving forward.

After that, I don't know how far I went, until the battlefield was far behind, and I saw a group of majestic palaces appearing in front.

The palace was built extremely tall, each one looked like a mountain, and the whole area looked like a mountain range, magnificent and magnificent.

The materials used to build the palace are also extremely special. There is no trace of splicing, and they are integrated as if they were naturally generated.

At the gate of one of the golden and extremely gorgeous palaces, the bald Sariel was standing.

After Li Cha saw it, he waved his hand, and a blood spear quickly formed, ready to attack unceremoniously.

Who knew that Sariel didn't have any intention of resisting, and stood calmly at the gate of the palace, looked over, and said slowly: "Welcome."



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