Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1521: Ten Thousand Islands

In the gorgeous golden palace.

Li Cha and the old man sat facing each other, and the surroundings were quiet, and they kept this state for a long time.

Finally, Li Cha opened his mouth, looked at the old man and asked, "What is that white light in the image...?"

"You asked a good question." The old man said, "This question has been asked by countless people, but... unfortunately, there has never been an answer. To be honest, it is not even sure whether the white light is life or not." The unknown is the scariest thing, and this is what makes white light so frightening."

After a pause, the old man continued: "The image you saw just now was a ruling wizard in the Nolan plane. He observed it with the 'Eye of the Upper Realm' spell and sent it back to the core plane. After this video was sent back, The Nolan plane lost all contact.

But this is not the scariest thing. The most terrifying thing is that as the Nolan plane fell in the white light, other planes adjacent to the Nolan plane also sent out signals and images for help. The image content is very similar to that of the Nolan plane, the only difference is that one is active and the other is passive—these planes do nothing, and white light gushes out along the space channel connected to the Nolan plane, quickly Swells, devours everything. "

"One plane, one plane, another plane, is like the reverse development of the era of great exploration. There are planes falling and losing contact. At the beginning, they were very peripheral. After spreading to the core area of ​​the ancient wizard civilization world , the entire civilization lost its composure, after all, if it continues, civilization will cease to exist.

They discovered that white light spreads from one plane to another adjacent plane along the space channel, so they started a discussion and proposed that each plane cut off the outward space channel and block itself, so that maybe Take refuge in destruction. "

"Is this the origin of the original Truth Society?" Li Cha asked when he heard this.

"In a sense, it is." The old man nodded.

"Then no one will try to figure out the cause of this disaster?" Li Cha asked again.

"Why not?" The old man laughed, "The ancient wizard civilization is an extremely curious civilization, otherwise it would not be crazy to explore. When some people put forward the suggestion of self-blocking, they did not get much approval. Instead, they were criticized by mainstream thinking as Cowardly. Afterwards, in the ancient wizard civilization, countless powerful people went to the fallen plane to investigate, trying to figure out what was going on.

But without exception, no matter how powerful the people who went to investigate were, they would never return. With their disappearance, more planes fell, and the territory of the ancient wizard civilization world shrank sharply.

When the world of ancient wizard civilization shrunk to one-tenth of its peak, at the fate-determining governing meeting, the self-blocking proposal was considered approved.

Start full implementation.

The surviving planes, in the order, cut off all the space passages with other planes in turn, and almost cut off external contact, turning into 'islands' one by one. In this way, the ancient world of wizard civilization was dismantled into tiny systems composed of planes and demi-planes. It lost its former glory, but at least it survived. "

The old man continued: "After being preserved, the wizards who stayed in this Tesco plane, including me, established the predecessor of the Truth Society - the Council of Guardians, with the purpose of doing everything possible to protect this little spark of civilization.

At that time, everyone in the Council of Guardians panicked. On the one hand, it was because of the great changes in civilization, and on the other hand, it was because they were not sure whether the self-blockade could completely prevent white light from being swallowed.

For this reason, the members of the council continue to discuss and think about what kind of white light exists and why it appears. In the initial period, the discussion was relatively normal, but slowly, a somewhat unbelievable guess spread.

This guess, known as "God's Punishment", means that the ancient wizard civilization experienced such a catastrophe entirely because of itself. The ancient shaman civilization developed too fast and too crazy. In order to develop and even transform the essence of life, it is contempt for the God who created the world.

When the "Great Exploration Plan" was implemented, the leap-forward exploration reached the end of the void, and even touched the forbidden zone set by the gods. God couldn't bear it before sending down divine punishment, that is, white light. "

"Heh." The old man smiled at this point, glanced at Richard and said, "Do you know that when the ancient wizard civilization was at its peak, it was a minority among the minority, and almost no one believed it. .

But life is like this, the stronger you are, the more confident you are, the more you think that nothing in the world is invincible. When they encounter major setbacks and become weak, they will inevitably feel inferior, start to doubt everything, and start to think that there is a god who transcends everything to determine their own destiny.

The remarks about "God's Punishment" became more and more popular in the Guardian Council as time passed, especially after an incident happened later, "God's Punishment" was almost regarded as the truth. "

"What's the matter?" Li Cha asked.

"That is the destruction of the first plane." The old man's voice became lower, "The first plane is the first plane discovered by the ancient wizard civilization from the mainland when it explored from the mainland. It is extremely rich in resources and extremely large in size. It is better than the local, so it later developed into the core of the core.

When the self-enclosure began, the wizards who went to the first plane were the most, and they also had as many discussions as the Guardian Council. Although they did not discuss any results, positive thinking has always been the mainstream, trying to maintain the state before civilization, and trying to make new breakthroughs.

