Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 505: That Person

Li Cha is thinking very clearly, if he can study this knowledge point clearly, the benefits he will get are unimaginable!

Not to mention anything else, just the fact that it involves binding free energy elements through magic lines and fusing them with ordinary materials to produce special spell materials can already change the entire world.

After all, the advancement of the world lies in science, and the performance of science lies in technology, and most technologies are limited by materials.

For example, the most terrifying weapon on the planet, nuclear weapons, is essentially nothing more than a bunch of uranium-235 piled together.

But the problem of how to obtain high-concentration uranium 235 can trap more than 90% of the countries on the earth-without materials, they can only make nuclear weapons if they want to break their heads.

To give another example, a major feature of the five generations of stealth fighters on earth is that they can be invisible. To be able to do this, in the final analysis, it depends on one or more materials that can greatly reduce the radar detection rate.

Only a few countries can produce this material, and the rest of the countries can only continue to think about it.

The third example is that superconducting materials can make the resistance zero. If superconducting materials are used on a large scale, the power loss will be very small and the world's electricity will be liberated.

The use of superconducting materials on the earth has very harsh conditions. Most of them can only achieve superconducting effect at minus 200 degrees Celsius, so they are called low-temperature superconducting materials - they can reach superconductivity at minus 196 degrees Celsius (liquid nitrogen temperature). Effect materials can be called high-temperature superconducting materials.

What if there is room temperature superconducting material?

It can directly cause the transformation of the entire earth's power system, but on the earth, under the existing technology, it is difficult or impossible to make this kind of material.

It's like being in a colorless world of pure water, with no color to be seen.

But it's different now.

With science and magic patterns, there will be infinite possibilities, and it can truly combine the things of the two worlds.

Normal temperature superconducting material? It is indeed difficult to achieve on the earth, but it is very possible to make it successfully with the magic pattern effect.

Even more amazing materials can be made:

For example, a material that is harder and lighter than carbon fiber can be used to make a space elevator. Of course, it can also be called the Babel Tower, or even more magically - the Tower of Babel.

For example, the melting point far exceeds that of tantalum and hafnium carbide alloys (the material with the highest melting point on the earth,

It is the material of 3983 c), which can be used to make solar ships to explore the stars or the core of the earth.

Another example is to combine the above two to make a special power metal mech to replace the air armor produced by magic, and after wearing it to deal with the enemy, even if the opponent is allowed to attack for three rounds first, it may not be able to break the defense.

If one can really master this technique, one can create an incomparable magic material empire, a fantasy kingdom where towers are built on needlepoints and castles are suspended in the sky.


Thinking of this, Li Cha took a deep breath, his eyes flickered, and he suddenly felt that it was possible to have a better understanding of what the former Black Spirit Empire looked like - after all, the knowledge he studied was left by the other party. His research, in a sense, is to restore the history of the Black Spirit Empire.

"Is there a real empire of spell materials?" Li Cha narrowed his eyes and murmured, "How did such an empire suddenly perish? What is the real reason?"

Li Cha's eyes were narrowed, and he felt that the more he knew, the more confused he became.

It seems that this world, and the things hidden behind the Black Spirit Empire, are more complicated than he thinks every time.

"Then let me figure it out bit by bit and slowly," Richard said.

After the words fell, Li Cha started to operate, and started many instruments in the research room by hand to conduct various tests.

One of the most important instruments is the cutter. At the end of the long mechanical arm of the cutter, there is no special blade installed, but two space iron rings that are currently idle.

Using the "absolute processing of spatial precision" and "absolute cutting of space scissors" of Iron Ring, any object can be precisely processed. The space storage function of Iron Ring can even collect the cut debris during processing. , clean and pollution-free.


There was a subtle, undetectable rubbing sound, and Li Cha was processing, busy, preparing to make a special spell material that had a special effect on gas.

This kind of material has a small amount of records in the island treasures, and it has been successfully produced and has many uses.

Li Cha processed it for a while, then remembered something, walked to the corner, opened the wooden box he brought back from the auction, took out the colored painting, and put it on the table.


Li Cha carefully tore off the drawing paper on it, rolled it up and put it aside, and walked out with the heavy picture frame. Throw the picture frame into a pool for acid hydrolysis, and then extract a necessary substance from it-metal rhodium.

Yes, the metal rhodium.

Metal rhodium belongs to a kind of platinum group metals, its appearance is silvery white, with metallic luster, opaque, and its relative density is relatively high. At the auction, when he saw the picture frame, he guessed about the material, but he was not completely sure. He just narrowed down the scope to the entire platinum group metal, and then bought it.

Rhodium metal is now extracted, which is more in line with expectations. This kind of metal is a brittle metal, and has many applications in electrical, instrumentation, high-temperature alloys, and precision alloys. Now it should also have some effects on the magic materials he wants to make.

Of course, the specific situation needs to be tested slowly.

This test lasted for three full days.


Three days later.

In the research room, Li Cha bent down and stood in front of the wooden table in the corner, with his hands on the left side, his eyes fixed on the scroll opened on the table, and he said to himself: "The general direction is not wrong, but there are still some materials. question."

Turning his head, Li Cha looked at something placed on the wooden platform by the research institute. It was a silver-white cylinder with cumbersome magic patterns engraved on its surface. It was one of the many failures in the three days, but it was actually very close to success. .

If success means getting the water to boil, the water is half boiled now. The problem is how to continue heating the water to boiling, or try to reduce the air pressure so that the water boils automatically at a low temperature.

Looking away, Li Cha continued to talk to himself solemnly: "It is right to use platinum group metals, but it should not be metal rhodium, and platinum metal is also excluded, so it can only be the other four of the platinum group... such as metal osmium , metal iridium, metal ruthenium and metal palladium. The most likely one should be metal palladium, after all..."

"However——" Li Cha breathed out, and changed his tone, "Metal palladium is not very easy to get now, and even if you can get it, it will take a lot of time. If this is the case... you can only go and see, what is in that person's hands? Is it in stock?"

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