Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 726 Jialan City

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? It's dawn.

"Da da da……"

With the sound of horseshoes, Li Cha and Jia Lie rode into Jialan City.

Jialan City is located in the southern part of the main continent, thousands of miles away from the nearest seaport, it has broken away from the coastal area, and belongs to an inland city—a typical inland city.

Because of the surrounding undulating terrain, the traffic is not very developed, thus preventing the rapid development of Jialan City, making Jialan City down to now, it is only a medium-sized city.

However, there are disadvantages as well as advantages, because Jialan City is surrounded by mountains on three sides and has unimaginable ore resources, so the local people basically have a lot of income without hard work. Of course, most of the income was shared by the nobles, and only the little food scraps left between the teeth would be distributed to ordinary people.

Most of the residents rely on the hard work of mining in the mountains in exchange for a certain amount of money to meet their living needs. This is better than farmers in other places who depend on the sky to eat. After all, their income is stable, but it is also difficult to find a good way out.

Jia Lie was aware of this, so he left Jialan City and went out alone, hoping to make a name for himself.

But obviously, he underestimated the danger of the outside world and overestimated his own luck. He was hit one after another and became a beggar.

Fortunately, fate did not abandon him completely, and gave him a chance at the last moment, gave him a job, and allowed him to return to Jialan City.

Becoming a wizard's servant, there is a gap between this job and Galiel's dream, but it is better than all the jobs he has experienced. Therefore, Jialie worked hard to do everything he was told, hoping to do this job long enough.


"Da da da……"

The sound of horseshoes sounded in Jialan City, and Jia Lie led Li Cha to watch the idle courtyard in Jialan City.

This is Li Cha's request.

Since he came to Jialan City, he planned to stay for a while, so he must find a place to live.

At this time, Jialie, who was riding a horse, carefully pulled the rein of the horse and controlled the horse to stop.

After successfully stopping the horse, Jia Lie breathed a sigh of relief, wiped off his sweat quietly, and turned to look at Li Cha who was easily parked aside. Pointing to a courtyard on the street, he introduced it: "Master, look, this is the largest unused courtyard in the city, and it is said that it is a nobleman with a title.

Because this nobleman left Jialan City and went to a bigger city in the north, he entrusted the courtyard to his friend for sale. The price should be about 1,200 gold coins, if you want, you can lower the price to around 1,000 gold coins. "

When Li Cha heard this, he raised his eyebrows.

According to the purchasing power of gold coins in Jialan City, one thousand gold coins is roughly equivalent to 1.8 million to 2.2 million yuan on the earth. At such a price, buying a courtyard of more than 1,000 square meters is considered very cheap. but……

Li Cha shook his head.

Seeing Li Cha shaking his head, Jia Lie asked cautiously: "Master, do you think the price is too high?"

"No." Li Cha looked at the carriages and sidewalks passing by from time to time on the street, "The price is not an issue, the main reason is that this place is too lively. I don't like lively places. The more remote the courtyard, the better, so as to save people from being disturbed. "

"Is that so?" Jia Lie nodded after hearing this, feeling a little weird in his heart. He didn't understand the harm of being a bit more lively, but it could only be attributed to the fact that wizards don't like to be in contact with people.

After thinking for a while, Jialie said: "There is another courtyard in Beicheng, which is a little smaller than this one, but because of the remote location, it is really deserted. Master, why don't you go and have a look?"

"Then go and have a look." Li Cha said.

"Yes." Jia Lie said, gently patted the horse's buttocks to make the horse move, tightly grasped the horse's reins to prevent it from falling, and took the lead to walk far away.

Li Cha followed behind, seeing Jia Lie's cautious manner on the horse, he knew in his heart that Jia Lie's caution was not because of timidity, but because of poor riding skills.

As a commoner, there is a natural gap between Jialie and the nobles.

Opportunities for horseback riding are rare. Without long practice, it is good to be able to ride a horse without falling off.

After riding on the road to Jialan City, Jialie's riding skills have improved, but he has only reached the entry level, and caution is a must.

After all, the risk of riding a horse is not low. If you don't maneuver well, falling off the horse will at least cause a minor injury.

If it is more serious, it will fall off the horse and die.

In the history of the earth, whether it is the East or the West, there are not a few people who died of falling horses, and celebrities are not immune. For example: King Huailiang of the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Gao Yan of Northern Qi Zhao, Genghis Khan recorded in "The Secret History of the Yuan Dynasty", William I, the "King of Conqueror" of the Norman Dynasty in England, etc.

In a sense, riding a horse is more dangerous than driving a car on Earth.

It is worth mentioning that in the current world, even wizards still rely on horses for long-distance travel on land, and have not developed other means of transportation. The horned eagle, griffin, and wyvern are completely invisible, and the teleportation array only exists in legends.

This obviously hinders the communication between wizards and restricts the emergence of higher-level wizard civilizations. As for whether it can be improved in the future, it is unknown.


Thinking about this, Li Cha followed Jialie to another courtyard in the north of the city.

It can be seen that the size of this courtyard is much smaller, there are dense cracks on the wall, and weeds grow from the cracks in the door, which is very dilapidated.

Jia Lie introduced in a loud voice: "Master, this is the courtyard I told you about. It used to be a wealthy businessman who bought this courtyard after making some money. But because he offended someone, he was banned. Killed, the courtyard will be inherited by a collateral relative of the other party.

The collateral relatives who inherited the house have always wanted to sell it, but the asking price is very high, at least 1,000 gold coins, so no one has bought it until now. If Master wants it, six hundred gold coins should be enough. "

After hearing Jialie's words, Li Cha didn't make a sound, but looked around, and his eyes fell on a stone building not far away.

The stone building is four stories high. Standing on the top floor of the stone building, you can see everything in the courtyard clearly.

Li Cha frowned slightly, then shook his head, and said to Jia Lie: "Not here, there is a risk of being peeped. The place I plan to live in, besides being quiet, must be kept secret, and no one can be peeped at."

"This..." Jiali's expression became a little tangled, "Master, there must be a courtyard that meets your needs, but it is not easy to find in this city, at least a day or two. go to the city Besides, buy a manor."


"Yes, the manor." Gallet said, "As far as I know, there are a few small manors that are quiet and safe from prying eyes. After all, they are surrounded by fields, but the problem is... the price is a bit expensive."

"How expensive?"

"The cheapest one is two thousand gold coins." Jia Lie said cautiously. In his eyes, this is a huge sum of money that he will never earn in his life.

Who knew that Li Cha nodded his head lightly, and said: "Two thousand gold coins, then it's not a problem, let's go and have a look." After speaking, Li Cha rode out of the city.

Jia Lie was taken aback, and quickly followed, looking at Li Cha's back, his eyes flickering. After reviewing Li Cha's words, he suddenly realized that the wizard master he served might be richer than he had imagined.

Maybe...Unknowingly, he hugged a thigh?


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