As a result, when they completed a new research on life, white light suddenly appeared in the laboratory, instantly destroying all the results of the research, followed by swallowing the entire world, and the first plane was destroyed. "

Speaking of this, the old man was silent for a few seconds, and sighed: "Well, you should be able to imagine how much shock the rest of the planes were caused by the destruction of the first plane. Almost everyone wanted to figure out, the first plane What did the plane do wrong, is it just because it still insists on continuing to develop? Could the development lead to bad consequences?

It was just a guess at first, but after several disasters in which the planes were suddenly swallowed by white light happened one after another, the guess immediately became a consensus—everyone believed that development would really lead to destruction. You can survive without developing. The disaster proved that the ancient shaman civilization has come to an end all the way, and has reached the edge of the cliff. Even if it takes a step forward, it will fall and be smashed to pieces, so it is absolutely impossible to continue along this road.

Because of this consensus, "God's Punishment" is recognized by everyone in the Council of Guardians, and they all regard it as the only explanation of the truth, and they all believe that the ancient wizard civilization has indeed embarked on a wrong path. In order to avoid the complete destruction of civilization, it is necessary to stop, turn around, and find a new path.

In this way, the real Truth Society was established on the plane of Tesco, and began to change the whole world. Because they only know what is wrong, but not what is right, in order to avoid risks to the greatest extent, the members of the Truth Society choose to make the original things into opposite existences, and try to eliminate all the sources of the crisis.

This is obviously a gigantic project that cannot be completed in a short period of time. For this reason, all members of the Truth Society have made unimaginable sacrifices over a long period of time. They died one after another in their efforts and exhausted their lives, and the plane kept changing. When I woke up from the freeze as the last member, and worked hard until now, until I was very old, the plane finally became what I expected.

As expected, the plane is extremely safe, and it can be regarded as a new starting point. As long as we start from this starting point and try to develop carefully, one day we will embark on a truly correct development path. But it is a pity that because of your existence, this starting point suddenly became a little out of control, and it took a big step back to the old road. "

"You were really a big accident that almost made countless people's hard work go in vain." The old man looked at Li Cha, "But then again, you didn't know the truth of the world before you came to this point. I want to wait until you finish listening to me. After saying all this, you should understand that everything is a misunderstanding, and you will change your mind and make the most correct choice.

Also, as I said earlier, I am very old and have very few days left. The correct development of this plane in the future requires a new controller to guide the direction. If you are willing, I would like to invite you to become a new member of the Truth Society to replace me and lead the way for this plane. how do you feel? "

At the end, the old man looked at Li Cha with sincere eyes.

Li Cha was taken aback for a moment, his eyes narrowed, and his thoughts were spinning rapidly in his mind.

What kind of situation is this? The opponent couldn't beat him, so he just tried to bribe him? To be more precise, recruit him?

Forcibly turning enemies into friends?

This method is somewhat familiar, at least two of the four great classics on earth have talked about it.

But the problem is... this is not what he wants...

What he wants is much more than this...



Taking a deep breath, Li Cha looked at the old man and said, "Mr. Gao Ge, thank you very much for your invitation, but rather than staying in this plane to take your place, I would like to see other planes and get to know other people. What's going on?"

"I'm afraid, it's difficult." The old man shook his head and smiled wryly after hearing this, "It's been too long, the ancient wizard civilization has really become an ancient civilization, and the separate planes have some simple communication in the early stage, but later It completely cut off contact and became a completely independent world. Up to now, even if you want to contact, you can't get in touch.

The space passages have all been destroyed, and you have no way to go to other planes at all, unless you risk getting lost and explore in the void, then there is a very small probability of contacting other planes. "

After listening to the old man's words, Li Cha raised his eyebrows slightly, and said: "As far as I know, what you said, Mr. Goge, is actually missing something. I learned from some ancient wizard civilization materials that it is not necessary for all space channels to be destroyed. It was completely cut off, because when the space channel was not established at the beginning, the communication between planes relied on space jump points.

It is true that space passages provide a more stable mode of transportation, but space jump points are the foundation—the passages are established based on jump points, and the passages can be destroyed, but the jump points will not be lost.

If I'm not wrong, go to the space jump point of the adjacent plane, somewhere in the kingdom of heaven. Then, Mr. Gogg, we might as well make a deal—you tell me the location of the space jump point, and I will leave the kingdom of heaven, leave here, and stop disturbing you, how about? "

After hearing Li Cha's words, the old man suddenly froze with a wry smile on his face, turned his head a little bit, and looked at Li Cha for several seconds.

After that, his lips were pursed, his body leaned back, his whole back leaned against the back of the chair, his eyes continued to stare at Li Cha, and he let out a long breath.

"That might be..." the old man said in a hoarse voice, and he said to Li Cha word by word, "That can't leave here."


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