Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 520: Praying Mantis Catching Cicadas


The courtyard where Richard lived.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a knock on the door, Li Cha opened the door, and Mu En, who was tightly wrapped in a black robe, walked in.

The moment Mu En saw Li Cha, he was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help saying: "Your Excellency Li Cha, you look... well, very tired, did something bad happen?"

"Um, it's nothing." Li Cha waved his hand and said, it's really nothing, the reason why he looks tired is completely tired from busy cleaning up the ruined Garden of Eden.

Li Cha didn't plan to discuss this topic any more, so he looked at Mu En and said directly: "Tell me about the latest situation on your side. Next, maybe for a while, I won't have too much contact with you, and I need to deal with some problems." trivial matter."

"Oh, that's it." Muen nodded, without any fuss, and quickly reported: "I still haven't found any clues about the girl named Heidi, but as for the information about the Black Spirit Empire, according to the information you provided last time, Mr. Richard I have been tracking down the breakthrough point, and I have gained a lot.

Many wizards did react to the Rotten Pine Lane incident, but my people, the infiltration time is too short, and they haven't got more important things yet, so we need to continue to wait patiently. "

Li Cha nodded: "This is understandable."

"The last thing is, the malicious arsonist organization you mentioned, Your Excellency Richard." Mu En said, "I have used my eyes and ears to contact the other party's people very carefully several times, but the other party is very difficult to deal with, and I caught it several times. The eyes and ears that I set up were used to force interrogation."

"You should take protective measures, right?" Li Cha asked.

"Well, it's done." Mu En replied, "According to what you suggested before, for such a high-risk operation, the connection between the eyes and ears is a single line. The person who finally takes the action has no idea at all except the content of the action." The reason for the action and other information. After they were caught, I cut off the entire line where they were in time to ensure that the other party would never find the source."

"That's good." Richard said, "However, even if the other party can't find the source, you should be vigilant, and your actions can be appropriately reduced."

"Is it appropriate to reduce it? Well, I will."

"That's good." Richard said, "It seems that the situation on your side is normal, so I can rest assured. Next, don't make rash advances, and put prudence first. The first priority is not to make mistakes. Collect target information little by little, and I will contact you later.


"I made a note." Mu En said seriously, "Then, if there is nothing else, I will leave first? After all, according to what you said, the longer and the more times we contact, the less conducive it is to keep secrets. "

"Okay, see you then." Richard said, "Be careful yourself and be safe."

"En." Mu En responded, quickly walked out the door, and disappeared into the night.

Li Cha took a look and closed the door, and was about to enter the Garden of Eden to continue cleaning up. After all, the reconstruction of the Garden of Eden "has a long way to go." But at the moment of turning around, he suddenly sensed something, the movement of turning around stopped, and his eyes narrowed slightly.


outside the door.

In the night, Mu En was dressed in a black robe, and walked along the remote alley silently and quickly, like a ghost in the dark night.

But as he was walking, his steps slowed down, he suddenly turned his head to look in the direction behind him, frowned, and said to himself: "Someone is following? No way? Maybe it's an illusion. Well, an illusion."

After the last word fell, Mu En stepped on his feet suddenly, and his whole body almost turned into a black shadow, bursting out at a very high speed, rushing towards the front, and only took a few steps to reach the end of an alley.

Mu En jumped up, first stepped on the wall, and then stepped on the air with the other foot, as if stepping on a solid body, and quickly rolled out of the alley.

Beyond the alley was a wide street. Mu En ran along the side of the street, made a sharp turn, entered another alley, turned into a house in the alley, and turned out from the opposite direction.

Next, Mu En behaved as if there was a natural enemy chasing behind him, fleeing crazily, with the help of the zero-ring spell, he crossed many obstacles like a parkour, and walked through the extremely complicated city of Florent, so fast that he almost passed himself. All shadows are thrown away.

Just like that, after half an hour, Muen disappeared into the streets and alleys of Florence, and appeared in an abandoned and messy yard in a slum.

There was a large pile of wooden boards piled up in the corner of the yard, and Mu En hid behind the wooden boards, looking out vigilantly through the gaps between the boards, trying to control his breathing, trying not to make any suspicious noises.

Time passed quickly.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

In a blink of an eye, an entire hour passed, it was already late at night, and there was no sound in the yard.


The board was moved, Mu En came out from the hiding place, stood in the yard and looked around, and found that there was no suspicious existence, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

When he was walking, he felt for a moment that someone was following him. His perception was so weak, almost like a baseless guess, but without any hesitation, he ran here with all his strength.

Because someone told him that in order to ensure safety, it is better to be too sensitive to be treated as a fool than to be a real corpse.

It seems that he doesn't have to be a corpse anymore.

Mu En thought so, and was about to leave the yard, but just two steps away, suddenly the hairs all over his body exploded, and he turned around suddenly, and saw a tall figure standing behind him.

The other party is at least 1.8 meters tall and weighs more than 250 catties. It stands up like a wall and sits down like a mountain. I don’t know when it quietly appeared in this yard. If it wasn’t for the moon shining After seeing the other party's shadow, he couldn't find the other party at all.

Looking at the other party, Mu En's muscles all over his body were tense, his throat felt dry for a while, and his whole body was highly tense. Although he hadn't had any communication with the other party, he already guessed that the other party had no good intentions.

Clenching his fists, Mu En tried his best to maintain his composure, and watched the other party say: "You... who are you?" Trying to delay time, learn more about the other party's information, which may increase the chance of escaping. As for killing each other through combat? Just kidding, in his life, there has never been a head-to-head encounter. He is an intelligence dealer, not a soldier.

At this time the other party spoke, looked over, and said playfully: "I, don't you know? Heh, I thought you knew. After all, recently, you have been investigating us both openly and secretly. You have to Said, your method of investigating us is still very good, even if we catch your people, we can't force you to ask anything, you mouse is hiding deep enough.

To be honest, if I hadn't used a stupid method to confirm that you might appear nearby by asking questions, and kept guarding, and then happened to meet you showing up, I really don't know when I would be able to catch you.

It's all right now, if you fall into my hands, you won't be able to run away. Tell us all about your purpose of investigating us, and I will give you a happy ending. Otherwise, you will be tortured. "

After hearing this, Mu En pursed his lips tightly, looked at the tall figure, and had no doubt that the other party would do what he said. In the process of using his eyes and ears to investigate, he had already understood some of the other party's methods, and it was precisely because of this that he cut off the entire line without hesitation to ensure safety, but who knew it was still a miscalculation.

In this case……

Mu En gritted her teeth, her heart was restless, her eyes kept rolling, trying to find a way to reverse the situation. The next moment he saw something suddenly, he was taken aback for a moment, then his expression became calm, and finally he looked at the tall figure and even laughed. ()

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