Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 487: Black Castle

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"Okay, Mr. Clown, and your circus companions." Li Cha looked at the clown and said seriously, "I sympathize with what happened to you, and I hope you can solve it as soon as possible, but I have to hurry, so I really I won't participate, goodbye." After speaking, Li Cha was about to leave on his horse.


At this time, Oliver, the head of the circus, rushed to the front of the horses, stretched out his hand to stop him, and said, "Boy, are not allowed to go!"


"You are also a suspect!"


"During these three days, apart from the people in our circus, you and I stayed the longest. It was as long as one night! Moreover, I kept my money well hidden, but you stayed with me all night. Missing? Now, leaving in such a hurry, the suspicion is very high!" Oliver said loudly, "So unless you can find the real thief, you are a thief!"

"Is that so? It seems that it is a bit difficult to stay out of the matter." Li Cha whispered.

The clown made a faint voice: "Passerby, it seems that you only have one way to help us find the real thief. By the way, I am still looking forward to your performance. After all, whether it is talking about life or playing games, you have given me a lot of time. Big surprise."

Li Cha looked at the clown and looked at each other for a while: "So, Mr. Clown, are you going to let me surprise you again?"

"If you can, that's the best."

"Okay then." Richard said with a smile, turned his head to look at Oliver, the head of the circus, and said, "You asked me to help you find the thief who stole the money, right? Well, let me tell you directly, the thief I am the one who owns the money, and I stole your money."

"Huh?!" Oliver was taken aback, and the rest of the people, including the clown, were taken aback, "You stole it?"

There was some disbelief in his voice.

"Yes, I stole it." Li Cha nodded and asked Oliver, "I will pay you back all the money you lost."

"Hmph, you didn't steal it, right! You just said that on purpose to save trouble! You want to pay me back, can you afford it? Let me tell you, my stolen money can buy a whole village ...Uh no, I can buy a castle...Uh no, I can buy a city!"

"Are you sure?!" Li Cha raised his voice slightly,

Facing Oliver, he quickly listed the data and said, "According to my contact with you the night before yesterday, it seems that you didn't get a lot of coins from the performance. Basically, you can't see silver coins, all of them are copper coins, at most more than a hundred in one night Copper is equivalent to more than one silver coin. Even if the situation is calculated better, at most two silver coins a day.

If a month is counted as 30 days, and you don't rest at all for a month, you will only earn 60 silver coins. To earn silver coins, you need to buy food and provide enough meat for the lions. At least 20 silver coins will be used up in a month, so there are only 40 silver coins left.

If calculated in this way, even if you don't distribute the income to the rest of the circus at all and take it all by yourself, the monthly income is only 40 silver coins, which is 480 silver coins a year. I don't know what your exchange rate for gold coins is, but it should be somewhere between 1;20 and 1;30. That's 16 gold coins to 24 gold coins. By the way, how many years have you been the head of the circus? "

"This circus was established for a total of three years." Thors, the animal trainer who was feeding the lion meat, looked over and gave the answer.

"That's very clear. In three years, you can earn 48 to 72 gold coins." Richard looked at Oliver, "Actually, it should be much less, I guess about 15 to 20 gold coins between gold coins."

Oliver: "I..."

"And I have a hundred gold coins here." As Li Cha spoke, he took out a heavy bag from his arms, opened the bag and poured it out, and the gold coins fell with a "crash" and hit the ground with a pleasant sound, like It's raining gold, shining in the sun.

Immediately, everyone in the circus stopped breathing, staring at the gold coins all over the floor, unable to move at all.

Li Cha looked at Oliver and said solemnly: "Didn't you have your money stolen? Well, I will pay you more money so that you don't have to go to the thief. In this way, your problem and my problem will be solved at the same time." Solved — after all, problems solved with money aren’t problems, right?”

"This..." Oliver was speechless looking at the gold coins all over the floor, and just swallowed hard, "Gudong, Gudong."

"Okay, put the money away, I'm leaving, I'm really in a hurry. So... goodbye!" After saying that, Li Cha pulled the rein of the horse, and quickly walked forward, further and further away.

"This is all my money, no one can grab it from me!" As soon as Li Cha left, the head of the circus impatiently threw himself on the gold coins all over the floor, his whole body was shaking with excitement.

The rest of the circus stopped in place, breathing a little shortly, and the lame groom McGee and the big Tyne looked at each other.

The clown looked in the direction where Li Cha left, showing a very strange look, as if he had eaten a fly, but after a while he laughed dumbly: "Okay, okay, this is really a big surprise!"

The clown's voice fell, and the big man on the side, Tyne, suddenly got into trouble. With a loud shout, he took out a dagger from nowhere, aimed at Oliver, the head of the circus who was picking up gold coins on the ground, and stabbed fiercely, with a "poof" stab Enter the heart.

And the lame groom McGee also ran over, holding a rusty dagger in his hand, and stabbed Oliver as well, but at the last moment, the blade deviated and stabbed Tyne's thigh.

Tyne screamed, and tried to attack Mafu McGee with a dagger in his red eyes, and said in a hateful voice: "I knew it, you would be like this..."

Mafu McGee limped away, stared at Tyne, and breathed heavily: "Don't blame me, you would do the same!"

Next to them, the animal trainer looked at the two of them, and walked towards the door of the lion cage calmly, while the beautiful young woman Amy quickly hid in the corner.

The clown sighed first, then his eyes flashed, and he said in a daze: "Speaking of which, this is the real purpose of that kid. It's interesting, tsk..."


the other side.

Li Cha had already ridden several miles away, turned his head and glanced behind him, but found no one chasing him, his eyebrows twitched.

The reason why he paid for it just now was because he didn't want to be troublesome. On the other hand, I want to test more information, see how the circus people will react, and see if the entire circus is deliberately cooperating with the clown in acting, or only the clown is a different kind of existence.

Now it seems that the latter possibility has a high probability, but in the end, we have to wait.

And this waited until evening.


In the evening, the sun dipped to the west, and the western sky was burning red, as if magma was flowing.

Ahead of the road, a tall castle appeared.

The entire castle is pitch black, like cast iron, and the crimson light shines on it, almost without any reflection, giving people a gloomy and mysterious feeling.

Li Cha approached on horseback, the horse under his crotch neighed, and there was some resistance.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows slowly, and turned his gaze to the gate of the black castle.

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