Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 333: Maphyris' Worries

In the hall of the Six-Tooth Tower, Mei Feilisi said: "This matter must be taken seriously! I know that many of us are currently devoting our energy to the East Coast Joint Exchange Meeting, which is inevitable. After all, the East Coast Joint Exchange Meeting Yes, it will take us more than ten years to hold one, and we must do it beautifully.

However, we think so, but some people are not ready to let us do it. The previous plague spell incident was an example, and it was probably done by someone who secretly disrupted the order of Baishi City.

I think everyone should be aware of the bad influence of the plague spell incident even if I don't remind them. It is not only the casualties of the students, but also the blow to the reputation of our Baishi Tower. It is a disaster!

And this kind of thing, even if we are prepared, we can't really guarantee that it won't happen again. For this reason, we must take the initiative to attack and find a way to get rid of those who have been secretly harboring malice towards our White Rock Tower. "

Having said that, Mephilis paused, looked at Macbeth and Armstrong, and said, "Wizard Macbeth and Wizard Armstrong, you two had brief contact with the enemy, please tell me about the specific process."



In the seating area, Macbeth and Armstrong who were called stood up in response.

Everyone looked at the two of them, Macbeth looked normal, and said slowly: "The other party is very powerful..."

Armstrong also said: "The opponent is indeed powerful, able to explode the strength of a second-level wizard, and master a variety of second-level spells..."

After a while, Macbeth and Armstrong finished talking, and Mephilis motioned them to sit down, looking at the silent and deep in thought.

Obviously, the words "powerful", "second-level wizard", "a variety of second-level spells" and other words greatly stimulated everyone and made them realize that things are really not simple.

Mei Phyllis glanced at the crowd, and said: "Okay, it seems that everyone finally understands the situation, so... I now propose to 'specially use the power of the Wizarding Association to investigate and deal with these people', everyone please vote Bar."

The audience was silent for a while, and after a long time, someone raised his hand and said, "I agree."

Where there is the first person, there is the second person.


Then the third, fourth, fifth...




Many people raised their hands.

"Very good." Mephilis swept across the audience and said, "Since everyone agrees, the proposal will be considered approved. Next, I will call on one-sixth of the power of the Wizarding Council to carry out this matter. At that time When it comes to everyone, I hope everyone will cooperate.”

"This!" After hearing Mei Feilisi's words, the people who raised their hands to vote were stunned, because Mei Feilisi was going to use too much power.


In their view, things may be serious, but using one-twentieth or one-fifteenth of the power is enough. Using one-tenth of the power is considered the limit, and Mei Feilisi used one-sixth of her power, which is simply crazy!

You must know that not all the wizards of the White Rock Tower Wizards Association are free. Many of them are doing extremely important things that cannot be easily changed, and some people maintain the operation of the Wizards Association. In addition, the teaching of Whitestone High Tower Academy occupies a part of wizards, so the number of wizards who can be removed at any time is not as many as imagined.

In a word, the landlord's family has no surplus food.

Mei Phyllis was ready to use one-sixth of the power in one sentence, saying it was one-sixth, but excluding the unusable power, it might reach a quarter, or even a third ratio.

In addition, many people are now busy with the East Coast Joint Exchange Meeting. In this way, some people must be transferred from less important positions, or one person needs to hold several positions, which can be regarded as having an impact on the entire White Rock Tower.

This is a bit too much!

A brown-haired wizard held this idea, stood up, looked directly at Meifei Lisi, without much fear, and said seriously: "Wizard Meifeilisi, I have no objection to your proposal, but I feel that using six One-tenth of the power is too impulsive, it is more reasonable to change it to one-tenth or one-fifteenth."

"Oh." Mephilice sneered unceremoniously, "Wizard Steven, according to your thinking, wouldn't it be better to use one-twentieth?"

"This..." the brown-haired wizard named Steven said, "I really have no objection."

"Then do you know why you are sitting in the seat opposite and I am sitting on this stone platform?" Mei Phyllis asked.


"I'll tell you the answer, because your idea is wrong and mine is right, because you are stupid and I am smart!" Mei Phyllis said loudly, "You really have to think that spending twenty cents One of the strengths, conservative, is the best way?

Then after the failure, first add one-tenth of the power, then add one-eighth of the power, and let the enemy kill all the members of our wizard society little by little, do you still think it is the best way?

As I said, the enemy this time is not simple. Therefore, we must go all out, otherwise we will be the ones who suffer! Using one-twentieth of the power, one-fifteenth of the power, maybe a second-level wizard can be eliminated, but the other party is not one person, but multiple? What if it has stronger power?

Let me tell you, I will always insist on the proposal of using one-sixth of the power, and I will be responsible for any problems. You can object and let me reduce the power I use, but you are responsible for anything that happens. Steven Wizard, do you dare! "

"I..." Wizard Steven opened and closed his mouth in the face of the aggressive Mei Phyllis, but he didn't say anything, and slowly sat back in his seat and fell silent.

Mei Phyllis swept across the audience, and asked loudly to everyone: "Is there anyone who objects to this matter? Anyone else, do you have any objections to using one-sixth of the power? If there are any, stand up!"

No one stood up.

"That's good, this matter is settled like this, the meeting is over!"


Mei Phyllis tapped the table with her fingers, and made another sound similar to a gavel.

All the wizards stood up and walked out of the hall one after another, many of them complained.

"Really... Since it's a meeting of wizards, what's the point of taking such a tough attitude?"

"That's right, it's not that we don't agree, let's at least have a good talk..."

"I think it's obviously a matter of personality. Look at her younger sister..."

Everyone left quickly, and Macbeth walked at the end. When he was about to go out, he thought of something, turned his head to look at Mae Phyllis, and said, "That... Wizard Mae Phyllis, I support you. I I feel that you did the right thing in this meeting of wizards, and it is completely reasonable to use one-sixth of your power.

For these people who disrupted the order of Baishi City, Armstrong and I have been aware of it for a long time, and we have been vigilant all the time, thinking that something big will happen.

This time I met the enemy and fought with the enemy. Although I almost died, it was not too bad. At least your agenda was passed, so I will be able to get rid of all those who disrupted the order of Baishi City..."


May Phyllis came down from the stone platform and interrupted Macbeth.

Macbeth was stunned: "Ah? Why..."

"Get lost!" Mae Phyllis said to Macbeth seriously.

Macbeth: "..." Turning around, without saying a word, he left in despair.

Mei Phyllis withdrew her gaze, walked slowly to the window in the hall without saying a word, and looked out the window expressionlessly. At this moment, her heart was more vigilant and worried than she showed. As for why, she couldn't tell. Maybe, just a hunch.

In the distance, the setting sun kissed the mountain plateau, sinking down with brilliance.

In the four fields, darkness gushes out like a tide, and night falls again.

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