
The elite siren, who stood up after being blasted away, opened his mouth and roared, as if he was conveying some message. When the rest of the elite sirens heard this, their eyes changed slightly, and they looked at Robin collectively, and then rushed out.

"Stop!" Robin shouted, and the other apprentices shot.



"Boom boom boom!"

Bunch of rays of light flew out, slammed into the attacking elite siren's chest, and then exploded. In the rainstorm, there was an explosion-like roar, and flashes of fire flashed.

The elite sirens were bombarded to and fro, and the attacking speed slowed down.

After seeing it, Robin breathed a sigh of relief, and then his eyes narrowed. He reached into his collar with one hand and yanked off a necklace that was worn around his neck. An emerald green stone hangs from the necklace, like a green miniature heart.

Robin held the stone hard, shouting spells in the storm.



Bunch of green rays of light leaked from the gap between Robin's fingers, as if a green sun was exploding in Robin's palm.

"Death to me!" Robin roared, and the green stone in his hand slammed towards the deck, a large amount of green light was released, and the entire deck turned green.

In the green, several thick vines grow fast and spread along the deck. Then, as if consciously, he grabbed the body of the elite siren and twisted it frantically, trying to restrain the entire body of the elite siren.

The elite siren sensed something was wrong and quickly tore the vines with his claws. But the regeneration speed of the vines is extremely fast, almost as soon as the elite sirens tore them apart, they entangled them again.

So, in the blink of an eye, most of the elite sirens who climbed the deck were controlled by the vines.

"Attack! Now, kill these bastards together." Robin shouted.

After listening to Robin's words, no one dared to waste time. The wizard apprentices used extremely powerful attack spells to attack the elite sirens, and the rest of the ordinary students also saw needles and seams to assist in the attack.

Several elite sirens who were not controlled by Robin's magic saw their companions in distress, and roared and attacked to help, but were blocked.

One of the elite sirens didn't know if he lost his head or what, strayed from the main battlefield and charged towards Li Cha.

Li Cha narrowed his eyes and watched the elite siren rushing towards him. He quickly flashed to the side and found that the elite siren changed direction, obviously staring at him.

What is this? any luck?

Li Cha raised his eyebrows and frowned slightly.

To be honest, he doesn't really want to deal with this elite siren, but since the other party has come to him, just hiding can't solve the problem.

"Swipe", with a wave of the long sword, Li Cha took the initiative to rush towards the elite siren. When he was about to collide with the opponent, he stepped on his foot, and the body quickly slid to the side by the rain on the deck. Before the elite siren could react, a sword slashed on the shoulder of the elite siren.

After the slash, Li Cha glanced at the wound that was only a few centimeters long and a few millimeters deep, and had an understanding of the defense power of elite sirens—at least several times that of ordinary sirens.

In this case……


Siren didn't give Li Cha time to think, so he rushed forward and attacked with his claws.

Richard quickly dodged to the side.


Siren missed a note, took a step forward and continued to attack, while Li Cha continued to dodge.

But I didn't expect that the elite siren is different from the ordinary siren, obviously the brain is better, and the possibility of dodging has been estimated. This time, both claws came out, one claws missed, and the other claws followed closely to Richard's chest.

Li Cha's eyes narrowed, but he didn't panic, his feet were pinned to the ground, and with the strength of his waist, his upper body bent sharply to the back. The attack of the elite siren's second claws suddenly failed, and he couldn't help but be stunned. Li Cha quickly straightened up and stepped back.


The elite siren opened his mouth and roared, his eyes fixed on Li Cha, and he kept chasing and waving his claws, as if he would not stop until he killed Li Cha.

With a "swipe", the elite siren swung down with a claw, almost ripping through Richard's clothes, and Richard had to roll over and dodge on the deck. The elite siren immediately raised his lower limbs and stepped on Richard.

Li Cha calmly swung his sword and slashed at the edge of the elite siren's lower limbs.

The elite siren let out a pained cry, his movements slowed down slightly, and Li Cha took the opportunity to roll over and dodge again. At the same time, Li Cha glanced into the distance and saw that the situation of the wizard apprentices and everyone on the main battlefield was not very good.

There are more elite sirens in the main battlefield, the sorcerer apprentice called Robin. Although he can control it for a moment with magic, he cannot control it forever. The continuation of the spell requires a lot of mana, and Robin, who casts the spell, is obviously unable to hold it. As soon as the spell is weak, the elite siren immediately gets rid of the bondage and starts to kill.

The wizard apprentices still have the ability to escape, but the besieged people suffer. "Puff puff!" Several people lost their lives.


"don't want!"

The screams continued, and the apprentice wizards looked ugly. The next moment a thin apprentice wizard stood up and shouted, "I'm coming."

As he spoke, a blue bracelet on his wrist suddenly lit up, and with a wave of his hand, a cloud of white mist emerged, covering the elite siren.

"Kakaka", after the elite siren was covered, the surface of the body quickly froze, the movement was very slow, and it was regained control.

"Robin take a rest, I'll take over for him temporarily, you continue to attack." The thin wizard apprentice shouted.

"it is good."

The rest of the wizard apprentices listened, did not dare to be wordy, and raced against time to attack again.

A female apprentice chanted a spell beside her for a long time, and in the rain gave birth to a slender and crystal-clear ice gun that was one meter long. With a wave of his hand, the ice spear stabbed into the body of the most seriously injured elite siren, killing the elite siren at last.

The pressure was slightly reduced, and the apprentices turned their attacks on the remaining elite sirens.

Li Cha withdrew his gaze, sure that no more elite sirens would come running over, and he felt a little more at ease. But at this time, the elite Siren, who had been slashed in the lower limbs, attacked again.

Li Cha's eyes flickered slightly.

The elite siren stepped out with his lower limbs, trying to crush Li Cha's body, and Li Cha rolled to escape. While dodging the attack of the elite siren, he slashed the lower limb of the elite siren with his sword again, hitting the same place where the damage was caused last time.


Blood flowed out from the lower limbs of the elite siren, the elite siren cried out in pain, and the body could not help shaking.

The next moment, the elite siren stood firm and looked at Li Cha, as if he was going to eat Li Cha. With rage and dissatisfaction, he stepped down again ruthlessly, as if he had to trample Li Cha to death.

Li Cha's eyes sharpened slightly, rolled his body, and then made his third attack, a close slash hit the place where the first two attacks of the elite Siren's lower limbs were at hand.

I don't know why, this time the elite siren reacted very loudly, and the sound was not roaring or screaming, but wailing.



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