Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 736 My name is Popo Bovich

Genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? Thinking of this, Li Cha's eyes brightened, walked to the wall, turned off the rotating metal fan blades with the control panel, and recycled A metal target and a miniature spell-tracking missile body have been added, and it is planned to be improved in the future.

After that, he called Jia Lie and asked the other party to send a few servants to clean up the wind tunnel laboratory, ready for the next use, and walked out of the wind tunnel laboratory.

After walking out, it was dusk, and the sun was setting towards the west. The earth was dyed golden by the sun, and the small lake in the manor in the distance was as bright as a bronze mirror.

Li Cha took a few deep breaths, moved his body, and was about to return to work in the stone building. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Harry and Cathy standing under a tree on one side, looking at him eagerly.

In other words, after the completion of the wind tunnel laboratory, Harry and Cathy lost their jobs as supervisors. On weekdays, people who come to Blue Lake Manor are assigned random chores, and most of the time they don't even have chores, just wandering around in the manor. I hope to meet Li Cha in a good mood and give them a few words of guidance. This is how it is now.

Li Cha glanced at the two of them, moved his eyebrows, walked over, and was about to say something, but found that the expressions of Harry and Cathy were not normal.

The two had obviously been waiting for him for a long time, and they looked like they had something to say.

"What? What's the matter?" Li Cha asked.

"It's like this, teacher." The boy Harry said with difficulty, biting the bullet, "Our other teacher wants to meet you, and there is something he wants to talk to you about...."

"Another teacher of yours?" Li Cha was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that it should be a wizard from the Ashes Academy. He talked about it when he met Marquis Wei'an before.

He couldn't help being a little strange, and asked aloud: "That teacher of yours, why did you want to meet me, and what did you want to talk to me about? I shouldn't have had any contact with him, right?"

"It's like this, teacher." Harry said, "Our other teacher, Mr. Vech, thinks that what you teach us is a bit impractical, so..."

By the end, Harry's voice became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

Cathy tapped Harry's side ribs lightly with her elbow, took the conversation, and said to Richard, "Teacher, it's actually Mr. Vitch's teaching method, which is somewhat different from yours. I want to discuss it with you."

"So that's how it is." Li Cha nodded after hearing this, and had roughly guessed what was going on. He smiled and said, "That's kind of interesting."

To be honest, he really didn't expect that giving Harry and Cathy popular science knowledge of philosophy would lead to such trouble. However, he wasn't too afraid of asking for help.

Not to mention, according to Marquis Wei'an's report, the wizards of the Ashes Academy are only at the level of first-level wizards, and it doesn't matter if they are more powerful. After all, Marquis Vian, who asked him to teach Harry and Cathy—the father of the two didn't say anything, and the other was a teacher, so he was really not qualified to intervene.

Li Cha looked at Cathy, and he now knew that Cathy, who was a little taller, was actually his younger sister—it was indeed because she grew up earlier that she was taller than Harry.

However, Cathy is not only taller, but also more courageous than Harry, more lively and sensible. In comparison, Harry really looked like a younger brother. But Harry was still unconvinced. In private, he had heard Harry emphasize that he was an older brother more than once, and then Cathy rolled his eyes and ignored him.

Li Cha turned to Cathy and asked, "Your Mr. Wei Qi, when did you come to discuss with me?"

"He said that he will come today. The specific time is after he has finished handling some affairs of the college..." Cathy said, but in the middle of her words, suddenly a servant from the manor ran over and reported to Richard.

"Master, there is a carriage parked outside the manor, saying that it is from some Ashes Academy, and it is looking for you."

"Okay." Li Cha glanced at Cathy and Harry and said, "It seems that your Mr. Vicki has arrived."

"Teacher, you won't fight with Mr. Vitch, will you?" Harry asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, it won't." Richard said, after thinking about it for a while, he added, "Of course, the premise is that your Mr. Vitch didn't come here on purpose."


After saying that, Li Cha stepped forward and walked straight to the outside of the manor, and then at the gate of the manor, he saw the wizard Vicki standing beside a carriage.

To be honest, before seeing the other party, Li Cha guessed in his heart that the other party would be an old-fashioned old man in his sixties. Wearing a dark robe, with wrinkled face and serious expression, it looks like no one is pleasing to the eye.

Who knows, the other party is not old, actually very young, only about thirty years old. He was wearing a bright blue robe, clean and generous, as if he was a little bored waiting, at this time the other party was leaning on the carriage and watching a flock of birds passing by in the sky.


Hearing the sound of footsteps, the other party looked back and turned to look.

Seeing Li Cha, he first took a few glances, and then looked at Harry and Cathy who were following behind Li Cha.

The other party raised his eyebrows and waved quickly: "Harry, Cathy, come to me."

Harry and Cathy looked at each other, looked at each other, and then at Li Cha, but did not dare to move.

The other party frowned, turned to look at Li Cha, and said angrily: "You are that wizard Li Cha, right? How did you teach my students to scare them into such a state? Did you physically punish them?"

"I don't. The way I teach them is to tell them something and let them think for themselves." Richard said, then looked at the other party, and asked, "By the way, you are Wizard Vicki, right?"

"Yes, I am Vicky." Fang Zheng said, "full name is Bobobo Vitch."

When Li Cha heard the other party's name, he was slightly taken aback, with a strange expression on his face: "Bobobo Weiqi?"

"It's Popovich, not Popovich." The other party corrected angrily.

"Bobobo Vitch?"

"Bobo Bo Vitch!"

"Bobo Bovich?"

"It's not Popovich, but..." the other party said angrily, and suddenly swallowed half of the words, "Uh, well, it's Popovitch, you're right."

Li Cha couldn't help shaking his head, and said, "I'll call you Wizard Witch."

"Whatever, I'm used to it." The other party said, "I'm just wondering, is my name really so difficult to pronounce?"

"I heard that Wizard Vicky came to me to discuss with me about teaching Harry and Cathy?" Richard asked.

"Yes." Popo Bovich said, "I doubt it, you, the second teacher, do you have ulterior motives? They are all children, why teach them something that is useless and easy to make them go wrong? Something you don’t understand? Fortunately, I discovered it early and could stop you in time, otherwise I don’t know what wrong path you will lead the two children..."

Next, Popo Bovich spoke with righteous indignation.

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