Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 722 Dear Master, Hello

Genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? After nearly half a month, Li Cha stayed in the hotel in "Linghua Town" without leaving, constantly testing about Various ideas for energy storage containers.

But the result was not very good, except that many wrong ideas were eliminated, and no obvious progress was made.

He tried to use a variety of materials to make energy storage containers, but most of them can't store free energy elements at all, and a small part can store free energy elements, and there are many defects.

For example, the storage time is too short, the performance is unstable, the conversion efficiency is too low, and so on.

After half a month like this, Li Cha had to leave "Linghua Town", because he had almost finished testing all the materials he could find locally, and needed more, more precious, and rarer materials to test.

"Linghua Town" is just an inconspicuous town on the main continent. Apart from him, there are not many wizards, and the materials are also very common. In order to find suitable materials for making energy storage containers, he can only Go to a more prosperous place.

For example, some large cities, and it is best for this city to be close to ore-rich mountains.

With this in mind, Li Cha headed north, deep into the mainland.


Time passed day by day, and when the purple flowers of the fourth color of the Manse four-color flower were about to wither, Li Cha came to a small town called "Silver Maple Leaf".

Naturally, this small city was not his destination, but just a rest stop on the way.

At noon, Li Cha stopped in front of a tavern in the "Silver Maple Leaf" city, handed the horses to the tavern clerk to feed them, and walked into the lobby.

The lobby of the tavern was overcrowded, and it took him a lot of effort to find a seat near the door.

Walk over, sit down, don't care, and order quickly.

After a while, the ordered food came up, picked up the tableware and started eating.

After eating almost, after a short pause, Li Cha took out a crude map from his pocket, glanced at it, and his eyes fell on a black spot.

It was a city called "Jialan", which was his real destination this time.

While watching, while thinking about how far away it is, he suddenly heard the sound of swallowing saliva from the side.

Li Cha turned his head to look at the place where the sound came from, and saw a beggar in a terrible mess standing at the door of the tavern, looking eagerly at the leftovers on his table. He looked as if he wanted to pounce on him and have a big meal, but he didn't dare, obviously afraid of being beaten up by the owner and clerk of the tavern.

Li Cha shook his head, didn't intend to pay attention, and was about to look away, when he suddenly felt that the other person looked familiar, and his eyes flashed towards him.

The other party sensed something, and looked over, looked at Li Cha's face, then his eyes froze, and he was stunned.

The next moment, the other party was about to turn around and run away in a panic, but he didn't know if he was too hungry or his feet were weak from fright, and he sat down outside the door with a "plop".

The other party was none other than the robber who had tried to rob Li Cha.

Li Cha looked at the other party and asked aloud, "What's your name?"

"Jia... Jialie." The other party tremblingly said.

"Then do you still remember what I told you before?" Li Cha asked, "It should be more than half a month from now, not too short, but I hope you haven't forgotten it."

"No... I haven't forgotten." Jia Lie looked like he was about to cry, not daring to hide anything, and said honestly, "My lord wizard, I remember everything you said to me. You said 'if Let me see you a second time, I must have ended badly'."

"Indeed." Li Cha said, looking at Jia Lie, "Then why did you appear in front of me? To be honest, I'm not very kind."

" want to kill me?" Jia Lie was startled and became extremely nervous.

"Maybe." Richard said.

After hearing this, only the lower half of Jialie's body was paralyzed, but now the upper half of his body also went limp, and he burst into tears, crying: "Witch...Master Wizard,

I... was really wrong, I really didn't recognize it was you just now. Give me another chance, I'll get out of here right away, so far away that you can't see me at all.

Master Wizard, please take pity on me. I have been living for more than half a month, so don't really let me die. Let me tell you, I left the city where I was born in order to get ahead. I really had no money, so I thought about robbing, but I ran into you.

After failing once, I followed your example and called a lot of people to rob a convoy in an attempt to make a fortune. Unexpectedly, as soon as we met, the companions I called ran away without loyalty, causing me to be beaten by dozens of people from the team, and I failed for the second time.

After being beaten, I hung my breath and ran to a nearby city. In my heart, I have given up on robbery, but I need money to treat my injuries, so I have no choice but to steal. When I was very unlucky, when I was stealing something, I was touched by a female devil, and I was beaten even worse, my arm was broken, and I failed for the third time.

At that time, I already felt that I couldn't live anymore. Who knows, a few days later, a kind person came and gave me a silver coin. I was thinking, maybe I got lucky, and ended up being bullied by thieves with gangs in the city. Not only did they rob me of my money, but they also beat me up again. Look at my arms, they are all like this. "

While talking, Jialie shook his arm and saw an exaggerated angle.

The tragic image of Jialie, combined with what he said, can be said to be "the one who hears it is sad and the one who listens to tears", which is tragic to a certain extent.

But Li Cha's heart didn't fluctuate much, and he didn't react until he heard what Jia Lie said later.

Then I heard Jia Lie say again: "Master Wizard, I have given up. I don't want to go out and get ahead at all. I just want to go back to the city where I was born, even if I have been a miner in Jialan City all my life. I also admit it. I was really wrong, so please forgive me and let me go back."

"Huh? Jialan City?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows and asked aloud.

"Ah, yes." Jia Lie nodded in a daze after hearing this, "I was born there, and now I plan to go back there."

"Is that so?" Li Cha narrowed his eyes, paused, and said, "Actually, I was planning to go to that place because of some things."

"Uh..." Jia Lie blinked hard, but some didn't react, and didn't know what to say.

Li Cha continued: "One problem is that Jialan City is relatively unfamiliar to me. Going there, doing some trivial things may waste a lot of my time, so I need a servant who is familiar with Jialan City to come Serve me."

Now that Jialie understood, he stood up with a "swipe", ran into the tavern quickly, and fell to the ground with a "boom". Then with a "slap", he kissed Li Cha's boots hard.

"Master, the greatest wizard, your loyal servant Galiel is here, may I help you?" Galiel said very seriously.

Seeing Jia Lie's appearance, Li Cha nodded incredulously. Aside from the exaggerated performance of the other party, at least the other party has gone through a series of trials and tribulations, and his mind is much brighter than before.

This time, when he went to Jialan City, it would really save a lot of trouble if there was such a person to handle trivial matters.

The next moment, Li Cha looked at Jia Lie and asked, "Are you sure you want to be my servant?"

"Very sure, respectable lord wizard, um no, it's the master." Gallet said, "I can serve you whatever you need, master."

"Alright then." Richard said, looking at Jia Lie, "All you have to do now is to take a shower, change clothes, eat a meal, then find a doctor to check the injury, and finally follow me out of the city. "

After finishing speaking, Li Cha threw out a gold coin: "This is money for you, I hope you will not disappoint me, I will wait for you here in two hours."

Jia Lie carefully caught the gold coin, looked at Li Cha, kowtowed vigorously, then turned around and rushed out of the tavern the next moment.

Two hours... No, it took only one hour for Galliet to come back in a new look. He changed into a burlap dress, and the injured right arm had been adjusted by the doctor and tied with a thick white cloth.

Putting the remaining twenty-four silver coins on the table carefully, Jia Lie looked at Li Cha and said, "Master, I've finished everything you entrusted to me. Do you have any other orders?"

"Keep the money in your hands, and follow me." Richard said, turned and left the tavern.

Jia Lie glanced at the twenty-four silver coins on the table, hesitated for a while, but finally put them in his pocket, and then chased Li Cha out of the tavern.

Not long after, the two rode their horses, left Silver Maple Leaf City, and headed north.

The north, Jialan City, is getting closer.

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