Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 720 The first failure, the beginning of the story

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? "I know! So, I must not marry her!" Sherlock's expression was very excited, his attitude was very firm, and his breath was short. "Until now, I still know how badly I was beaten by her when I was a child! At that time, she was just a child, and now she has become a second-level wizard! If I marry her, I will be beaten even worse !"

"Don't be so hasty to jump to conclusions." The old man sighed, and said to Sherlock in a persuasive manner: "People are subject to change. The Kanna family said that Caroline has become very kind now, and won't... …Well, I won’t hit people casually.”

"I don't believe it!" Sherlock looked like he didn't want to lie to me, and suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Why do you have to marry me? According to the order, Caroline should marry Ilo. Yes, He should marry Yiluo. When he was a child, he was bullied by Caroline the worst, and he may still miss it now, so let him marry!"

A person who looked similar to Sherlock and was about the same age suddenly stood up, first gave Sherlock a hard look, and then said: "I can't marry Caroline, because I have already prepared to go out with Master Torre for at least a year. time.

The experience is very dangerous, and I can't guarantee whether I can come back safely, so naturally I can't marry Caroline. Then it should be you to marry Caroline. Marry her whether you like it or not, because it's in the family's interest. You have never done anything for the family, now you should make some sacrifices, my dear brother - Sherlock! "

"You!" Sherlock stared at the other party, not expecting the other party to be so cruel.

"Okay, okay." The old man sitting in the upper seat spoke again, as if he had made a decision, and said seriously to Sherlock, "Sherlock, you heard what Ilo said. As your obligation to the family, you must marry Caroline. By the way, let me remind you that the dowry prepared by the Kanna family for Caroline has arrived in Tok City, and it will be sent here soon. You don’t have much time, so prepare well.”

"I—" Sherlock pursed his lips and stopped talking, his eyes kept rolling in their sockets, not knowing what he was thinking.


In about the same time, most of the swelling had subsided, but Jialie, who was still bruised and swollen, came to a busy city.

Looking up at the gate of the city, there are three words on it: Toke City.

Gritting his teeth hard, Jialie said viciously: "I don't believe it anymore. After leaving the city where I was born, wouldn't I be able to stand out? I failed once because I didn't have vision, and failed twice because I overestimated those soft bastards." Courage, will I still fail three times? No, definitely not! This city, this city of Tuoke, is where I rose! Yes, it is where I rose!"

After speaking, Toke strode into the city.


The Manse tetracolor germinates from the moist soil, drills out of the ground, and blooms its first color—yellow florets.

There was still a bit of coldness in the air, and the winter cold had not completely dissipated. On the avenue from the port to the land, there was the sound of horseshoes.

"Da da da……"

A young man, wearing a gray cloak, was riding fast on horseback.

Behind the roadside stone pile, Jia Lie slowly raised his head, revealing a pair of eyes, watching the other party approaching, swallowing his saliva nervously.

I have to be nervous, this is his first robbery, and it is also the first time he has flexed his muscles in his career after leaving the city where he was born.

Come on, come on, let you become Uncle Jialie, the first person under his command to be robbed. Don't worry, Uncle Jialie is very kind, as long as you cooperate obediently, I only want money, not life.

Jia Lie thought secretly in his heart, clenched a somewhat rusty short knife in his hand, and stared fixedly at the one person and one horse who kept running.

Closer, closer.

Twenty meters, fifteen meters, ten meters, five meters!

"Stop for me, robbery!"

With a loud cry, Jialie rushed out and slashed at the air with all his strength.

Make threats.

His actions had a very good effect, and he saw the man on the horse suddenly pulled the rein of the horse, stopped the horse, and looked at him with a complicated expression.

The other party is afraid, right? Yes, must be afraid!

Jialie thought of it with certainty, and his heart was settled.


Li Cha, who was riding on the horse, raised his eyebrows. After watching the robber who jumped out suddenly for a long time, he finally confirmed that the other party was not joking with him.

