Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 167 The meaning of impurities

Soon, Richard walked back with more mice, and began to design experiments continuously, conducting controlled tests, controlled variable tests, and repeated tests.

In the end, Richard found that some situations were more complicated than expected.

For example, the performance of small mice is not only the strengthening of fear signals, but also the acceleration of neural signal transmission speed. To put it simply, the mouse reacts faster and can respond to external stimuli in a shorter time, so it can continuously avoid the attack of the scalpel.

Richard is not sure what the principle is, but it is more important than the "one-eyed violent potion".

In other words, the dark blue extract in the blood of the "Griffin's Colorful Bird", which was regarded as an impurity by One-eyed, was not an impurity at all, but a treasure, which was more valuable than the entire "One-eyed Berserk Potion".

Improve your reaction speed!

This is not only a difference of one or two points faster, but sometimes it can play a role in crushing.

Just like the difference between 59 points and 60 points, and the difference between 99 points and 100 points, it represents two worlds.

Generally speaking, the transmission of nerve signals in the human body is almost at the level of 100m/s, which leads to a certain delay in the body trying to make an action even if the brain reacts to some things.

Therefore, all explosive movements must have an initiation and reaction time.

For example, in the sprinting competition on the modern earth, the process from the referee firing the signal gun to the start of the athlete must exceed 0.1 second, which is the reaction limit time obtained through scientific calculation. If it is said that the start is less than 0.1 seconds, then it will be directly judged as a preemptive run and disqualification.

What if the initiation and reaction time is reduced, for example, by one-fifth, one-third or even one-half?

would be terrifying.

In combat, especially in close combat, sometimes a single action can decide the victory or defeat. If every action can be half faster than the enemy, it is a complete joke.

"How does this dark blue extract extracted from blood work? How does it speed up nerve transmission?" Li Cha's eyes flickered, guessing, "It covers the 'Rang Fei's node' to speed up the transmission of nerve fibers. Speed? Or alter the delivery of neurotransmitters?"

Generally speaking, the transmission of nerve signals in the human body relies on the transmission of nerve fibers, which are composed of multiple neuron cells.

A neuron cell, according to its structure, can be roughly divided into two parts, the cell body and the neurite. There are two types of neurites: dendrites and axons. According to the function, neuron cells can be divided into four parts: receiving area, trigger area, conduction area and output area.

When a nerve cell receives a signal or stimulus from another cell, an action potential is first generated in the trigger area (dendrite), which is quickly transmitted through the conduction area (axon) to the output area (axon terminal).

The output area synthesizes neurotransmitters, wraps them in synaptic vesicles, and diffuses the neurotransmitter molecules to the receiving area (dendrite) of the next neuron cell.

The receptors in the receiving area of ​​the next neuron combine with neurotransmitters to produce a biochemical reaction, which in turn leads to an action potential in the trigger area of ​​the next neuron, and the signal is continuously transmitted.

In order to speed up the transmission of nerve speed, in general, there are two ways.

First, speed up the "conduction zone" process.

Second, speed up the process of "output area" to the next neuron cell "receptor area".

If the first method is to be realized, the best way is to reduce the weakening of the signal, which has a great advantage in spinal animals.

It is conceivable that the entire nerve is connected by sections of wires (neuron cells), and when the current signal flows through the wires, the signal strength will weaken. The cheating of vertebrates compared to other creatures is that a shameless insulating shell is put on the wire. This shell is called myelin, which can ensure that the signal strength is weakened to a very small extent and can be transmitted faster.

But the problem is that the myelin sheath is not very tight, and there is a gap in the middle. If you look at it with a microscope, it is segmented. The gap between the nodes is called "Lang Fei's knot". The wires (neurons) are still exposed. If the number of "nodes of Ranvier" is reduced, there is less exposure of wires (neurons) and faster signal transmission.

The second method is to achieve, then the best way is to change the way neurotransmitters are transmitted. Because the transmission of this process is divided into numerous steps such as generating neurotransmitters, wrapping, diffusing, receiving, combining, and reacting, it is extremely cumbersome. If it can be optimized, even if it is only one step of optimization, when looking at the transmission of thousands of neuron cells, the degree of acceleration is also great.

So how does the dark blue liquid work? Which method is used to increase the speed of neural responses?

Li Cha's eyes flickered, he thought quickly, and finally decided to test it himself.

Taking a deep breath, Li Cha picked up the configured "Li Cha's Unknown Potion" and took a sip, closed his eyes, and carefully felt the change. Invoke psychic power perception.

The change occurred, and Li Cha frowned a little.

After a while, Li Cha's brows stretched out, and he opened his eyes. His eyes were shining brightly. He looked at his hands, and said to himself, "Is that so..."

In Richard's perception, the speed of neurotransmission is not the first method at all, nor the second method, but the third method beyond cognition.

What the mind transmits is a signal, not a specific substance. In theory, as long as the signal is successfully transmitted, the brain can respond, and the brain's response signal is transmitted to the corresponding parts, it doesn't matter the process.

After countless years of development, the entire animal kingdom has evolved a complete nervous system for this function, which includes large and small structures, and is sophisticated and complex.

But...what if the system was abandoned?

It's like, transporting a bunch of things, a complete set of railway systems has been developed, which is very efficient, but at the same time it is efficient, it also limits further development. Wouldn't it be better if we ditched the rail system and used planes for air transport?

Li Cha has not yet been able to fully determine everything, but there are already some vague guesses, that is, the reason for the accelerated nerve reflex speed of the drug is likely not to rely on the electrical signal transmission of neuron cells, but to generate a kind of special substances to transmit signals.

This substance does not exist on the modern earth, it is like a special product of the current world, and it is similar to the free energy element.

The free energy elements can run along the channels (blood vessels, nerves) in the human body, reach a specific state, and then stimulate and release them to function outside the body.

The special substances produced can also run along the human body's channels, attached to the nerves but not completely bound by the nerves. It can find the shortest and fastest path, transmit it to the brain at a speed exceeding the nerve signal, and then return the signal.

It can be simply understood that the nerve is an ordinary broadband line, buried deep in the ground (in the body). After the transformation, a new optical fiber broadband was buried along the line buried by the nerve, and the speed was greatly improved, and the delay was greatly reduced.

Although this optical fiber line is temporary, it needs to drink medicine to appear, and has a certain duration, the cost is high, and it is impossible to use it in daily life. But in the process of duration, if used properly, it can play an unimaginable effect.

Incredible effect!

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