Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Six hundred and twentieth chapters loot statistics


The Resurrection Stone Chamber completely collapsed, with dust everywhere, stone chips flying around, mixed with white steam that hadn't dissipated, and the scene was a mess. The people who witnessed all this were dead silent. Although they were not the same as Franklin, their jaws were already shocked in their hearts.

The previous resurrection failed, although it was weird, it was barely acceptable. Now the entire resurrection stone room has been destroyed, but I have never heard of it.

Before you see it, you can't imagine it, really you can't imagine it!

The audience was enveloped in an atmosphere of shock.

The only person who wasn't so shocked was Muse.

Muse looked at the collapsed ruins with a cold expression. There was no fire, her eyes flickered, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Franklin looked at Muse with an extremely pale face, opened and closed his lips several times before making a sound, and said with a strong desire to survive: "Muse is in charge, this matter... I really didn't do it."

"Hmph, I know." Muse glanced at Franklin and said with a little disdain, "You don't have the guts or the ability. The Resurrection Stone Chamber was destroyed for another reason."

"That's..." There was light in Franklin's eyes, and the whole person suddenly "lived".

"I can't be sure." Muse shook her head after hearing Franklin's words, and said with a frown, "I'm just guessing now. Before I asked you to resurrect Tu Ke, I wanted to use Tu Ke's body to cast a prophecy spell." , See if you can find out what happened by the lake before. Now, the resurrection stone chamber has been destroyed, and Tu Ke’s resurrection failed. I think the big reason is also some kind of prophecy spell. Well, a very powerful prophecy spell .”

"This!" Franklin was slightly startled, and then thought deeply. The destruction of the resurrection stone room is not a trivial matter, and it cannot be repaired in a short period of time. Not to mention resurrecting Tuke again, it is impossible to resurrect the rest of the people. I couldn't help asking: "The Muse is in charge,

What do we do next? "

Muse pondered, thought for a while and said: "In this case, I have to ask the headquarters for help. Give the people above the news, explain the situation here, and let them send reinforcements, the sooner the better! Before the reinforcements arrive, adjust the plan , let the ants here live for a while longer."



The destruction of the Resurrection Stone Chamber forced the mysterious organization to adjust its plans, giving the wizards on the east coast more time. However, most wizards on the east coast are unaware of this, and some of them don't care at all, such as... Richard.

After a few days.

After Li Cha's battle at Taklamakan Lake was over, considering that the enemy might have a follow-up force, he didn't dare to stay any longer. After cleaning the battlefield, he returned to the jungle hut.

Returning to the jungle hut, he learned a lot about the follow-up of the exchange conference.

This exchange conference was a serious blow to all participating wizarding organizations. Because of the conspiracy of Deep Blue Fort, countless people were injured the moment the magic-breaking orb exploded. Afterwards, they fell into the attack of the men in black robes. If they followed the plan of Deep Blue Castle, everyone would probably die.

Fortunately, in order to cover the breakthrough of Gero and his party, he attracted the attention of many enemies in the battlefield, which triggered a chain reaction, allowing nearly half of the remaining people to successfully break out.

But no matter what, every wizarding organization can be said to have suffered heavy losses.

Therefore, after the wizards who broke out returned to their respective residences, they didn't think about the matter being over at all, and they all prepared to take revenge, but they didn't take any substantive actions yet.

He didn't pay much attention to this, he only knew that Gero and his party had indeed succeeded in breaking through, and that it was enough that the few people he knew didn't die.

Compared with revenge, he was more concerned about how to return to the vicinity of the Deep Blue Fort's garrison and safely explore the ruins of Artis.

Even if there is no good solution in a short time, he still has other things to be busy. For example, restore the damage to the body in the battle, re-create the magic gun, try to continue researching the "Gloves of Destroyer", and... sort out the gains obtained in the battle.


Inside the Garden of Eden.

In the main laboratory, Richard sorted out the spoils of this battle.

He didn't really want to participate in this exchange conference, it was just a cover to cover up his exploration of the Artis ruins. If possible, he didn't want to fight at all, and he didn't want to have any conspiracy. It would be best if everything went smoothly.

But things were beyond his control. Out of helplessness, he fought, and the fighting process was extremely difficult. Fortunately, after killing dozens of black-robed wizards, he got dozens of space iron rings, which is not a loss.

Not to mention anything else, the dozens of space iron rings alone have brought his reserves of space iron rings to an exaggerated level, which is completely unusable. Considering that once this thing is passed on, it is likely to cause a lot of unnecessary troubles, and it can only be left idle temporarily, which can be regarded as a painful trouble.

In addition to the space iron ring, they got a lot of wealth, including various gold and silver coins, and various crystal coins.

To be honest, in several explorations of the Black Spirit King's treasure, he has obtained wealth that fully meets his needs. It is not an incomparably rich country, such as the Black Sacred Mountain Kingdom, but it is about the same. Now that I have gained a large amount of wealth, I am really numb, and I don't even feel any emotional fluctuations.

On the one hand, wealth to a certain extent, especially after satisfying needs, is really just a number. On the other hand, he is really not very interested in wealth or something, after all, he has many ways to make money. Having money in his hands, at most, saves him from wasting time doing things that make money, and spending money to save his time. From this point of view, wealth is just a relatively easy-to-use tool.

In addition to wealth, there are all kinds of sundries.

For example, various potions, powders, and ointments of unknown use, unknown small objects, ores, a large number of scrolls and blueprints with scribbled handwriting, clothes, water, food, decorations, personal items, etc.

These things cannot be said to be useless, but it takes a lot of time to dig out the real value. For example, medicines, powders, and ointments require experiments to determine their effects. The composition and content of the ore must be clarified before it can be used reasonably. Scrolls and blueprints with handwriting need to be carefully analyzed in order to obtain useful information.

There are also some weird and speechless things in the sundries: such as a set of playing cards, a total of seventy-two cards, with different patterns and numbers, reminding Li Cha of the tarot used for divination by the witchy woman in the port of The Hague Card. A set of chess pieces carved with various characters and beasts, as well as a complicated chessboard, reminded Li Cha of the mysterious clown and the clown chess he played. Several six-sided dice, two twelve-sided dice, and a twenty-four dice...

After researching for a long time, Li Cha determined that such things should really have no special use, the only use may be entertainment.

Well, entertainment.

Wizards of mysterious organizations also use cards, chess, and dice to entertain and kill time?

There seems to be nothing wrong, but it always feels weird.

Fortunately, apart from sundries, there are more valuable things, that is, many spell props.

Some spell props were found from the corpse of the black-robed wizard, and some were obtained from the ring after cracking the space iron ring.

Li Cha counted and found that there were hundreds of pieces, an astonishing number. And it can increase many aspects of combat, such as enhancing the power of a certain type of spell, increasing the casting distance, and improving the accuracy of casting spells. If you average it, you can basically arm a wizard squad to the teeth.

However, to him, most of the magic props seemed a bit tasteless. After all, the effect was not as good as the magic guns, one-hit kill staff, and finger of death he had now. Instead of using these spell props to fight, it is easier to hold a spell gun and shoot out a drum of shellless spell bullets.

Of course, it cannot be said that magic props are rubbish, even if they are really rubbish, among the hundreds of spell props, there are still one or two that are relatively top-notch, which should not be underestimated. For example...

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