In fact, he saw the other party hiding behind the stone pile from a distance. He was wondering what the other party was doing, but he really didn't expect that the other party was planning to rob him—to rob him of a wizard.

what is this? Think his journey is boring, do you want to adjust it specially?

In other words, after getting rid of the home that concealed his identity and arriving at the port on a big ship, Sherlock separated from him. On the one hand, it takes a lot of time for the other party to unload the goods from the big ship. On the other hand, it will take more time for the opponent to organize a convoy, hire enough guards to protect the convoy, and escort him and the goods back to his family.

Naturally, he would not wait for the other party all the time, so he separated from the other party and started on the road alone.

In the first few days, a person is indeed a bit boring, but it doesn't affect him too much. In the past few days, based on the knowledge he got from the Black Spirit King, he is studying a very interesting and useful subject, so there is really no need for any adjustments.

But the other party still appeared.

So... let's solve it as soon as possible, don't waste too much time.

Thinking about it, Li Cha looked at the robber who came out.

You can see that the other party is wearing a rough linen dress and trying to look fierce, but it is not fierce, but it makes people laugh.

The other party held a knife and approached slowly, and kept talking, whether it was a threat or telling the reason for the robbery: "Boy, don't blame me, you are unlucky to meet me, I have to rob you! Because I'm poor, but I don't want to stay poor like this forever, so I left the city where I was born to fight, so I'm going to make a lot of money to do business, so I want to rob you!"

After hearing this, Li Cha's eyes flickered. To be honest, he had never seen such a righteous robber. Originally, he was planning to throw a fireball there, but now he was planning to change the method.

The other party got closer and closer: "Boy, hand over your things quickly! Don't say that you have no money, my eyes are poisonous, I can tell that you have at least five... no, ten gold coins! Hurry up and hand over your money. As long as I hand it over, I will... Phew!"

Li Cha shot suddenly.

With a flick of the finger, the water vapor in the air quickly condensed into a finger-thick ice pick, which passed through the opponent's crotch like lightning, and pierced a hole in the opponent's pants.

"Hey?" The other party was taken aback, feeling a little cold under the crotch, subconsciously touched it, and couldn't react, looked at Li Cha and asked: "What did you do to me?"

Li Cha didn't speak, and flicked his fingers again.

One click, two clicks, three clicks.


Three icicles flew out, flew past the opponent's face, and hit the large rock behind.


The stone cone was smashed against the stone, but three deep holes also appeared in the stone.

The robber looked at it, swallowed hard, turned to look at Li Cha, his face changed drastically, and he said with difficulty: " are a wizard?!"

Li Cha did not answer, but looked at the other party and said: "You said that your vision is very poisonous, but from the fact that you chose me as your robbery target, it can be seen that your vision is not poisonous, but rather bad. Apart from vision, Your brain also needs to be improved. How many robbers have you seen who robbed alone? If you have the next chance, you should find more people. Of course, you may not have the next chance."

Hearing this, the bandit turned ashen-colored and tremblingly said, "You want to kill me?"

"I wanted to do this at first, but..." Li Cha glanced at the other party, lingering on the other party's pants for a while, and said, "But... now it seems that there is no need for this. The ice pick just now Take it as a warning to you, I hope you don't let me see you again, otherwise... believe me, the result will be very bad."

After speaking, Li Cha slammed his horse vigorously, left quickly, and disappeared into the distance.

After waiting for Li Cha to leave for a long time, the robber Jialie dared to move. His whole body was wet, sweat from fright. The wettest place is the pants under the crotch, which is constantly dripping water to the ground, drop after drop.

That is...

Also sweat!

Jia Lie roared in his heart, seeing that there was no one around, he shrank his neck and left quickly. I kept thinking about Li Cha's words: Are there too few people? Need someone to rob? Is this why it fails? So……



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