Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 711 Return to peace

I saw that Victoria's feet collapsed violently, the entire bow of the ship seemed to sink downwards, and the whole person rushed out at a high speed, like a shooting star, approaching Caesar.

Afterwards, Victoria stretched out one hand and clenched a fist, her skin crystallized at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was covered by sparkling diamonds in a short while.

In the end, Victoria pointed at Caesar and punched out her fist with great momentum.

Caesar raised his eyebrows after seeing it, but his expression didn't change much. He stretched out his arms, and a blue energy shield was born on his chest, meeting Victoria's fist.

After Victoria's diamond fist hit the shield, it pierced through with a "crash", and then drove straight in, hitting Caesar's heart directly.

Caesar frowned, jumped up from the turtle's back, leaped into the air, and dodged the blow.

Victoria yelled "the first round" and was not discouraged. She clenched her fist again and punched Jersey with more momentum.

Nishizawa pointed his hand at the air, and a brand new energy shield was born, this time it was purple.

But there was still a "crash", and the shield was still shattered by Victoria's punch. Victoria's fist blinked, and it was in front of her eyes.

Caesar twisted his body, pulling out a large afterimage, and his figure flashed behind Victoria like a ghost.

"Second round!"

Victoria yelled, and unceremoniously threw a third punch, with extreme vigor.

This was already the last round, Caesar's expression became serious for the first time after seeing Victoria's attack. Instead of propping up the shield, he chanted a spell, and a golden arrow grew out of his palm, shooting towards Victoria's head.

As soon as the golden arrow was shot, the surrounding space seemed to tremble, and a violent and destructive aura emerged. With the golden arrow as the center, a small energy storm was directly generated!

This is the real attack, enough to defeat Victoria's attack!

Such an attack, as long as one is enough!

But Victoria didn't even look at it, as if she didn't have any fear, she continued to punch Caesar with her fists. The diamond on the fist emits a dazzling light, with an aura of indomitable and immortal.

According to the normal development, before this fist hits Caesar, the golden arrow will bombard Victoria's head, but Victoria just doesn't dodge, and keeps approaching Caesar with a cold face and clenched fist.

Caesar's eyes widened, and he shouted at Victoria: "You are crazy, don't die!"

With a flick of his hand, the golden arrow suddenly deflected and hit Victoria's shoulder.


Victoria seemed to be struck by lightning, most of her body groaned, but immediately followed by a punch on Caesar's body.


Caesar was hit in the center, and was sent flying by a terrifying force. He flew nearly 100 meters in mid-air before stopping, turning his head to look at Victoria.

At this time, Victoria had already returned to the deck of the Queen Victoria, her face was pale, and it was obvious that she was seriously injured. Even if the golden arrow just missed her vitals, it was enough for her to suffer.

Caesar looked at Victoria's appearance,

Can't help but said: "You are really crazy, if I didn't hold back just now, you would have died, do you know!"

"I know." Victoria said, and then said solemnly, "But I am not dead now. I also survived three rounds at the same time, lost."

"That's because I don't want to kill you." Caesar said with an uneasy face, "Otherwise, I can't lose."

"Then you lose too."

"You are using your own life to bet on winning or losing."

"you lose."

"Can you stop talking about this..."

"You lost." Victoria repeated seriously.

"I..." Caesar suddenly had nothing to say, glanced at Victoria, and said helplessly, "Okay, okay, I lost. I will follow my promise and stop interfering in this matter."

"Thank you." Victoria said, took a deep breath, and turned to look at Arafah, Xiaman and Tucka.

The three of them were looking at Caesar.

"Master Nishizawa." Arafah said, "Since you are not going to intervene in this matter, then... can we do it?"

"Huh?" Hearing what Arafah said, Caesar raised his eyebrows and said with vacant eyes, "What do you think it means that I don't intervene? Could it be that after I injured Miss Victoria, I stood by and watched you attack?" The Queen Victoria? And what am I, your goon? Or, a dog of yours?"

Alpha's expression froze, and he quickly said: "Don't dare, dare not, how dare!"

"Really!" Caesar's tone was not good, and he said in a deep voice, "I want to make it clear now, that is: if I don't intervene in this matter, it means that this matter is over. I will no longer think about taking the One thing, and the rest don't even think about it, or... well, it's right with Miss Victoria and me."

"This—" Arafah was stunned, and he forced a smile for a long time: "Master Caesar, are you joking? How can you do this?"

"Joke? I rarely joke, especially with people I don't know well. If you don't believe me, you can try it." Caesar said.

When Caesar was speaking, he could see the sky above his head, and the many dark clouds presented a huge vortex, slowly turning. The Thunder Python and Electric Snake, as thick as a bucket, shuttled crazily in the dark clouds, as if it could rush down with a single command, sweeping away everything.

"This..." Alpha didn't know what to say. He looked at Caesar and the terrifying celestial phenomenon above Caesar's head, blinked his eyes, and suddenly thought of many things.

Not to mention anything else, if Caesar really did what he said, then he really didn't dare to do anything, even with the addition of the other two forces.

Their tripartite alliance of forces is nothing to deal with Victoria, a third-level peak wizard. The Blue Warbler Alliance behind Victoria is not in the south of the main continent, so it has little influence on them.

But adding Caesar is a completely different story.

In addition, the wizard forces behind Caesar are much stronger than the Blue Warbler Alliance, and they are quite influential in the southern part of the main continent. They really dare not provoke them. That's why he called Caesar "Master".

And even without considering the forces behind Caesar, Caesar alone would be difficult to deal with.

Caesar's strength is extremely strong. There have been rumors from a long time ago that the opponent is strong enough to fight against fourth-level wizards. Even if the other party admits that they haven't broken through to the fourth-level wizard, they don't dare to act rashly. In fact, from the fight between Caesar and Victoria just now, we can see how strong Caesar is - if Caesar hadn't released the water, the two Victorias would have been killed.

Thinking of this, Arafah suddenly remembered a rumor he heard a long time ago.

According to rumors, Caesar was somewhat admiring of Victoria.

He didn't believe it before, but now it seems very possible.

Otherwise, why did Caesar release water during the battle? Otherwise, after the battle, why did you still defend Victoria so much?

If so...

Then why fight?

The more Arafah thought about it, the more depressed he became, and finally took a deep look at Caesar, turned his head and gave an order to his subordinates: "Retreat!"

Under the control of the helmsman, the fleet composed of more than ten red ships quickly turned and left this sea area in a short time.

The remaining representatives of the other two forces were a little stunned, obviously not as clear as Alpha. But after looking at Caesar, Victoria, and the terrifying celestial phenomenon above his head, he was wise not to be reckless, followed behind Arafah, and obediently left with the boat.

The originally crowded sea area suddenly became empty.

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