Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 215 Don't worry, be steady first

Seeing Li Cha raising his eyebrows, his opponent Heiman said with a giant sword weighing dozens of pounds: "Boy, don't think I'm like those idiots, I'm very wary of you. I saw your battle yesterday. Yes, in a small half of the games, the moment the handkerchief landed, you made a move and restrained the opponent with a sneak attack to win."

"That shouldn't be a sneak attack, right?" Li Cha said, "When the handkerchief falls, it means the game starts. I can naturally make a shot, but the speed of the shot is a bit fast."

"Humph!" Heiman, who was holding the giant sword, snorted coldly, "Don't argue, it's obviously a sneak attack! And now, what I want to tell you is that the same way doesn't work for me. Boy, don't think about it. Try to defeat me with some small tricks. Either you use your real strength to defeat me, or let me smash you to pieces with the sword in my hand!

Boy, show your strength and have a real fight with me! Let me see, what skills do you have, ranking higher than mine! "

Li Cha was silent, looked at each other, and felt that the conversation between the two had no meaning at all, because there was no dialogue at all. After a while, Li Cha looked at the other party and said, "Since that's the case... well, let's do it."

"Okay!" The other party nodded, and then shouted, "Look at the trick!"

The next moment, the other party's blue veins burst out, the muscles on his arms bulged like iron blocks, holding a giant sword, strode forward, and swung down at Li Cha ruthlessly.

Li Cha's eyes blinked, and he had no plans to take the attack at all, and his body quickly dodged to the side to avoid the blow.


The opponent's giant sword smashed on the ground, and the whole ground shook slightly, the soil flew, and the dust rose.

After a while, the other party looked up and glanced at Li Cha who was hiding to the side. With a bit of displeasure, he frowned and said, "Boy, why are you hiding?" Obviously, in the other party's mind, Li Cha should be confronting him head-on. That's right, dodging is shameful.

But Li Cha was not going to say anything more, he just said softly: "You... continue."

"Damn boy, I'm going to kill you." The other party roared, with some anger, he waved his sword and attacked Li Cha again.

Li Cha quickly dodged to the side again.


The opponent's giant sword slashed into the air again, creating a huge depression in the open space, but it didn't hurt Li Cha at all.

The opponent was furious, raised his sword quickly, and chased after Li Cha's continuous attacks.

"Boom boom boom!"

After half a sound.

The entire venue was filled with dust, the audience sitting on the lower floor of the auditorium was covering their mouths and noses and coughing constantly, and the host on the high stage also frowned. The open space is even more pitted, and there are sword marks cut out by the giant sword everywhere.

Heiman, who was holding a great sword, gasped in the dust. Looking at Li Cha, his eyes were a little red, and he shouted with extreme dissatisfaction: "Boy, why do you keep hiding from me?"

"Guess." Li Cha said.

"Huh?" Heiman was stunned for a moment. The next moment, the blood vessels on his temples bulged, and with a "wow", he attacked Li Cha with a giant sword.

Richard dodged, dodged, kept dodging...


One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes...

In the blink of an eye, fifteen minutes passed while the attack was dodging, and the dust still filled the field. The spectators who were sitting in the lower seats and wanted to watch the game more clearly moved to the upper seats one after another. The audience in the high-level seats was already lethargic and felt that the battle was extremely boring. If it wasn't for the strength to scold just now, or else I would have continued to scold at this time.

What the hell! This is not the kind of game you want to watch! It's to watch a head-to-head, bloody game! What's so good about the dodging game?

Get your money back!

The host on the high platform can't move positions like the audience, and can't yell. In the constantly rising dust, the host could only tirelessly shake the dust on his clothes. Once, twice, three times... Finally, the host gave up the struggle and sat on the high platform, letting the dust keep coming, turning him into a "native".

"Ah - sneeze!"

The host sneezed, took out a white handkerchief from his sleeve and wiped it, then looked at the field with a pair of boring, dead fish eyes that could see through life. Chasing after the attacking Heiman.

"A pig, a monkey." The host said in his heart.

At this time, Heiman, who was a pig in the field, had to choose to stop and gasp after a series of unsuccessful attacks.

Staring at Li Cha, his face was full of dissatisfaction: "Boy... Huhu... If you have the ability, don't run. The boy... Huhu... If you have the ability, fight me head-on."

Li Cha stood not far from Heiman, glanced at Heiman, and suddenly said, "Okay!"

When the words fell, he waved his slender sword and stabbed towards Heiman without warning.

Heiman was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the contrast between the front and the back of Li Cha was so great. He didn't know how to attack just now, but now he said he would attack.


Heiman waved his great sword in a panic and tried to block it.

Who knew that when Li Cha saw him blocking, he quickly retreated, then stood a few meters away, looked at him blankly, and waved lightly.


Heiman was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled, and then a little furious: Is this provoking him? Well, this must be provoking him!

Damn boy!

There seemed to be flames burning in Heimang's eyes, and his tired body poured out power again and attacked Li Cha.

Li Cha continued to dodge.

The previous process was repeated again.

During the dodging process, Li Cha blinked. At this moment, rather than winning, Richard is collecting some data - the "speed up recovery" magic pattern in Ring No. 1, the data in actual combat.

In the preliminaries before, because the opponents were mixed, Li Cha was unable to carry out this kind of test. But now facing a somewhat violent opponent with outstanding strength and holding a heavy giant sword, it is an extremely rare test opportunity.

In a sense, during the battle, the dodging side consumes more stamina than the attacking side because it is passive. But now because the attacker's Heiman is holding a heavy sword, this gap can be smoothed to a certain extent.

In this case, on the basis of fully exerting "accelerated recovery", this battle has been dragged on and dragged the opponent to the point of collapse. How long will it take?

The answer will be revealed soon.

In the constant dodging and provocation, half an hour passed.

Heiman was so tired that he sat down on the ground, gasping for breath, looking half-dead. A large amount of sweat flowed out, soaking the whole body, and the eyes were blurred.

Li Cha slowly approached the other party, the other party squinted and glanced at Li Cha, he didn't move at all, and he couldn't move at all - the heavy giant sword could no longer be lifted at this time, and the whole body was as heavy as lead. Sitting on the spot, gasping for breath, a bellows-like sound came from the depths of his throat.

Li Cha continued to approach, walked in front of the opponent, and then pushed the opponent's body. Heiman's eyes widened, while panting, in the eyes of "reckless", he fell heavily to the ground, like a mountain collapsing, raising a lot of dust, and then did not stand up again.

On the high platform, the host who was about to fall asleep yawned, shook his head and stood up. Vigorously shaken the large amount of dust on his body, his spirit was slightly lifted, and then he announced in relief: "The game is over, Li Cha wins!"

"Huh", everyone in the audience let out a long sigh, and it was finally over.

Richard walked back to the entrance with a long boo, and saw Macbeth and Nancy with weird faces. Neither of them thought that Richard would finally settle the battle in this way.

Macbeth said, "Speaking of which... have you dragged on this game for too long?"

"Isn't it 'Don't worry too much, be prudent first'?" Richard shrugged his shoulders with flashing eyes at Macbeth, "Lord Macbeth, is this what you said?"

"This..." Macbeth rubbed his nose and turned around, "That...let's go to dinner, there's still a test in the afternoon, let's go."



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