Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 743: 7-Color Potion

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? In the attic.

Bobobo Weiqi stared at the box on the ground for a long time, showing some exclamation, and said slowly: "How long has it been? Hey, Jialan is really a comfortable I almost forgot why I came here in the first place, I almost forgot everything before, I really want to stay like this forever.

In fact, it's not bad to stay forever. After all, the clues to that matter have been cut off, and it is almost impossible to find the truth again. Then here in Jialan, be a teacher with peace of mind, and teach the students, it's very good. "

"Of course!" Bobobo Weiqi's expression of sighing stopped, and he became a little bit gnashing his teeth, "As a teacher, I want to be the best, and I decided not to tolerate the rest, and use some unreasonable principles to delay my progress. Hmph, before It is true that the debate cannot be said, but if there is a fight now, it is not necessarily the opponent.

After all, according to the information given by Wei An, that guy is just a newly promoted third-level wizard, or better, that is, the low-level level of a third-level wizard. And I, heh heh, it seems that I am indeed a first-level wizard now, but if I show my real level, I will surpass the low-level third-level wizard! Far more than the! "

"Then let you know how powerful it is. Facts prove everything, right? Then let you know that the knowledge taught is the most useful! After all, it's not me asking for trouble, it's all about you That said, I didn't force you."

After finishing speaking, Bobobo Weiqi took a deep breath, waved his hand, and with a "crash", the iron chains tied to the surface of the box broke in unison.


Popobovic reached out and pressed the surface of the box, injecting mana into it.


The lid of the box opened automatically, revealing the many things inside.

First of all, on top of everything is a set of sky blue wizard robes, embroidered with patterns of gold and silver, with special patterns on the neckline and cuffs, very gorgeous.

Popo Bovich took out the wizard robe and put it on, his aura changed and became sharper.

Then Popovich took out three rings inlaid with gemstones, two bracelets with magic patterns, a pendant tied with a string, and a short gray staff from the box.

With all these things equipped on his body, Popo Bovich's momentum changed again, becoming unstoppable.

However, at this time, the fluctuation of mana displayed by Popo Bovich is still at the level of a first-level wizard. Even with the help of many luxurious spells and props, whether he can defeat the second-level wizard is in doubt.

But Bobobo Weiqi was unhurried, and looked at the bottom of the box, and saw a small wooden box inside.

Carefully take out the wooden box, open it, revealing more than twenty bottles of potions of different colors densely arranged in the wooden box.

Reaching out, picked up a bottle of purple potion, opened the bottle, Bobobo Weiqi sniffed it carefully, frowned, and said to himself: "It smells bad, it can't be too long, bad Did it fall?"

"No, no, the potion I prepared myself, how can it be so easy to break? Yes, it must be an illusion, an illusion." Popo Bovich shook his head and said, sending the purple potion into his mouth, taking small mouthfuls sipping.

After taking the first sip, Popovich's entire face wrinkled into a chrysanthemum.

After taking a second sip, the chrysanthemum seemed to have been ravaged by a heavy rain.

After taking the third sip, Chrysanthemum was directly run over by the carriage.


After taking the last sip of potion with difficulty, the expression on Popo Bovich's face no longer looked like a chrysanthemum at all, because no chrysanthemum was iron blue.

"Ugh! Ugh!"

There was a retching sound in his throat, and Popobovic covered his mouth hard, making a vague sound, and still talking to himself: "It's not bad, it's really not bad, I'm sure it's not...vomit!"

Before he finished speaking, Popo Bovich staggered,

When he reached the corner of his mouth, he began to spit out.

After vomiting up everything he ate in the morning, Bobobo Weiqi stopped, walked back to the original place with a pale face, and continued to speak stiffly: "The medicine is indeed not bad, but it is because it has not been used for a long time, and the body is not used to it. Well, that must be the case."

After saying that, Bobobo Weiqi looked at the medicine bottles in the wooden box, picked them up one by one, opened the stopper and sniffed hard, trying to distinguish them.

A few minutes later, the potion bottle was divided into two parts by him, and each part looked like a dozen bottles.

The part inside the wooden box is what he thinks is safe to take, and the part outside the wooden also safe to take, but his body may not be used to it for the time being.

Looking at the potion in the wooden box, Popo Bovich glanced at his mouth, and said: "It's a little less than expected, but it's enough. Although it can't show the strongest strength, it can be used to More than enough for that guy. Well, more than enough."

After saying that, Bobobo Weiqi picked up the medicine in the wooden box, and poured one bottle after another into his mouth. As the last bottle of potion entered his stomach, Popovich's aura suddenly increased.

Level 1 wizard!

The pinnacle of a first-level wizard!

Level 2 wizard!

The pinnacle of the second-level wizard!

Level 3 wizard!

Intermediate Level 3 Wizard!


Bobobo Weiqi made a sound in his mouth, moved his body, felt his physical condition, nodded in satisfaction, and said very confidently: "Tsk, with my current strength, I don't believe it, Jialan City Anyone can fight against me! If this is the case, then let's compete and see who is the stronger teacher!"

After speaking, Popo Bovich rushed out of the attic window and flew out of the academy.

At this time, Popobovitch's student, Jessica, a freckled witch apprentice, was walking out of the stone building on the side of the attic. Seeing Popobovitch flying out, it was not too much Surprised, he just asked quickly: "Teacher, the dinner is ready, don't you go out after eating? By the way, you promised me that when you have dinner today, tell me a good story. How did you refute that? What about Li Cha's?"

"Don't worry, I'll talk about it later!"

"Then I'll wait for you."


After two simple rounds of dialogue, Popovich has already flown away.

The female apprentice Jekassie watched Popo Bovich leave, waved her hand, turned and walked back to the stone building. After walking back to the stone building, he glanced at the food that had just been set on the table, shrugged, removed them one by one, put them back in the pot to keep warm, and then lay down on the table to wait.

She believed that Popo Bovich would be back in a moment, just a moment.

well, maybe...


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