Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 240 Keep up with the rhythm of the music, remember this rhythm!

Dusk runs out and night falls.

Richard strolled in the newly rented courtyard.

At this time, Alex had already left, indicating that his legs were about to break, and he needed a good rest, otherwise he might not be able to get up tomorrow. Gro also left and returned to the academy, saying that he would get up early tomorrow to find a way to report for the elective courses.

Only Richard was walking in the empty courtyard, the sound of footsteps echoing.

"Da da da……"

Li Cha inspected the whole yard, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

This is a two-entry yard with a small fountain in the front yard and a small garden in the back yard. Although it looks messy because it has not been taken care of for a long time, and the ground is full of weeds, it can be restored to its original appearance with a simple cleaning, which is much better than the yard rented in Cuijin City before.

As for the haunting issue mentioned by Alex, Richard was not worried at all.

First of all, he is not afraid of ghosts, or in other words, he is not afraid of unknown things.

He was more curious than fearful about being haunted. If there is a haunting phenomenon, he would like to explore what caused it.

And even if there were unexplainable ghosts, he would try to catch them and study them. Chances are, it's not necessarily the case that any major results can be found, and it's even better to use this to unlock the truth of the world.

With this in mind, Richard stepped into the depths of the yard, carefully observed each room, and then thought about how to arrange the use of these rooms.

"This room is relatively spacious and can be used as the main laboratory." Li Cha said to himself, "This room is used as a backup laboratory. Build a small toxic gas laboratory here and install a fume hood. This room is It is a microbial culture laboratory and needs to be renovated. If possible, try to install a temperature control system. This room is used as a storage room for ordinary materials, with constant temperature, pressure and humidity. This room is a dangerous goods storage room. This room…”

Li Cha was talking to himself when suddenly he heard a small knock on the door from outside the courtyard.

"Huh?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows, stepped out, and opened the courtyard door.

Then I saw that there was no one on the street outside the courtyard gate.

A gust of cold wind blew, rolling up the dead branches and leaves in the yard, and suddenly there was a bit of a gloomy atmosphere in the night.

"Well..." Li Cha pursed his lips,

Remembering that Alex mentioned the ghost knocking on the door before, it seems that this is it.

"It's coming so quickly, a gift to the door." Li Cha said, closing the door with a "squeak", and walked into the yard, ready to see the follow-up development.

As a result, after walking into the courtyard for a while, the courtyard door was knocked again.

"Bang bang bang!"

Quickly walked to the front of the courtyard, opened the door, and there was still no one outside.

Li Cha's eyes narrowed slightly.

Closing the door again, waiting quietly not far from the courtyard door, and then hearing a third knock on the door.

He stepped forward and opened the door, but there was still no one outside.

Li Cha's eyes narrowed to a slit, and then returned to normal. His eyebrows moved a few times, and he had already guessed some possibilities.

"Is that so..." Li Cha murmured, showing a slightly disappointed expression, "I thought it would be a more complicated reason..."

As Li Cha spoke, he stepped out of the courtyard gate, stood still in a corner of the street in the dark, and performed the "breathing technique" obtained from Old Mullen, allowing his own breath to quickly blend into the surrounding environment.


Not long after, there was an extremely subtle, indiscernible sound of wing flapping suddenly in the sky, and a large swarm of bats flew towards the courtyard gate and began to collide.

The courtyard door began to make a sound: "bang bang bang!"

Richard stepped closer, the bat felt something, flew away quickly, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Li Cha went straight to the front of the courtyard, sniffed sharply at the wooden door, smelled a faint stench, and said, "Sure enough."

The reason why the ghost knocked on the door was found, but it was not worth mentioning: the courtyard door was stained or smeared with a special liquid, which could emit a smell that attracted bats, thus attracting many bats and hitting the door. Sounds like a knock on a door.

When people approach the door when they hear the knock on the door, because the bat uses ultrasonic waves to detect the surrounding environment, it is extremely sensitive and can detect it in advance and move away first, so no matter how many times people open the door, they will not see the shadow of the bat. It has become a kind of ghost knocking on the door.

In fact, similar means existed on the modern earth in ancient China. The liquid used is eel blood, which can attract bats with a radius of several hundred meters in order to achieve a certain purpose.

After figuring this out, Li Cha couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. After all, he really wanted to catch a "ghost" to play with... No, research.

Now it's just bats, but there is not much research significance.

Once you figure it out, it's easy to fix it once and for all.

When Li Cha flipped his hand, he took out a bottle of lye from the iron ring of space, opened the cork, and sprinkled it evenly against the wooden door, letting the lye soak into it.

At present, although I don't know what the substance contaminated in the wooden door is, unless the other party has a strong chemical inertness and does not react with the lye liquid, the lye liquid can destroy the other party's structure and make the other party invalid. Even if the other party is really chemically inert, the smell of the lye is enough to mask its smell and prevent the bats from coming back.

After doing this, Li Cha walked into the door. After waiting patiently for a while, I found that the bat did not appear again.

When his heart was relieved, Li Cha began to continue to check each room and build the blueprint of the future laboratory, which was not completely completed until the dead of night.

Although Richard knew that it would be difficult to really implement the entire blueprint under the current conditions. But Rome was not built in a day, you can do it step by step.

Even if it can't be built here, it can be built in other places in the future.

Thinking like this, Li Cha walked out of the yard and walked back towards Baishi Tower Academy.

Walking on the street, Richard saw that many places were plunged into darkness, but many places were brightly lit.

Walking past the "Salt and Fire" tavern where he had lunch before, Li Cha heard the commotion inside, along with the gentle sound of the piano and singing. It was the woman during the day who continued to play and sing.

Because he was playing and singing folk songs, Li Cha couldn't understand much, but he could vaguely distinguish the rhythm in the music: one strong, one weak, one strong, one weak...

"Well, is it a 2/4 time?" Li Cha said to himself, "Well, it has changed, it is now a 3/4 time: strong, weak, weak."

"Strong, weak, weak, second strong, weak, weak, this is 6/8 again?" Richard gradually moved away from the tavern, shaking his head uncontrollably, "This rhythm is a bit chaotic, it really is similar to the Middle Ages. In this world, before the metronome was invented, music could be improved. But then again, if you don't demand anything, you can still listen to it. Tah, tah, tah, tah..."

Slowly, Richard walked into the darkness.


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