Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 165 Nancy's Weird Performance

"Huh?" After hearing the voice, Li Cha was stunned for a moment, then turned to look behind him, and saw Nancy's figure.

Under the light that shrouded the entire giant ship, Nancy's body seemed to be emitting a faint glow, the skin on her face was a kind of orange-red, and her sky-blue eyes flashed with a strange brilliance. A faint body fragrance came, and the air was filled with smells like false hormones. The other party looked a little embarrassed, a bolder embarrassment.

"Do you want to borrow my sword?" Nancy looked up and asked repeatedly.

Only then did Li Cha see that Nancy was holding two long swords in her hands, as if she had been prepared, and was handing over one of the long swords at this time.

Li Cha's eyes flickered, but without rejecting it, he reached out to take the sword and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Nancy said.

With a "swipe", Li Cha drew out his sword without saying much, and slashed directly at a "Griffin Colorful Bird" flying by the side, hitting the opponent's wings with a "puchi".

The "Griffin Colorful Bird" stopped flying, lost its balance and fluttered down towards the deck. Richard took a step forward and pinned the opponent's body on the deck with a sword. He grabbed the other's beak, stretched his neck, took out a scalpel and cut it on the neck, accompanied by the fierce struggle of the other's body, blood flowed out quickly.

Li Cha took out a glass bottle from his arms, and took all the blood into it without any waste.

After a while, the blood of "Griffin's Colorful Bird" dried up, and he stopped struggling. Richard plugged the glass bottle and put it away, discarded the body of "Griffin's Colorful Bird", and began to look for the second target.

Nancy next to him looked over and asked aloud: "You... don't want this feather? Lord Demps said, feathers are of the highest value. Everyone seems to be pulling feathers, but you only want the blood in their bodies. ?"

In the surrounding, among the people who killed the "Griffin Colorful Birds", the first thing to do is to pluck the hairs, pluck them cleanly, and leave nothing behind. Only a very small number of people will try to collect the flesh and bones of the "Griffin's Colorful Bird", after all, these things are of low value and difficult to preserve.

Naturally, Li Cha would not say what he meant, and said, "I think this blood is more useful to me, and plucking feathers is a waste of time."

"Is that so." Nancy raised her eyebrows and said, "Then let's work together to hunt and kill this 'Griffin's Colorful Bird'. After killing it, I only need the feathers, and the rest is yours."

Li Cha looked at Xiang Nancy and felt that the other party's performance tonight was a little too warm.

Is it an illusion, or...

Seeing that Li Cha didn't answer, Nancy asked again, "How is it, can you?"

"Okay." Li Cha said.

"That's good." Nancy said, waving her sword and approaching Li Cha.

The two began to cooperate to hunt and kill the "Griffin Colorful Birds". Under the illumination of many light spots, the blade of the sword continued to glide through the air with a cold glow, and the "Griffin Colorful Birds" quickly fell down with screams.

Li Cha's swordsmanship is of course needless to say, Nancy's swordsmanship is also extremely powerful compared to the rest, and coupled with the occasional use of spell assistance, the efficiency is not much lower than that of Li Cha.

In just a moment, the two killed more than 20 "Griffin Colorful Birds", which was very different from the harvest of the rest of the people who barely killed two or three.

The hunt gradually came to an end, and the number of "Griffin Colorful Birds" decreased rapidly under the killing. After the last "Griffin Colorful Bird" that chased and devoured the light spot was killed, the battle on the entire deck They all stopped, only the sound of "thorn thorn" plucking hair remained.

Richard collected blood one by one, and collected blood from three glass bottles full of blood from the dead bodies of more than twenty "Griffin Colorful Birds".

After stuffing the glass bottle, Richard was about to leave when Nancy, who was putting the "Griffin Colorful Bird" feathers in the cloth bag, suddenly stood up and said, "Wait a minute."


"Brush", Nancy threw a cloth bag to Richard.

"Crack," Li Cha caught it and looked at Nancy suspiciously, "What?"

"If you kill so many 'Griffin Colorful Birds', you will always have a share. If you only want blood, it will be too much of a loss. Let's make up for it with some feathers." Nancy said, "Besides, I have too many feathers. I can't take it either, this bag is for you."


Feather is not an iron ingot, can it still be taken?

Thinking so in his heart, Li Cha didn't say it, just nodded and said, "Well, thank you. By the way, I'll return this sword to you."

Li Cha handed out the long sword in his hand.

Nancy didn't pick it up, she waved her hand and said, "I'll give you this sword too. I don't think you got a weapon on board. It's very inconvenient, you might as well take it."

"is this okay?"

"Is it not good?"

"I'm not used to accepting unreasonable gifts from others."

"It's not without reason, is it?"

"What's the reason for that?"

"You forgot, you gave me that maid a few days ago, so I owe you a favor."

"So, is this sword a repayment of favor?"

"How come, how can my favor be so cheap, it's just..."

"So, it's still a gift for no reason."

"Uh..." Nancy was at a loss for words.

"Then you should take it back." Li Cha handed out the sword again.

Nancy glanced at Li Cha helplessly and caught it.

Richard turned around and walked towards the cabin.

Nancy shouted from behind, "Goodbye!"

Li Cha didn't say a word, and waved his hand as a farewell inside. But after walking to the cabin below the deck, he stopped slightly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to himself: is it an illusion, is it an illusion, or is it an illusion?


Walking into the cabin on the third floor below the deck, Richard didn't think about the rest, and started to use the blood of the "Griffin Colorful Bird" to do some guessing experiments.

Beakers, alcohol lamps, glass tubes and other experimental equipment are all installed in the space iron ring. In order to prevent being seen and causing suspicion, they have never been taken out before. Now it is carefully taken out and connected on the table in the cabin.

After the connection was completed, Li Cha poured the blood into the beaker and performed a series of processes such as filtration and purification.

Everything followed the process of the "One-Eyed Rage Potion", but it was carried out more efficiently in a scientific way, and finally two distinct products were obtained through distillation - two liquids - one was pale yellow, the other One is dark blue.

The two liquids were placed in separate glass tubes, glowing in the cabin lights.

Richard took out the parchment that recorded the "One-eyed Berserk Potion", studied it, and learned from it that the pale yellow liquid was the core raw material of the record - the purified blood of the rainbow bird.

As for the dark blue liquid, it is an impurity in the core raw material. One eye does not know what it does. It was only found that in many tests, the more the dark blue liquid was mixed, the worse the effect of the "One-eyed Berserk Potion".

One-eyed doesn't understand what the principle is. After all, it took him a lot of time to figure out how to make "One-eyed Berserk Potion" purely through experience, trial and error. It is a bit difficult to explore the scientific knowledge in it.

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