Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 757 I am a devil, you are a devil

The man in black stared at the short-haired woman, and said coldly and hoarsely: "I don't agree with your opinion. I admit that there are quite a few of you, but it seems that you are easier to fool than I thought, or you are too confident.

You have laid such a large net in the south of Jialan City, even the blind can see it, and you still think I will crash into it?

You may think that I was determined to escape, trying to escape to the coast and leave by boat. But how could I be so stupid to do something that you have thought of for a long time? So, I just made a small circle in Jialan City, and got rid of most of you, almost completely getting rid of you.

It's a pity that my luck was a little bit bad in the end, just like what was said in that book - for an undead person like me who was abandoned by Hades, my soul has been sold to the devil, and I won't be liked by any living beings, including the goddess of luck, So at the last moment, I met you who stayed behind.

But it doesn't matter anymore, if I kill you, I will be free, and I will be able to completely escape your pursuit. "

"Mr. Sander, so you are determined not to cooperate with us?" The short-haired woman frowned, "I want to tell you that we have sent the signal, and a large number of people are quickly adjusting their deployment positions to surround you again. Jialan City, making it impossible for you to escape. After that, they will quickly rush over to support you and catch you with all their strength. And you were injured again..."

As she spoke, the short-haired woman glanced at the chest of the man in black.

I saw that it was obviously sunken there, and it still smelled of burnt. It was just that they used special weapons and seriously injured each other at the cost of a companion's life.

The short-haired woman looked at the man in black and continued: "Mr. Shande, you should be clear that our attack is fatal to your special physique and will erode your life crazily. You won't last long. So, you Better yet, work with us."

"Save your drool." The black-robed man said disdainfully, staring at the short-haired woman with hockey-puck eyes and said, "I'd rather die than fall into your hands.

Besides, I don't necessarily die, as long as I move fast enough to kill you quickly, and then escape, without being harassed by you continuously, I have at least half the chance of surviving. At that time, it will be you who will have a headache!

I don't know why you have targeted me for no reason from the very beginning, but I will firmly remember everything you have done and will repay you double. "

At the end, the man in black gave a cold smile, and the smile fell into the eyes of the short-haired woman, and he couldn't help but shudder. The next moment, the short-haired woman became murderous, and without hesitation, she yelled "Attack" in her mouth, and attacked with the other two companions.


"call out!"


A fireball with a diameter of more than 20 centimeters, a two-meter-long ice spear, and a purple wind blade all attacked the black-robed man, ready to take advantage of the first move and severely injure the black-robed man.

It would be better if it could kill.

But the man in black looked at it, but he was not afraid at all. With a wave of his hand, a large cloud of black air gushed out from under the black robe, solidifying into an energy shield. On the front of the shield, there is a protruding skull with its mouth opening and closing, and green light shining in its eye sockets, which is extremely strange.

The black-robed man held the skull energy shield to meet the attack,

"Bang bang bang" several times, blocking all the attacks. Then put away the shield, squinted at the three short-haired women, and said sharply: "Okay, it's my turn."

After saying those words, a white bone staff was pulled out from the sleeve of the man in black.

It was a very rough bone staff, almost without any polishing or modification, no different from a thigh tibia picked up randomly from the cemetery. But after holding it in the hands of the man in black, the three short-haired women felt mortal danger.

"Let you see my new move." The black-robed man held the bone stick and swung it vigorously. A dense black light was born on the top of the bone stick. It was divided into three strands and shot at the three short-haired women respectively.

The short-haired woman yelled when she saw it, and reminded her companion: "Be careful, be defensive!"

After the words fell, the three short-haired women cast their magic shields at the same time and blocked them.


One of the three black lights hit the short-haired woman's cyan spell energy shield, making a soft noise, and then dissipated without any power.

The short-haired woman couldn't help being taken aback, and turned her head slightly, just as she saw another companion looking at her with surprise and doubt on her face, obviously encountering the same situation.

In an instant, the short-haired woman guessed a possibility, turned her head suddenly, looked at the second companion who was far away from her, and warned loudly: "Morton, be careful!"

She reminded a little late.

The third and last burst of black light, after hitting the blue energy shield in front of the man named Morton, did not dissipate, and expanded rapidly with a "bang", turning into a large amount of black air.

Then, two slender arms condensed out of the black air. At the end of the arms, there were sharp nails, as sharp as metal blades. They quickly bypassed the shield in front of Morton and easily pierced Morton's back and left rib.

With a "poof", a large group of blood splashed out.

The body of the black-robed man Shande who stayed in place dissipated like a phantom, and appeared behind the male wizard Morton. He grabbed all the splashed blood from Morton's body and absorbed it into his body.


Morton fell to the ground, and Sander's pale face was a little more bloody. He turned his head to look at the short-haired woman, and smiled sinisterly.

"You devil, I will kill you!" Witnessing the tragic death of her companion, the short-haired woman gritted her teeth and yelled. She touched her back with her backhand and drew out two daggers. The surface of the dagger is engraved with cumbersome magic lines, emitting a faint white light, which obviously has some special effect.

Clenching the dagger tightly, the short-haired woman no longer defended conservatively, and cast multiple strengthening spells on her body, stepped on her feet, and rushed towards Shande at high speed.

Sander looked at it, and his whole body turned into a cloud of black air, and he faced the short-haired woman without fear, and a roaring voice came out from the black air: "I am a devil, what are you! I just want to save Sophia , just lived with her, but you killed her! Killed her completely! If I am a devil, then you are more hateful devils than devils!"


The black air collided with the short-haired woman, and the dagger in the woman's hand was shining with silver light, stabbing frantically into the depths of the black air.

While attacking, he said coldly: "What we are has nothing to do with you, you just need to know 'we are right and you are wrong'! You don't understand at all, what is the price of what you do, our Everything I do is for your own good!"

After finishing speaking, the short-haired woman stabbed the dagger at the black air with all her strength, and the light on the dagger soared, piercing the black air directly.

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