Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 715 Mance 4 Color Flowers

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? In the main mainland, there is a very famous plant called Mansi four-color flower.

This kind of plant resembles the most common weeds in the field, but it can accurately indicate whether spring is coming and what stage it is.

It germinates in early spring, it drills out from the depths of the soil, and blooms pale yellow flowers, telling people that winter is over and spring is coming.

When the weather is warmer and the temperature rises, the pale yellow flowers will wither, and then it will bloom pink flowers, telling people that they can cultivate.

After that, the weather became hotter and the rain increased. Under the nourishment of the sweet spring rain, the pink flowers disappeared like dreamy bubbles and were replaced by bright red flowers. This is the best season for plowing, and the seeds sown at this stage yield a better harvest than those planted at other stages.

In the end, it will turn into deep purple flowers, crystal clear and beautiful, like a delicate work of art. In this way, it tells the farmers that it is the deadline for farming. If you don't hurry up and scatter the seeds into the fertile land, you will have to work hard until the next season if you want to get food.

This is the Mansi four-color flower, because it is closely related to farming, people in many places call it the Saturn flower.

Of course, in the eyes of some wizards, officials, or businessmen who don't care about farming at all, the Manse four-color flower is just one of the many nameless flowers in the field. It is useless except for being beautiful.


Main continent of Mann.

Outside the city of Tok, many Manse four-color flowers bloomed in the fourth color in the field, and the large purple seemed to spread out a carpet, which was too beautiful to behold.

In the city of Tok, there are many people coming and going on the streets, like a crowded beehive, except for the lively and noisy, there is no beauty at all.

Tork City is a transportation hub in the southern part of the main continent of Mann. Although it has no special features, because it is surrounded by many large cities rich in various resources, it happens to be in the center, and its business is very developed.

At this time, most of the people on the street were businessmen from other places, and while walking, they were thinking about how to earn enough profits.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as the three women who just entered the city—to be precise, a mature woman with two young girls, that's not the case.

The mature woman walked in front, looking at the pedestrians on the street, frowning slightly, not knowing what she was thinking about. The two girls followed behind her, looking around curiously, pointing to a certain place from time to time, and communicating with each other, inevitably yelling.

"Senior sister, senior sister, look quickly, there is a beggar over there, so pitiful."

"Where, where is it, Heidi?"


"Oops, I saw it. He really looks pitiful. His face is swollen from beatings and his eye sockets are black. Someone is bullying him. It's too much."

The woman walking in front couldn't help but stop, turned her head to look at the two girls behind her, and said with a slightly straight expression: "Naled, and Heidi, you two, what are you yelling about? It has been many days since we came to the main continent, should your freshness be over?"

"No, teacher, we are not yelling." The shorter girl said weakly, pointing to the side, "We are just a little surprised why that person is like this."

Looking in the direction the girl pointed, I saw a man in his twenties, with tattered clothes and a shaking body. He looked like he hadn't eaten for many days, like a beggar who couldn't get enough food.

In addition, the whole face was swollen like a pig's head, and the two eye sockets were black and bright, obviously received a lot of punches, and the right arm was twisted unnaturally, as if it was broken. This is worse than ordinary beggars, after all, no matter how miserable beggars are, they won't look like this.

Seeing the other party, the woman couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then guessed what the girl was thinking, and said, "Heidi, do you want to help him?"

"That..." The girl looked at the woman,

He whispered, "Teacher, he looks really pitiful. Although we don't have a lot of money, it's okay to give him a silver coin, right? In this case, he will always be able to eat a few meals and save him from starving to death. "

"Oh." The woman sighed, and didn't want to say anything more. She took out a silver coin from her clothes and handed it to the girl: "Then give it to him."

"Thank you teacher." The girl said immediately, happily took the silver coin, and ran to the beggar. He stuffed it into the hand of the beggar, ran back, and left with the woman and another girl.

On the side of the road, a beggar who was inexplicably stuffed with a silver coin was stunned. He raised his head, watched the woman and the two girls leave, gritted his teeth and raised his injured right arm, rubbed his eyes, and after confirming that there was really a silver coin in the other hand, he became excited.

Although he hadn't eaten for several days, there was still a surge of strength in his body, supporting him to stand up and turn around on the spot several times.

Clenched his fists hard, and the beggar made a strange voice: "It seems that I am not destined to fail like this. It seems that the previous setbacks are all trials. I have fallen to this level now, and there are people Help me, then I will be able to..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a sudden "snap", and a heavy slap was slapped on the beggar's shoulder.

"Huh?" The beggar turned around slowly, and saw a few people with very unfriendly expressions quietly surrounding him. His eyes flashed, and he recognized them. They were all pickpockets with gangs in the city.

"What do you want to do?" the beggar looked at the people surrounding him and asked nervously.

"Hey!" The person who patted the beggar's shoulder was a big man about 1.8 meters tall, with a beard all over his face. He was the leader of the pickpockets, and said unceremoniously, "Your name is Jialie, right? , You still want to steal things to grab our business. Why, after being caught by mistake and beaten up, now it’s changed to begging? However, I don’t care if you steal or beg, the rules have to be followed. And The rule is also simple: this area is under the management of our Iron Blood Society, no matter what you get from others, you have to hand in half of it. Got it!"

"You!" The beggar named Jialie couldn't help but stare, and roared with a bit of indignation, "You are too much! Let me tell you, I am not a beggar, and the money in my hand is not obtained by begging, but by others It was given to me. With this silver coin, I don’t have to be so downcast, I might turn around, so... I will never give it to you!”

"Idiot!" After hearing this, the bearded man couldn't help but yelled, and waved his hand to several companions, "Hit me!"

"Yes, boss!"

Suddenly, several people rushed up and started punching and kicking Jialie, especially focusing on Jialie's injured right arm. Jia Lie screamed again and again after being beaten, and soon lay down on the ground and lost the ability to resist.

"Hahaha, the idiot is really an idiot, even his arm is broken, and he wants to resist, really." The bearded man said, snatched the silver coins from the beggar's hand, and walked away with his companions .

After a long time, the bruised beggar got up from the ground, looked around, and cried out in despair: "It's like this again! It's like this again! Why, am I always being hit? Could it be that I really can't do anything? Could it be that I will Going back in such a state of embarrassment? But... I'm not reconciled..."


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