Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Three hundred and fifty seventh chapter drag

Li Cha walked into the courtyard and opened the courtyard door.

Just outside the courtyard gate, Alex, who was like a short winter melon, was standing with a smile on his face. Behind Alex, there were several carriages parked, full of goods, and several coolies were waiting for orders.

Seeing Li Cha, Alex's eyes lit up first, then he rubbed his hands and said, "My dearest friend—Your Excellency Li Cha, I got all the goods for you this time. But I have to say, part of it is relatively Difficult, but I spent a lot of effort, I..."

"I'll add 10% to the price." Li Cha said simply.

"Okay!" Alex's fine eyes widened, and he smiled like a two-hundred-pound child, "Okay, I knew His Excellency Richard would never let me suffer!"

After finishing speaking, Alex turned his head, waved quickly to the guys behind, and shouted: "Hurry up, don't be dazed, hurry up to Your Excellency Richard, and move the goods in."


The guys didn't dare to talk too much, they moved quickly, unloaded boxes one by one from the car, and walked into the courtyard. Knowing that the boxes contained glassware, they were placed very carefully on the ground in the courtyard.

After moving the boxes, the man started to move in the extremely thick and strong iron cans one by one. The iron can is cylindrical, with a height of 10 centimeters and a diameter of more than 20 centimeters. The mouth of the jar has been specially treated. Once it is closed, the contents inside will not leak at all. In addition, in order to meet Li Cha's need for sturdiness, the cans are surprisingly thick. An iron can is like a cannonball, and several guys can lift it together. It was finally carried to the yard, and as soon as he let go, a deep hole was smashed into the ground.

The man was sweating profusely as he carried the tin cans to the yard one by one. Alex looked at Li Cha and wondered why Li Cha spent such a high price to make these seemingly useless cans. A pair of small eyes had returned to normal at this time, they flickered, and asked: "Your Excellency, Li Cha, what do you want so many tin cans for?"

"Put water in it." Li Cha replied calmly.

"Ah..." Alex didn't know how to reply.

He really didn't know how to reply, Li Cha's answer made him unbearably suspicious, the water he understood might be different from the water Li Cha said. Otherwise, why do you need such a strange iron can to hold water?

At this time, the man finally finished moving the tin cans, but he didn't stop, and began to carry heavy bags one by one into the courtyard, piling them up on the ground. After a while, the bags piled up into a hill, and the volume continued to increase. Occasionally, the bag cracked, and white powder flowed out from it.

Like snow.

Alex knew it wasn't snow, but salt.

Yes, salt.

Salt is not too expensive in White Rock Tower, in fact, it is not too expensive on the entire east coast. After all, it is close to the ocean, and salt is almost inexhaustible.

But salt is not expensive, but it doesn't mean it's cheap. In order to save money, ordinary farmers only use a lot of salt when marinating some perishable foods, and usually make the food taste very bland. No one is hoarding salt like Richard.

Alexis watched the "mountain of salt" pile up higher and higher, and couldn't help feeling a toothache. He thought to himself, how strong must Li Cha's taste be to need so much salt? Ordinary people, I'm afraid they won't be able to eat so much in ten lifetimes, right?

Looking at Li Cha's obviously abnormal skin color, Alex was secretly vigilant. Maybe it was because he ate too much salt. It seems that when he asks Mrs. Amanda to cook in the future, he should put less salt.

Half a day later, the salt was also moved, and then some sundries.

When the carriage outside was emptied, the guys were so tired that they could barely stand.

Li Cha took a glance, saw that everything on the list was complete, and paid the final payment to Alex.

Holding the final payment of the crystal coin, Alex's mouth was about to burst into laughter, and he walked out the door quickly, then tried his best to restrain his smile, walked up to a few guys, and took out a silver coin.

"Hey, this is your hard work." Alex said.

Several guys took the poor silver coins together, thanked them and drove away in the carriage, while Alex walked towards the end of the street humming a little tune.

Li Cha in the courtyard watched all this, shook his head slightly, and then closed the door with a "squeak".

As soon as the door was closed, Li Cha realized something was wrong, turned around suddenly, and looked at the purple figure who was secretly rummaging through boxes in the yard.

"Pandora!" Li Cha said seriously.

"Scared—" Pandora looked at the test tube she found in the box, pouted, "I just want to help you."

"No wonder." Li Cha said angrily, "I see, you just want to hear the sound of broken glass, and you like to collect shiny glass shards. Don't deny it, I have seen all your glass shards." There are several boxes full."

Pandora said: "That will help you, okay? Besides, the glass tube is broken, so it's useless in the first place, and it's fine if I install it."

"Even so, you have to complete the task of generating electricity today, otherwise you will not be allowed to use the test tube." Li Cha said firmly.

"I... okay..." Pandora compromised, lowered her head, and walked towards the house a little dejectedly.

"The glass tube in my hand." Li Cha had a deep insight.

Pandora turned around, helplessly put down the glass tube she was holding, and honestly went into the house to work.


In a blink of an eye, it's night.

In the laboratory, under the candlelight, Pandora dragged out two huge boxes from under her wooden bed, opened them carefully, and saw that the inside was full of shiny shards—glass shards.

Seeing the shards of glass, Pandora's eyes also brightened up, shining like stars.

Pandora was admiring her "wealth" to the fullest, and no one disturbed her—because Richard was busy handling various petri dishes at this time.

Now Li Cha's petri dish work has increased a lot. On the one hand, the previous God's blood colony continues to be improved and cultivated.

In addition to the blood of God, it is the cultivation and research of mushroom pneumonia spores, because he wants to find out what the pathogenic bacteria is, and see if there is any possibility of using it—one pneumonia cannot be suffered in vain.

After that, it is a test culture for antibiotics such as penicillin, which is a reminder of mushroom pneumonia spores. Because he had a lot of breath on his hands, he was spared from pneumonia this time, but he could not be sure when he would be infected by other germs again. After all, the quantity of Prontosil is limited, and the side effects are too great. It is better to find a way to produce more powerful antibacterial drugs such as penicillin.

He is quite familiar with the cultivation and purification process of penicillin, and can use drift bottles to improve penicillin production and increase the production. The only thing to do now is to obtain and screen excellent vaccines. Through Alex, he obtained different molds and is constantly cultivating and testing them, hoping for a good result.

At present, everything is fine and is progressing steadily, but after a while, it is likely that a larger biological laboratory will be needed to meet the needs.

This gave him some headaches.

It is not difficult to simply open up a biology laboratory. After all, there are still many empty rooms in the laboratory, and a place for a special biology laboratory has been reserved at the beginning.

But now it is different from the past, the appearance of mysterious organizers such as Suomen and Mukeni made him have to be vigilant. He didn't think that the opponent's organization would do nothing if he killed Suomen before. From a security point of view, after he has dealt with the secrets of the White Rock Tower and the Black Spirit King, if something goes wrong, he must leave White Rock City in time.

In this case, expanding the biological laboratory will inevitably be a drag.

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