Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 475: Conversation Between Portraits

Meanwhile, in the king's private library.

The air twisted, and the old man in yellow who had contacted Li Cha in a special illusion appeared.

The old man walked silently, as if he was floating, and came to a row of portraits in the corner. He stared at the portraits for a while, and sighed, "Okay, let's talk."

"Say? Say what?" The first figure spoke out and asked the old man, as if confused.

"Yeah, what do you say, I'm also very surprised." The second portrait echoed, and said to the old man, "Tell me, why are you ashamed of Manhattan?"

"In that case, I don't want to open my mouth. After all... it's really embarrassing." The third portrait also said.

"That's right, if I knew you would fail, I might as well make a move..." the fourth portrait spoke out.

"Come on, if you make a move, you don't know what the result will be." The fifth portrait objected.

"No matter how bad that is, it won't be what it is now. I originally wanted to test the other party, but I was almost tested by others, hahaha! I laughed so hard!" The fourth portrait retorted.

"It makes sense..." the sixth portrait interjected.

A whole row of more than a dozen portraits were discussing and ridiculing at this time, and the old man in yellow had a slightly dark expression.

"Enough!" Finally, the old man in yellow couldn't help shouting, and said angrily, "You all shut up! You think I want to do this because I'm not prepared enough.

After all, the other party suddenly appeared here, none of us thought that such a short preparation time, I made it like that is already the limit. Originally, that kid didn't notice anything was wrong, but who knows what kind of echo he found out. Hell, why is there such a thing as an echo. "

"The so-called echo, according to what he means, should be what we define as 'wind system sound branch spell, superimposed third type of time delay fluctuation', referred to as 'third wave'." A figure at the end spoke, the voice slightly serious,"

For this kind of detail, it is impossible to fully consider it when making illusions. It is indeed unexpected that the other party can find the flaw from this angle and then crack it. The other party, um...not easy. "

After hearing this, all the portraits stopped joking and became serious. The first portrait said: "So, the other party is not an ordinary person?"

"Obviously." The second portrait responded, "Do you think the 'third wave' would be known to ordinary people? Not to mention now, even in our era, not just anyone would know about it, right?

After all, if this knowledge goes deep, it involves difficult subjects such as 'Advanced Wind Magic Principles', 'Sound Branch Superspeed Science', and 'Negative Magic Wave Synthesis'. In fact, I now suspect that some of us here may not understand very well. "

"Okay, Charles." The third figure said, "You don't need to show off your knowledge, just tell the conclusion directly—that kid is extraordinary.

In fact, in my opinion, even if we don't talk about the 'third wave', just the fact that the other party sensed something was wrong, forcibly regained the dominance in the illusion, and even counterattacked Manhattan a little, it is enough to show that the other party's special— —Mental strength is far beyond what it should be, stronger than most wizards in this era. I really don't know how he did it. "

"I don't care how he did it." The fourth portrait buzzed, "I just want to know how we should deal with this matter. The secret has been leaked, and we must deal with the aftermath. Otherwise, we don't need to have this incident." We've had a conversation."

"But before dealing with it, we must figure out who the other party is. Whether it belongs to the enemy or someone else." The fifth portrait said.

"I don't think it should be an enemy.

"The sixth man interrupted again, "If it is an enemy, it will not be so easy to deal with Manhattan. That kid, after regaining the dominance of the illusion, only forced Manhattan out, then stopped the illusion, and did not follow the illusion to find out the real location of Manhattan.

In doing so, it is obvious that the kid lacks a certain understanding of the illusion and us, which is not the case with the enemy. "

"Don't be so full of words, Bruce Wayne." The fourth portrait said, refuting the sixth portrait, "The enemy is very cunning and insidious, maybe that kid is just pretending, for the sake of insurance, we should find a way to deal with it. "

"Then you go?" The sixth man said unhappily.

"Hmph, I'm not going. I'm only in charge of making ideas. The dirty work doesn't belong to me." The fourth portrait said.

"I think you're just cowardly." The sixth man said bluntly.

"I think so too." The fifth portrait echoed.

"Bruce Wayne, Pete Parker, you two say it again, don't think you two are always standing together, I'm afraid of you!" The fourth person looked angry, and was about to quarrel.

"Okay!" At this moment, the figure at the end spoke up, suppressing all the voices, "Don't make noise, be quiet, deal with the matter first, and then talk about other things. Regarding this matter, someone wants to mention... Is it an iota of constructive advice?"

"Let me handle it." The seventh figure who had been silent all this time said suddenly, with a slightly sharp voice.

"Jack, are you sure..."

"Please call me by my name!"

"Uh, well, clown. Are you sure you want to come and handle this yourself?" the last figure asked seriously.

"I'm sure. I'm a little interested in that kid and want to play games with him. If he is qualified, he will get a reward. If he is not qualified, then, Jie Jie Jie Jie, I will let him He understands why the holy mountain is black."

"Okay, do you have any objections?" the last figure asked.




"Well, the clown will take over this matter." The portrait at the end made a decision.

At this time, there was a "click", and the door of the library opened, and the princess Ruth, who had been sleeping back from her cage, sneaked in with her head.

There was silence in the library.

Princess Ruth strode in immediately, conscious that no one had noticed her behavior, picked up the book she wanted without any disguise, turned and left.

The door of the library was closed again, and after a long silence, the fifth figure spoke out, quietly saying, "Does the current royal family like to do this kind of thing, or is the atmosphere already so open?"

"I think you should ask the clown about this kind of thing. After all, he is the most perverted among us, so he must be interested in this kind of thing." The fourth portrait said.

"Hmph, you know that the clown has left and is not here, so you dare to say that?" the sixth man said.

"He's here, I dare." The fourth person said angrily.

"Okay, let's discuss it after he comes back." The sixth man said.

"Boring, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first." The fourth person seemed to drop such a sentence, and there was no sound.

"Tch, I knew it would be like this. But I have something to do, so I'm leaving first. Goodbye everyone." The sixth figure was not surprised. After leaving such a sentence, he also fell silent.

"Okay, goodbye everyone. According to the rules, the administrator Manhattan stays here. When the date comes, I will come to rotate and send a signal." At this time, the portrait at the end said, "Understood?"

"Understood." A few people spoke out, and then the entire library fell into complete silence.


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