Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 708: Behind the scenes

The battle is over.

The magic knight who threw the magic-weave javelin didn't look very relaxed, standing on the deck panting slightly. The female captain, Victoria, looked at the sea with a thoughtful look, not knowing what she was thinking.

The sailors, on the other hand, were tactful and re-cleaned the deck.

But within a few minutes of deck cleaning, a sailor suddenly screamed.

"Help me! Ah!"

Li Cha suddenly turned his head to look over, and saw a sea snake with a length of 100 meters quietly appearing from the sea, raised its front half and bit a short and sturdy sailor, and looked at him threateningly. .

Li Cha's arm subconsciously raised, ready to attack, the sea snake seemed to have sensed something, swallowed the sailor into its belly with a "gudong", and quickly dived into the water.

At this time, the people on the deck hadn't reacted yet, "Ah!" Another scream sounded, but another sea snake appeared on the other side of the ship, bit a sailor, swallowed it, and then dived into the water.

Obviously, as soon as the sperm whale left, the new sea monster came to do evil again.

The number of giant sea snakes that came this time was quite a lot, about seven or eight, and they swam around the Queen Victoria, waiting for an opportunity to swallow people.

Li Cha's eyes narrowed slightly, but he wasn't afraid of being eaten by a giant sea snake. Because he could see clearly that these giant sea snakes were faster, bigger, and more tenacious. The real strength is between the low level of a first-level wizard and the middle level of a first-level wizard, and he can completely deal with it.

What he cares about is another thing, that is, the appearance of sea snakes and sperm whales are constantly confirming one of his previous conjectures: the Queen Victoria was targeted, these sea monsters are appetizers, and the real feast is yet to come. Had to be on guard.

How will the female captain of the Queen Victoria respond? Have you noticed this?

Li Cha turned his head to look at the female captain. To be honest, he kind of expected the opponent to make a move, so as to understand the opponent's true strength.

But at this time, the female captain, Victoria Elisa, was very calm and did not make a move. She took a cold look at the sea snake swimming in the sea and gave an order for the magic knight to deal with it.

The solution is very simple, that is, more magic-weave javelins.

Compared with the giant sperm whale, the giant sea snake has a very slender body and fast speed. Even the magic knight can't hit it accurately every time with a javelin.

And it doesn't matter if you can't do it, if you can't hit it once, you can do it twice, and if you can't hit it twice, you can do it three times.

Or four, five... ten times!

"Bang bang bang!"

Heavy long boxes were lifted out of the cabin, opened on the deck, and the expensive silver-white magic-weave javelins were distributed to the hands of the magic knight, and then thrown out by the magic knight with all his strength.


Numerous silver lights flashed around the hull, piercing into the sea water with a howl.

"Boom boom boom!"

Huge explosions continued to sound, accompanied by some stinky blood scattered, and the corpses of sea snakes that were broken into two pieces surfaced from time to time.

that's all,

After spending several boxes of precious magic-weave javelins, the giant sea snake was killed cleanly.

However, this time the Magic Knight also suffered casualties, specifically, one died and one was injured.

The dead person was too close to the side of the ship, and was swallowed into the sea by a sneak attacking sea snake, and never came up again.

When the injured person was facing a sea snake, he was suddenly hit by the venom sprayed out by the opponent, half of his body was corroded, and even his armor melted.

After the big battle, the deck was quiet. The sailors carefully cleaned the deck, and more than half of their energy was devoted to the surface of the sea, lest any sea monsters appear again.

The female captain, Victoria Elisa, did not return to the captain's cabin either, standing on the deck, squinting and continuing to look at the sea ahead.


Footsteps sounded, and a five-striped elite knight in magic costume stepped up to the front of the female captain Victoria, looking hesitant to speak. After hesitating for a moment, he finally plucked up the courage and asked Victoria, "Master Victoria, there is something that I can't understand."

Victoria seemed to understand what the other party was asking, and said bluntly: "What you don't understand is why I haven't shot, right?"

"Um..." The five-pattern elite knight in magic costume was taken aback for a moment, lowered his head, and admitted, "Yes, I don't understand why you haven't taken action, my lord. Naturally, the pirates didn't need you to take action before, and the shipwreck fish is nothing. But when dealing with those giant snakes, if you take action, my lord, we will not suffer casualties, and the solution will be easier."

"But what about after I shot?" Victoria asked back.

"Huh?" The five-pattern elite knight in magical costume was puzzled, a little confused.

Victoria said slowly: "It's no problem for me to attack just now, but what should I do after I attack? Believe me, killing the giant snake just now is not the end, it may just be the beginning."

"This!" The five-pattern elite magic knight was startled. Although he still didn't understand it very well, he vaguely guessed a bad result.

Victoria said seriously: "I've thought about it. The previous mast broke, hit the rocks, encountered pirates, shipwreck fish, and giant snakes. So many things come together, it is definitely not a mere coincidence that can explain it. It is very likely that a Conspiracy. Yes, conspiracy, conspiracy against our Queen Victoria.

The mast broke and hit the rocks. It is very likely that someone planted a ghost on the ship to specifically destroy it. Pirates were deceived and foolishly rushed forward to die.

As for... the shipwreck fish and the giant snake, if I guessed correctly, someone might have used special magic materials. For example, the powder of Ackerman grass, or the blood of flying scale fish, these can attract giant sea monsters.

The reason for this is to delay the voyage of our Queen Victoria, thereby blocking us. "

"What are you blocking us for, my lord?" asked the five-pattern elite knight in magic costume, his expression became serious, and he seemed a bit worried.

"I don't know." Victoria narrowed her eyes. "But the other party's goal should have been achieved. After all, our voyage has been delayed for more than two days. I have a hunch that the other party should show up soon, and then we will know what the other party is doing." What happened. And before the opponent shows up, I will try my best not to make a move and maintain my own strength."

At the end, Victoria paused, then raised her eyebrows, looked at the sea in the distance and said, "Oh, they're already here!"

"Here we come?!" The five-pattern elite knight in magic costume suddenly sharpened his eyes and became extremely vigilant. He turned around suddenly, followed Victoria's gaze to look at the distant sea, and then saw a large shadow of ships appearing.

This is!

On the deck next to him, Li Cha's eyes flickered and he looked into the distance.

This is?

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