Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 435 If you want to become stronger, first reduce your IQ

About the same time.

It was slowly getting dark, and the entire Undead Island was shrouded in darkness.

A large piece of irregular ice was attached to the bottom of the ghost ship docked at the simple port. Suddenly, with a "click", the ice shattered, revealing Li Cha's figure.

At this time, Li Cha's body was wrapped with a thin film of air to isolate the sea water. He moved his body quickly, broke through the water, and walked onto the coast.

After glancing around and judging the direction, Li Cha cast a shadow cloak and annihilation technique to hide himself, and then began to explore the periphery of the island.


Li Cha's efficiency was very high, and it didn't take long to figure out the general situation around the island. During this process, two discoveries were made.

First, there are a lot of stitch monsters on the island. There are dozens of them just seen. If the statistics are complete, there must be more.

Second, stitch monsters are not all the same. Inside stitch monsters, there are different types of distinctions, and their strengths are also different. The most common and the weakest is the gray-skinned suture monster, the stronger one is the green-skinned suture monster-the color of forgiveness, and the stronger one is the blue-skinned suture monster-like the demonized Smurfs, the strongest The most important thing is the purple suture monster - the same as the refined purple sweet potato.

It is worth mentioning that the IQ and strength of the stitch monster are not directly proportional, but... inversely proportional. In other words, the more powerful the Stitch Monster is, the more stupid it is.

Like the gray stitch monster, although its strength is very weak-you can drown by dragging it into the water with one hand, but its IQ is the responsibility of all stitch monsters. It may not be as good as a human, or even a dog, but it can still do a lot of things. It can be seen that on the periphery of the island, there are many gray-skin suture monsters working, doing some heavy labor, such as cutting trees, fetching water, and smashing stones.

As for the green stitching monster, it's not so good in this respect, and it has its own figure when working, but it can't always do well. To chop down a tree, three strikes with an axe will split the air; to fetch water, half of the water in a bucket can be sprinkled;

The blue-skinned suture monster was even more appalling, as if a disaster had happened at the work site.

Purple-skinned suture monsters... Li Cha seriously doubts that the concept of work may not be in their brains at all.

At this moment, in Li Cha's line of sight, there is a purple-skinned suture monster, which looks like it is patrolling. The reason why he said "it seems to be on patrol" is because Li Cha is not sure what the other party wants to do as he walks around aimlessly in the woods.


"Bang bang bang..."

The purple-skinned suture monster is more than three meters tall, walking with heavy steps in the woods, suddenly, a tree with a diameter of 20 to 30 centimeters appeared in front of it, and it didn't even look at it, and bumped into it abruptly .


With a muffled sound, the Purple Stitched Monster swayed, and looked up suspiciously at Qiao Mu, who was blocking the way, as if he didn't understand why Qiao Mu didn't give way to it. The next moment he thought about it seriously, and stepped back.

One step, two steps, three steps, stop.

Then the purple stitch monster stepped forward again.

One step, two steps, three steps, bump!


The purple stitched monster looked up again, looked at the tree trunk, and took three steps back again.

After retreating, he moved forward without changing, and hit a tree trunk for the third time.

"Bang bang bang!"

Li Cha saw the purple suture monster hit the trunk of the tree for more than forty times, and finally broke the trunk of the tree—"click", the tree fell to the side.

The purple stitched monster stepped on the tree trunk and walked over, with a calm expression on his face, as if it should be taken for granted, without any fluctuations in his heart.

However, Li Cha's heart was fluctuating - very fluctuating!

Looking at the single purple suture monster who was so stupid to a certain level, Li Cha narrowed his eyes slightly, and really wanted to catch one and study how the other's brain grew. The next moment, he quietly followed up.


After a while.

"Bang bang bang..."

The purple suture monster was walking on the road and came across the second tree blocking the way.

It started to hit again, and at this moment, fine snowflakes suddenly fell from the top of its head, falling onto the surface of its body piece by piece, and then the sublimation disappeared.

Zipi Suture was stunned, looking up at the snowflake curiously.

The snowflakes became denser, falling faster and faster, almost covering the purple-skinned suture monster.

The purple-skin stitched monster didn't respond to this, or could not react at all, allowing the sudden snowflakes to continue to fall.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Ten seconds, half a minute, one minute...

A moment later, the purple-skinned suture monster suddenly swayed, and fell to the ground with a "bang" without warning—death of suffocation.

Yes, death by suffocation.

The reason for this is that the snowflakes floating down from mid-air, which look like snowflakes, are actually not snowflakes at all, but dry ice, which is solid carbon dioxide.

This kind of thing is generally used to make smoke on the stage, but it can also be used to kill people in a planned way, because carbon dioxide is heavier than air, and when a large amount of dry ice sublimates, it will deposit carbon dioxide on the ground. Under the control of spells, the flow of air is reduced, and the concentration of carbon dioxide can rise to a very high level in a very short time.

High concentrations of carbon dioxide can inhibit and paralyze the respiratory center, and because the diffusion capacity is dozens of times stronger than that of oxygen, it will quickly diffuse from the alveoli to the blood, causing respiratory acidosis, and then death.

Before Richard dissected the gray-skin suture monster, he knew that the physiology of the suture monster was similar to that of humans. Therefore, this kind of attack was specially used to deal with the unresponsive purple-skin stitching monster, saving the fight and making a sound, and the result did not disappoint him.

Seeing the purple-skinned suture monster fall to the ground, Li Cha, who was hiding in the dark, waved his hand, let the "snowflakes" dissipate in time, walked out quietly, then held his breath and quickly threw the suture monster into the Garden of Eden.


Inside the Garden of Eden, biological function sector, anatomy room.

Li Cha appeared here, and the purple-skinned suture monster that had just been suffocated with dry ice was placed on the dissection table.

Picking up the knife with ease, Li Cha walked to the anatomy table and prepared to dissect the purple-skinned suture monster to see how the structure of the purple-skinned sutured monster differs from the gray-skinned sutured monster.

But as soon as he made a move, Li Cha's eyes narrowed.

Because he found that the appearance of the suture monster is extremely hard. Although part of it is caused by low-temperature dry ice freezing, it is more caused by the suture monster itself-if the appearance of the gray-skin suture monster is really leather, then the purple-skin suture monster Its appearance is a kind of shell - similar to the shell of a beetle, it is extremely hard, like armor, and ordinary scalpels cannot be cut at all.

In desperation, Li Cha took out the two extra space iron rings and used the function of "absolute cutting of space scissors" to cut them smoothly.

At this time, Pandora's voice came from outside the door. Although she was still reciting the seven-character list, it was relatively fluent, and she heard: "One seven is seven, two seven one fourteen... five seven thirty five, six Seven forty-two..."

Listening to the voice, Li Cha dissected the monster with a blank expression and without being affected at all, checking the structure of the purple-skinned suture monster with a "click click".

How is reciting multiplication formulas different from dissecting a corpse? There is nothing I don’t understand, it’s just the pursuit of science, um, the pursuit of science.


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